Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 420: Dangerous!

At this moment, Zhou Zhiyao came to a position not far from Captain Jack. Everyone present was shocked and sighed. After all, Zhou Zhiyao's strength and physical fitness were too strong. It was beyond everyone's expectations.

It is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination, this point is absolutely certain, because no one thought that Zhou Zhiyao could jump so much, it must be known that this distance is already unbelievable for normal people.

In the swaying cruise ship, under the terrifying atmosphere, coupled with the emotional impact of the surrounding dangers, anyone else would definitely not be able to achieve what Zhou Zhiyao has achieved now. One thing for sure!

Not to mention using the sliding shovel to glide in the air, throwing himself out directly, and rushing into the bar on the third floor.

This is obviously more difficult, and the difficulty is also as huge as the previous ones. This is absolutely certain.

So if you want to achieve this point similar to Zhou Zhiyao, let alone on the spot, even if you search in the live broadcast room and around the world, you probably won't be able to find the second one. These ten points are absolutely certain. 26 Because what Zhou Zhiyao showed just now is not only the strength of her personal ability, but also the strength of her overall quality. This is absolutely certain. For example, Zhou Zhiyao is not only very strong in her personal ability, but also In addition, Zhou Zhiyao's mental quality, physical coordination is also very strong!

Zhou Zhiyao, who is very powerful in all abilities, can be said to be the most capable existence in the world besides Jiang Chen who can complete the current task.

Perhaps in this world, there are many people who are stronger than Zhou Zhiyao, this is undeniable and absolutely certain.

But people with stronger personal abilities than Zhou Zhiyao may not be as strong as Zhou Zhiyao in terms of psychological endurance. It should be known that Zhou Zhiyao was a person who walked with 1 Jiang Chen, encountered countless dangers, and resolved countless dangers.

She even fought against wildlings in Shennongjia, and her psychological quality has grown to a terrifying level under Jiang Chen's training.

It is precisely because Zhou Zhiyao has a strong psychological quality that she can show her full strength and strength in this terrifying and dangerous environment!

If it were someone else who was more capable than Zhou Zhiyao to face the current crisis, in such an environment, the psychological endurance would definitely not be able to bear it, and naturally he would not be able to exert his full strength in this line of work. .

And there are people with stronger psychological qualities than Zhou Zhiyao, not without them, but they are definitely not as good as Zhou Zhiyao in terms of personal abilities. Even if they have strong psychological qualities, they have no courage and strength at all in such a dangerous environment To complete the task, this is absolutely certain!

Therefore, if you look at Zhou Zhiyao's ability separately, it is actually nothing at all. In this world, there are many people who are stronger than Zhou Zhiyao. This is absolutely certain.

But one thing is certain, even if it is considered individually, people who are older than Zhou Zhiyao do drink a lot.

For example, in terms of strength, Zhou Zhiyao is definitely not as good as a Hercules, in terms of technology, Zhou Zhiyao is not as good as his master, in terms of coordination, his ability is definitely not as good as a stuntman and a contortionist, and in terms of psychological construction and quality. He is definitely not as good as a professional psychiatrist!

However, Zhou Zhiyao's ability will definitely not be weaker than them too much, and they are already top-notch, and the person who combines so many advantages with powerful and top-notch qualities

But there are very few. I

After all have you ever heard of a Hercules Jiu-Jitsu? No!.

So what makes Zhou Zhiyao outstanding is not her ability to show alone, what makes her outstanding is that she dabbles in everything, and can reach the top level in any genre, as if she has learned all martial arts in the world.

In the face of any different difficulties and dangers, these martial arts will start to play a role. Each of them learns from each other's strengths and complements each other, and they can overcome difficulties and dangers more skillfully. This is absolutely certain!

So everyone present was impressed by Zhou Zhiyao's ability, and no one dissatisfied with Zhou Zhiyao, even the audience in the live broadcast room, even the audience in front of all the TV live broadcast rooms in the world, couldn't help but exclaimed .

People couldn't help but nod for Zhou Zhiyao's ability. After all, no one thought that Zhou Zhiyao, who seemed thin and harmless to humans and animals, actually contained such a huge power in his body, and the impact it brought to everyone was too great. Like a superwoman running out of a movie, this is absolutely certain!

However, Zhou Zhiyao didn't care about this at all. After she jumped into the water, she was still a few meters away from Captain Jack himself, because the undercurrent in the cabin was too powerful.

In addition, Captain Jack himself doesn't have much physical strength. After fighting against the undercurrent for so long, his physical strength is getting stronger and stronger, while the undercurrent is getting stronger and stronger. This is simply two extremely unbalanced forces. confrontation!

For Captain Jack, the undercurrent is completely crushing him, but he has no way out, he can only desperately fight against the undercurrent, but it is obvious that Captain Jack will never 303 be undercurrent even if he tries his life. opponent.

So before he knew it, the strength of his struggle and confrontation began to decrease, while the strength of the undercurrent continued to increase, which also caused Captain Jack to start to be pushed by the undercurrent without knowing it. Backed away, getting farther and farther away from the elevator gate, and that's why?

Even though Zhou Zhiyao had calculated the distance, after jumping into the water, she was still some distance away from Captain Jack, because even though Zhou Zhiyao had calculated the distance, she did not. Keep going back.

As a result, when Zhou Zhiyao jumped into the water, Captain Jack began to retreat continuously, causing Zhou Zhiyao's calculations to be wrong and deviated, so after Zhou Zhiyao jumped off, there was a huge distance from Captain Jack!

Of course, the most important thing is that the situation of Captain Jack is very critical at this moment. It is no exaggeration to say that if Captain Jack is not rescued quickly, Captain Jack may die directly soon.

For the current Captain Jack, time is completely life, because now Captain Jack is exhausted, and he is about to give up fighting against the undercurrent. Blurred, the whole person was pushed and shoved by the undercurrent, and his life was seriously threatened!.

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