Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 405: Closed Loop!

All of this is so smooth, as if things should develop in this way, human beings appear in batches like this, and then die in batches, and then appear in batches again, constantly sitting on the previous things , and keep repeating one thing, that is to break the current rules and look for a more certain future!

Obviously, with the continuous development of batches of human beings, the later batches, the extent to which they can touch the future is only at the end of the month, and the second batch of human beings still have strong spiritual strength.

The third batch of humans only developed technology to the top level. The fourth batch of humans, that is, the current group of humans, has not even developed technology to the top level, and is about to face the crisis of extinction. You can see A generation is not as good as a generation!

So human beings are actually taking a backward path, repeating it constantly, as if there are some rules that constantly restrict and weaken human beings!

These closed loops make human beings keep repeating, reincarnating, and doing the same thing. The closed loops seem to be deliberately weakening the ability of human beings, sealing the power of human beings, and making the world , making this earth more and more complicated, more and more elusive and difficult to see through, as if deliberately trying to cover up everything!

And as human beings are weakened, it becomes more and more difficult for anyone who wants to see through everything, see the true face of the world clearly, and unravel the mystery of the earth.

For example, the second batch of human beings can discover the truth of the world only by seeing through the things left by the previous batch of human beings, and they must see more thoroughly, so they have extraordinary abilities and can communicate with consciousness26, just like Superman-like.

The third group of humans needs to see through the things left by the first two groups of humans, and because the time is too long, everything is too blurred to see everything clearly, so they have not acquired any special abilities, but in terms of technology However, great progress has been made.

And as the fourth batch of human beings, one has to see through the things left by the three batches of humans. At present, as the fourth batch of modern humans, they don't even have the technological things left by the third batch of humans. After careful consideration, we are still following a very primitive and old path.

But it took almost thousands of years just for this. It is conceivable that if you want to figure everything out, relying on the development of human civilization itself, it is very limited and very difficult!

If you want to fully see through the things left by the first three batches of humans and understand them, you don’t know how long it will take. Tens of thousands of years or millions of years may not be the case. By then, the fourth batch of humans must have already No more, the new masters on the earth no longer know which batch of human beings they are, this is absolutely certain.

Although these are just the guesses of these crisis experts, things are conceived according to Jiang Chen's theory, but in people's eyes, they are very logical, and they are also some things that are very likely to happen and come true. These are all completely possible!

As for the existence of Jiang Chen, he seemed to be the Man of Destiny among the fourth batch of humans.

He can accelerate us to see through the whole world more quickly, see the true face of the earth, unravel the mystery of the earth, and figure out whether there is anything left by the previous three batches of humans. He is like a BUG.

This is why it is said that he is the guide, and this is the reason why it is said that there is a future with him. It is conceivable how important Jiang Chen is!

If there is Jiang Chen, then the fourth batch of human beings will make a great leap forward, gradually discover the truth of the world, see the true face of the world, and go to a higher Kangci.

Maybe they will see farther than the third batch of humans and the second batch of humans, and let the fourth batch of humans know everything about it. They will be called the strongest batch of humans in the world, and at the same time break the closed loop of humans, leading humans to ascend Dimension, go to another higher level!

Of course, if something happened to Jiang Chen, the result would be completely different.

History will be completely different, the whole world will have no future, and the fourth batch of human beings will not be able to create miracles, understand the truth of the world, and unravel the mystery of the world.

Like the previous batch of humans, they will completely perish in wars and disasters, complete the closed loop of the fourth batch of humans, become gods in the eyes of the fifth batch of humans, and leave our legends for the fifth batch of humans. , completely covered in dust!

This is the importance of Jiang Chen!

At this point, all the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned, thinking that this matter was very far away from them, but it was extremely close.

The distance lies in whether I am the fourth batch of human beings, whether I am a part of the closed loop, whether I will create the fifth batch of human beings, and go to the road of extinction.

They will still absorb the essence of the first three batches of humans, unravel the mystery of the earth, and understand the true face of the world. It is not important to them, or it is too far away, so far away that they can no longer imagine, and completely Unbelievable level!

After all, this is like what I mentioned before, regarding the feelings of ordinary people about major events, this matter is obviously too big, to the point where it can no longer have any impact on the current human beings, but it has nothing to do with The fate of the entire human race is closely related!

But, as an ordinary person, who would care about the fate of the entire human race? Who would care about the continuation of the entire human civilization?

After all, as long as it is a human being, it only has a lifespan of a few decades.

