Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 407: Express Your Opinion! [Please Support! 】

However, the major forces and countries are also very clear that if they don't make a choice quickly, there will be no doubt that time will be too late.

If you want to make a choice at that time, you will have no chance. This is absolutely certain, because everyone knows it very well!

This is like a person, when encountering difficulties, if you extend a helping hand to help him at this time, then it will be a gift in the snow, and he will definitely be remembered by the other party.

No matter what the purpose is, when that person grows up, he will definitely help him to a certain extent, and he will also get certain benefits. This is absolutely certain.

But if you try to approach others when they don't need them at all, or put forward some conditions and give some help, then others will not have any gratitude to them, and the gains you want to achieve in the future will definitely be lost. much smaller.

This point is absolutely unquestionable, and it is exactly the same for the major forces and the current situation of the major countries!

At this time, Jiang Chen has not yet fully grown up, so he needs people's support very much.

If you stand in line at this time, it will be a great help to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen will undoubtedly be grateful to him in the future.

Of course, Jiang Chen at this time of 900 has not yet fully grown up, and it is very easy to approach him and express his importance in front of him. This is absolutely certain.

If, when Jiang Chen has fully grown up, and no longer needs the support of others.

If you are going to stand in line at this time, then first of all, to Jiang Chen, you are a completely dispensable character, this is absolutely certain.

Your own value has decreased for Jiang Chen, and the benefits you want to obtain from Jiang Chen will naturally be much less.

The point is that if you want to get closer to Jiang Chen and let Jiang Chen notice yourself when Jiang Chen really grows up, it will become difficult to show your importance.

There is no doubt that a greater price has to be paid to be able to do this.

This is absolutely certain!

Therefore, for the major forces and major countries, their choice time is very limited.

They have to make a choice now, choose to stand in line or not to stand in line.

Otherwise, even if they want to stand in the team later, they probably don't have the strength to go to the team. Now is the best time to maximize the benefits they want. This is absolutely certain.

So for them, the time left for them is actually not much, it can even be said to be very scarce, and they need to make choices that suit themselves within this extremely short time.

But for them, this is undoubtedly a big gamble. If they win, their power will of course be stronger. Of course, if they lose, they will change from the current big power to a small power. Naturally, it is difficult for them accept.

So they need more time to think about it, but the current fact is that Jiang Chen didn't leave them too long, this is a place where all the big forces and those who have fought have difficulty!

Of course, at this time, many big countries and forces, as well as some big families, have already made their own choices.

After Jiang Chen's cruise ship accident broke out, for them, this is a so-called and very suitable opportunity.

If they can grasp this, and give Jiang Chen a real helping hand, then there is no doubt that it will be of great help to Jiang Chen.

As for themselves, there is no doubt that they can sell Jiang Chen a favor, let Jiang Chen know himself, and let Jiang Chen feel his own importance and the kindness he released. Taking this opportunity, they can completely Stand firm in front of Jiang Chen and lay the groundwork for future development!

Therefore, choosing to stand in line at this time, in fact, in the eyes of many big forces and big countries, it is simply perfect, and it must not be missed.

If you miss it, there may be no next time at all, so many big forces (cgfa) and big countries directly stood up [meaning to stand in line with Jiang!

Of course, when faced with this opportunity, even many countries that have not yet decided whether to stand in line began to hesitate.

They clearly knew that their time was running out, and they couldn't be dragged down by their indecision, so they actually made their own choices very quickly.

And their choice is also very correct. Hesitation is because they are afraid of putting all their treasures on Jiang Chen and want to leave a way out for themselves, so they did not wholeheartedly stand in line for Jiang Chen, but they did not forget Show your kindness to Jiang Chen.

Even if they didn't stand in the team, they were still relying on Jiang Chen's team, so they also made a choice, but it was another choice between standing in the team and not standing in the team!

Of course, this choice will not have a particularly large impact on them.

If Jiang Chen is really successful and really leads the world to another dimension and sublimates the entire human race, they have also supported Jiang Chen and shown their kindness to Jiang Chen, so they will not be rejected by Jiang Chen If you leave it behind, you can still move forward with Jiang Chen.

It's just that the position in Jiang Chen's mind may be lowered. Of course, there is a point that they will not have any losses.

Because even if Jiang Chen fails, they won't suffer any losses, they can completely turn to the other side at any time, but there is a little bit of grass in it.

So for them, this is actually the best choice.

If they are forced to make a good choice, it is estimated that in their current state, they will never be able to make any other better choices. These ten points are absolutely beyond doubt.

So the choice they have made so far is perfect for them!

It can be said that after Jiang Chen's cruise ship was killed, the tsunami encountered and people all over the world knew that Jiang Chen was also involved, the whole world was stirred up, and everyone paid attention to this disaster.

Of course, in the eyes of all major forces and countries, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a chance to get close to Jiang Chen and win Jiang Chen!

The point is, this opportunity to get close to Jiang Chen, win Jiang Chen's favor, and choose to stand in a team is a very good opportunity in the eyes of the major forces, no matter whether they are small, large, or middle-level countries. The things that need to be paid are also very small, nothing more than sending a rescue team to search and rescue!

Therefore, the major forces and countries, no matter whether they are big or small, actually dispatched their own rescue teams to search and rescue Jiangnong in the first place.

At this time, they not only hope that Jiang Chen will survive, but they are also indirectly expressing their attitude to the world and Jiang Chen.

And the size of the rescue team they sent, you can see the attitude they want to express, which is actually very obvious!.

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