Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 406: Difficult Choice! [Please Subscribe! 】

Therefore, one can imagine how important Jiang Chen is.

He is the pioneer of human progress, and he is destined to be the only person to lead mankind to the future.

If the normal situation continues, there is no doubt that the whole world will belong to Jiang Chen. This is an absolutely certain fact.

As long as Jiang Chen does not have any accidents, then the future world must belong to him, this is absolutely certain!

Whether human beings will be destroyed, or whether they will continue to regress, all depends on Jiang Chen.

If it follows the normal plot, then it must be Jiang Chen who will continue to explore, discover, and solve various problems in the world, and will thoroughly bring the real earth to everyone's eyes.

From then on, human beings have started to progress, and they will not go backwards. Let all human beings evolve and become human beings in the true sense. It may not even be possible to directly evolve from a three-dimensional creature to a four-dimensional creature. This is completely possible, and no one can to deny!

But of course there is a precondition, and this precondition is that Jiang Chen did not have any accidents, and after he has been developing according to his normal line, the reflection and changes brought about are nothing more!

Of course, if this continues to develop, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen will become the leader of all mankind in the future, and it is absolutely certain that he will become the master of all mankind.

And the power that Jiang Chen is in, or the country where Jiang Chen is in, will definitely get huge benefits.

The world structure will undergo a huge reshuffle, and the country where Jiang Chen is located will definitely get the greatest benefit from it, becoming a brand new world hegemon. These ten points are absolutely certain.

That's why, all countries and all forces want to have Jiang Chen!

They all want to become a pivotal existence in the future world, not to be marginalized, and not to become a real small character from now on.

Of course, some people who were originally minor characters also wanted to establish a good relationship with Jiang Chen. In their view, this was a great opportunity for themselves to rise completely.

If Jiang Chen is happy, maybe he will have a place in the future world structure. This is absolutely impossible to deny, and it can happen perfectly, which is recognized by everyone.

As for some small powers or small countries, they are already very weak, and the so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

Some big forces or big countries may still have concerns about whether they should lean towards Jiang Chen one-sidedly, but for some small countries and small forces, they have nothing to lose.

For big countries and big forces, they may have to consider whether they will lose something. For them, standing in line is equivalent to a big gamble, either ascending to heaven, or falling directly into the abyss.

But for some small countries and small forces, this choice is much simpler, and they don't need to think too much at all, and they quickly gave their own answers!

Or it could be said that they simply didn't have the strength to choose and think. Almost all their small powers and small countries put all their wealth and lives on Jiang Chen's body.

Because for them, they have nothing to lose, even if they made a wrong bet, Jiang Chen failed in the end, or something happened to Jiang Chen in the middle of the matter, and things should change, etc. , they will not have much loss.

Because for them, no matter how big the loss is, the situation will not be worse than their current situation!

Of course, if Jiang Chen successfully leads all mankind into a new era and becomes the leader of the next era, then there is no doubt that all these small countries and forces that follow Jiang Chen will also rise to heaven. , resulting in great changes.

Because of Jiang Chen's relationship, Xianyu successfully turned around, stepped onto the world stage, and became a pivotal existence. This is absolutely certain.

So this is an extremely two-level choice. For people in small powers and small countries, it is very easy to make their own judgments. This is absolutely beyond doubt, as long as individuals know what they should do. choose!

It’s like you tell a person who has nothing to give him a lottery ticket. This lottery ticket will be scratched in the near future. It will be nearly 100 trillion US dollars, enough for him to become rich overnight and become the world’s One of the richest people, do you think this person will want this lottery ticket.

There is no doubt that as long as individuals can make the same choice, they will definitely choose to accept the lottery, because after they accept the lottery, as long as they win the lottery in the future, they can directly become upstarts and change their lives. Destiny, from a penniless man to a super rich man.

Of course, even if they don't win the lottery, they won't lose anything, right? Anyway, they already have nothing!

In fact, this is the same reason that small countries and small forces are all determined to stand in line with Jiang Chen.

They are so small that they have nothing, so they regard Jiang Chen as a lottery ticket. As long as they win the lottery in the future, it will be great. Of course, if they don’t win the lottery in the future, they will not have any losses, let alone cause any harm.

So for them, this multiple-choice question is not difficult to choose at all. They have nothing to lose, so they have no worries.

Jiang Xia!

After all, there is a saying that goes well, the more people have, the more they are afraid of losing, that is the case.

Small powers and small countries actually don't have much, so they are not afraid of losing anything at all. They have nothing to lose, or they have completely lost their habits in the current world.

So there is no fear that they will continue to lose something. For them, losing is no longer a loss.

It’s like a man with nothing but cockroaches and mice, if you tell him that you’re going to take something away from him, he’s already nothing but cockroaches and mice, and he still cares if you take away walking something?

He probably wants you to come and clean up all the garbage in the house.

So they are not afraid of losing at all, let alone make a choice in front of an opportunity to rise directly, not to mention, even a three-year-old child knows how to make his own choice!

This is like you find a poor man, you tell him, make a bet with him, if he wins, you will give him inexhaustible wealth.

If he loses, you have to take away a pile of rubbish in his home, which is the same reason.

Obviously, as long as everyone knows how to make a choice, even in a 50-50 situation, everyone will unceremoniously make the choice they think is right.

And the choices made by all of you will be absolutely the same, this is an absolutely certain point, there will never be the slightest difference, this is also an absolutely certain point.

So small countries and these small forces are able to make their own choices in such a short period of time, it is completely very smart, and it is also very in line with their own interests.

This point is absolutely certain, as long as anyone with a little brain can clearly understand this content and know the stakes.

Of course, for the already rich or powerful forces and countries, they will start to worry now.

They are completely different from small countries and small forces. They will think about more things, and they will be afraid of losing what they have now and their status.

So they think very seriously, evaluate very seriously, and make their own choices very carefully. This is absolutely certain!

It's like, you tell a rich man, give him a chance, half of the chance will make him the richest man in the world in the future, and half of the chance will make him become an ordinary person, what do you say to him make a choice?

One side is the desire for the richest man, while the other side is the fear of ordinary people, the fear of losing!

This is the same as the big pot and the big forces only want to make a choice, it will become very difficult, this is absolutely beyond doubt.

They are all calculating the stakes. Of course, what they care most about is whether it is worthwhile to do so, and whether they will directly fall into the bottom of the valley and fall into a place where there is no redemption.

This point is completely (Zhao's good) don't know, so it is very difficult for these existences to make their own choices, this point is absolutely certain!

In fact, we can't blame these big pots and big forces for their indecision. I think no matter who is in such an environment, facing such a problem, they will be very hesitant.

After all, such a choice is nothing more than too difficult for people to make the right choice!

However, even so, they are all very clear that they have to make their own choices.

Otherwise, once Jiang Chen grows up, there is no doubt that the forces following the treacherous minister will definitely grow up, and standing on the world stage is definitely the right point.

Of course, if there are other powerful forces standing on the world stage, there is no doubt that the behemoth standing on the world stage before will definitely step down. This is absolutely certain.

So this is a headache for all the big pots and big forces. They not only want to maintain their current status without losing anything, but they also want to maintain their overlord and leader when the world structure changes drastically in the future. position of the recipient.

For them, this is undoubtedly too difficult, very few people can really make the right choice, this is absolutely certain!.

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