Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 421: Indispensable!

The current situation is very dangerous for Captain Jack. Captain Jack's willpower is already very strong. As a captain, he has a very large sea experience and a very large knowledge of self-help.

That's why he has been able to hold on until now. If it were any other ordinary person, he would probably have fainted by now, and it is absolutely impossible to hold on. taller than an adult.

At this time, you not only have to swim continuously, which consumes a lot of physical strength, but you also have to fight against the undercurrent, and avoid the suction force of the eddy in the water. The key is to resist the coldness of the sea water.

This is not only a test of physical strength, but also a huge test of mental and psychological endurance. If it were an ordinary person, it would probably have already collapsed and could not sustain it at all.

Only an experienced old man like Captain Jack, who has lived at sea almost all his life, can sustain it. This is absolutely certain.

However, even the current Captain Jack can't hold on anymore. This is absolutely certain, and it can be seen absolutely, which is absolutely undeniable.

Because now no matter who it is, tourists and crew members, or Zhou Zhiyao, or even the audience in the live broadcast room, and all the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TVs around the world, they can clearly see that Captain Jack is struggling more and more. Smaller, the body of the whole person does not have the feeling of ups and downs before, and is slowly sinking.

It seems to be being swallowed up by the sea. It is self-evident what this means. Whether it is the crew or tourists, or Zhou Zhiyao and all the audience in the live broadcast room, they all know clearly that this is Jack. The performance of the captain's exhaustion

In fact, it is completely normal for Captain Jack to be physically weak, and it is completely expected by everyone. This is absolutely certain. After all, Captain Jack is already old, almost sixty years old.

To a certain extent, it is a miracle that he can still survive in the turbulent undercurrent, eddies, and extremely cold sea water for such a long time, let alone other ordinary old men.

Even other young people would not be able to last for such a long time, but Captain Jack is old after all, and he should be able to last longer when he was young, but now Captain Jack can't last much longer .

For such a long time now, it is obviously the limit that Captain Jack can support. Anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see this, because Captain Jack not only has his struggles become much smaller, but even his breathing All weakened, and his eyes were gradually closing, as if he was about to fall asleep at any time!

The appearance of Captain Jack is seen by everyone, and everyone can be sure without hesitation that Captain Jack has not only reached the limit of his physical strength, but also his mental strength has completely reached the limit.

This point is absolutely certain and absolutely undeniable, and everyone understands it very well!

However, no one went back and blamed Captain Jack for such a short period of time, because now no one is qualified to blame Captain Jack, because Captain Jack has done a very good job.

What he can do is much better than most of the crew and tourists present, even compared with many viewers in the live broadcast room and the audience in front of the TV [Captain Jie Shu is already considered a very perfect existence.

Of course, the most important point is that Captain Jack fell into the current crisis and fell into the current dangerous situation, all for the sake of all tourists and crew members.

After all, it was Captain Jack who strongly asked himself to stay at the end and took all the dangers on himself, which is why he fell into the current crisis.

If Captain Jack was a bit more selfish, if he said at the time that he wanted to be on the third floor first, absolutely no one would object, because Captain Jack’s status is transcendent, he has the qualification to be on the third floor first, because he is very important, He will play a vital role in the next escape route!

Of course, if this happens, there will inevitably be a tourist or crew member left at the end, and it is not Captain Jack who is stepping into such a dangerous situation now, it will be one of all the tourists and crew members, or even one of them many people.

This is absolutely certain, so all the tourists and crew members present have no right to blame Captain Jack. Everything Captain Jack has done is for everyone, so what right do you have to criticize him? It's not a joke at all?

Of course, one more important point is that for all the tourists and crew members, it is absolutely impossible to let Captain Jack do anything at this time. First, it will affect everyone's desire to survive. This is like a disaster. Same as war.

If the general of one's own side dies suddenly while the war is in progress, then for the entire army, it is absolutely certain that it will affect everyone's morale and morale.

Then everyone will naturally be unable to deal with the next battle, and will definitely be defeated in the end. This is absolutely certain!

And if something happened to Captain Jack, the impact would be similar to the reason mentioned above, even if everyone still desperately wanted to escape, but the people who knew the cruise ship best were already dead, more or less Anything less will affect everyone's morale.

As for another point, no one is familiar with the structure of the bottom of the cruise ship. It was originally Jiang Chen who escaped backward from the bottom of the cruise ship.

So without Jiang Chen's leadership, everyone can only put all their hopes on Zhou Zhiyao, and everyone's hopes are also placed on Captain Jack.

If we talk about the reason why Jiang Chen was able to lead everyone before, it was because (Li Nuo’s) he came up with the escape route and ideas, and he had a huge ability to lead everyone to escape. Another point is that Jiang Chen is very Familiar with the structure of the cruise ship, and also very familiar with the bottom of the cruise ship!

Then, why Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack are able to lead everyone? From here, everyone can see that Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack are actually the two avatars of Jiang Chen. Zhou Zhiyao has the ability and courage, and Captain Jack is familiar with the bottom of the cruise ship. Because of Jiang Chen's two abilities? So they became the leader of the team without Jiang Chen!

However, at this time, if something happens to Captain Jack, everyone will lose the map and the escape route, which will be very unfavorable for everyone's escape route. If something happens to Captain Jack, then everyone will only be like headless chickens Just bumped around.

This will inevitably waste a lot of time and increase everyone's danger, so Captain Jack must not have any accidents, he is an absolutely indispensable member of the team!.

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