In the long river of history, this is nothing at all. Even if the fourth batch of human beings are really on the verge of extinction, all the people today will have already been turned into ashes, and it will not have any impact on them at all.

Everyone will naturally not care about these things, this is absolutely certain!

So everyone will feel that this matter is very far away, so far away that you don't even have to imagine it!

For example, scientists now tell everyone that a very huge meteorite has been observed, and it will land on the earth in thousands of years, destroying the entire earth, and destroying the entire human race along with it.

Now who goes back and cares?

Because thousands of years later, let alone me, even my grandson, great-grandson, great-great-great-grandson will all be turned into fly ash, who cares? Who would think that these things will have anything to do with me? ?

No one would think that at all, no one would think that these things would have something to do with them!

Because it is too far away and too impractical. For ordinary people, what they care most about is the current food and clothing problem, as well as the current affairs!

If you tell them that a meteorite will fall to the earth next year and completely destroy human beings, the result will be completely different, showing a completely different state.

Because this will make everyone truly feel that things are related to themselves.

After all, it will be next year, and it is not so far away. Everyone can imagine and experience things, so everyone will feel that these things will have something to do with them, they will care about them, and they will pay attention to them. This is One thing for sure.

The closest thing is that it is very similar to the content of the meteorite impact mentioned above, but it just turned the meteorite into a war.

If this thing happened, and it will happen within the few decades we have left, then it will have a close relationship with you.

Everyone will naturally care about it, pay attention to it, and will also have a sense of crisis, feel the threat brought by the war, and deeply know what kind of chaotic situation the world will fall into at that time Among them, this point is absolutely certain!

So this is why people feel that what these crisis experts say is both close and far away.

In fact, no matter which one it is, it is something that everyone absolutely does not want to experience, because as long as they experience these things, none of them will lead to a good result. This is absolutely certain.

Because these things bring only pain, despair, and destruction, without any positive things, even so, even though many people feel that these things are really far away from them, they still go back to pay attention and care.

Of course, it's a completely different story for the top 20 percent.

Their vision, thinking, and inner thoughts are very different from ordinary people.

They not only have to worry about the present, but also look at the long-term.

After all, there is no force or country that only hopes to exist for decades.

If possible, they would definitely hope that as long as the earth can exist, their power or country will also exist for as long as possible, so their way of thinking and problem solving are completely different from ordinary people.

For the destruction of human beings, it is a situation that they absolutely do not want to see, and they are absolutely not allowed to happen. This is absolutely certain.

There is also war, which is also a kind of consumption and self-weakening. Even if who wins in the end, it will definitely pay a huge price.

After all, once a modern war is fought, a bomb can destroy everything, so even if you win in the end, you are actually a loser. This is why it is said that there are no 460 winners and losers in wars, and everyone dare not fight. They don't even want to go to war!

Of course, for them, they had to go to war.

After all, this battle is about one's own future, one's own survival and status, as well as the control of the fate of mankind. Everyone wants to control everything and become the boss, and who doesn't want to provoke the burden of the fourth batch of humans.

Research something from Jiang Chen's discovery, lead mankind out of the closed loop, and be put on the aura of saving all mankind?

No one wants to have such treatment and honor, so once it is necessary, war will definitely happen, because without Jiang Chen in the middle, without Jiang Chen as the guide as a balance, everything will be out of control.

If there is Jiang Chen, everyone still has a common goal and can fight together, but if there is no Jiang Chen, everything will be completely different, everyone will completely lose the goal of struggle, and become a group without leader State, only compete with each other to strengthen yourself!

So, in fact, from the beginning to the end, all the problems are very simple, it is Jiang Chen!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen's life and death are related to everything, the direction of the future, whether war will happen, and whether the fourth batch of human beings can get out of the closed loop, see the true face of the world, and open the earth. The veil of mystery is related to the fate of all mankind!

However, Jiang Chen's current state made the whole world very worried. The uncertainty of his life and death made people start to panic.

Therefore, even if everyone, all countries and forces know that Jiang Chen's life and death are uncertain, and there is a high possibility that he has already died, they still have to move forward at full speed and rush to the place where the incident happened.

Because, everyone knows very well that Jiang Chen is very important. If Jiang Chen is not dead, then it would be the best to rescue Jiang Chen, and he can also be sold to Jiang Chen. A favor, benefit from it.

Of course, if Jiang Chen is really dead, then as long as he finds Jiang Chen's body, he will be able to find something on his body, or use Jiang Chen's body to exchange for some important benefits!

Therefore, even now, the world's rescue forces still have not stopped for a long time, but they are advancing faster, and everyone is racing against time!.

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