Live: Exploring The World

Four Hundred And Twentieth Chapters: Save!

At this moment, everyone was calling Zhou Zhiyao, not only all the tourists and crew on the third floor, but even the audience in the live broadcast room or the audience in front of the TV were calling Zhou Zhiyao.

Everyone wants Zhou Zhiyao to give up saving Captain Jack, not everyone is ruthless, not everyone wants Captain Jack to die, on the contrary, everyone knows that Captain Jack is in a very difficult situation now.

And if Zhou Zhiyao goes to the rescue, there is a high possibility that Zhou Zhiyao will also be involved in an accident, so everyone does not want Zhou Zhiyao to fall into a dangerous situation, and no one will be able to save Zhou Zhiyao at that time.

So at this moment, everyone hopes that Zhou Zhiyao can give up saving Captain Jack. From everyone's point of view, Captain Jack is now in a desperate situation, and it is completely impossible to save, so you still have to give up. If you don't give up, the consequences will be terrible. In the eyes of more people, this point is absolutely certain.

Zhou Zhiyao herself is very aware of this, so she doesn't feel that everyone's persuading her to go back is unfriendly to Captain Jack. On the contrary, this can show how much everyone attaches importance to this matter.

The same is true of Captain Jack himself. Even though he is about to die, he has not completely passed out, and has not completely lost his consciousness.

So he still knows about the outside world, he is more aware of how dangerous the situation he is in, and clearly knows that if Zhou Zhiyao takes the risk to save himself, Zhou Zhiyao may also fall into a dangerous situation and die with him.

To be honest, Captain Jack didn’t want Zhou Zhiyao to die with him. They didn't have the slightest dislike for Zhou Zhiyao's persuasion, on the contrary, they were very relieved.

Because in his opinion, this is the most correct choice. There is no need to kill more people in order to save himself. This is the truest thought of Captain Jack. If I were to say it myself, I would probably hesitate to ask the same question, and would choose to dissuade Zhou Zhiyao.

Because after all, it is really not worth it to save yourself in the face of such a huge danger. This is simply a transaction with no return. This kind of transaction is absolutely unacceptable. Resentment or nothing.

He only has gratitude and admiration for Zhou Zhiyao in his heart. What he is grateful for is Zhou Zhiyao's dedication and care all the way. Without Zhou Zhiyao, there is no doubt that they would never have come here. This is for sure. All the actions done on the sofa in the elevator shaft, the credit can be said to be higher than all the people on the scene.

At that time, if Zhou Zhiyao was not on the sofa to meet everyone, it is not difficult to imagine that even if Jiang Chen was on the third floor to support everyone, it would be very difficult for everyone to go up, and it would take more time, and it might even cause many people to panic. It was too late to go up, and eventually trapped in the sea water like himself, and then died.

So in the view of Captain Jack, it is no exaggeration to say that Zhou Zhiyao saved everyone, and what makes Captain Jack admire is that he never thought that under such a huge disaster, Zhou Zhiyao, the most woman, could do this It is completely beyond Captain Jack's expectation that he can show such an amazing ability with his calmness.

Even many male tourists and crew members are inferior to Zhou Zhiyao's composure, composure, and ability. This is absolutely certain. Of course, when Zhou Zhiyao learned that he was in crisis, he jumped out of the boat regardless of personal safety. Come down and choose to rescue yourself.

This once again made Captain Jack dare to move, even if she was not rescued in the end, even if Zhou Zhiyao chose to give up, but Zhou Zhiyao had already jumped off, she had done everything she could, and even more It's something that no one else can even imagine.

In the eyes of Captain Jack, this is enough. Even if he is finally abandoned, and eventually he is going to die, he is worth it. "At least in his opinion, his responsibilities

It's all over.

As the captain of a cruise ship, he was not greedy for life or afraid of death, and he did not think about living. After the disaster happened, he tried to take everyone to escape, and he was afraid of everyone, and finally died on the cruise ship, on the Wangyang sea he spent his whole life in. , in his opinion, maybe this is also a kind of fate!

At the same time, at this moment, whether it is Captain Jack, the tourists and the crew, or the audience in the live broadcast room, or the audience in front of the TV, the eyes of almost everyone in the world are fixed on Zhou Zhiyao. Now everyone is waiting for Zhou Zhiyao's answer, everyone is waiting for Zhou Zhiyao's choice.

After all, although all the tourists and crew members, as well as Captain Jack, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and the audience in front of the TV, are persuading and hoping that Zhou Zhiyao chooses to give up

Safely and safely returned to the negative third floor area.

But everyone knows clearly that Zhou Zhiyao is a very assertive person, no matter how much everyone persuades or hopes, it will have no effect. In the end, Zhou Zhiyao will have to make his own choice. This is absolutely certain. Yes, it is absolutely believable.

So at this time everyone began to wait, but one thing is for sure, the waiting time must not be too long, because the sea water is still pouring in, whether it is for Captain Jack or for Zhou It is a danger to shake it.

Because if the seawater pours in too much, it will squeeze more living space of Captain Jack and accelerate the death of Captain Jack, and it is the same for Zhou Zhiyao. If she chooses to continue to save Captain Jack, the rising seawater will increase her life. The difficulty of rescue, this is absolutely certain.

Of course, even if Zhou Zhiyao chooses to give up and wants to return to the third floor, the rising sea will make it more difficult for her to return. For them, it also has a huge impact.

Because these rising sea waters are completely like a reminder to them. This is absolutely certain, because if the sea water keeps rising, it will also compress their living space and consume them. They have more time to survive.

After all, the sea water has started to rise continuously, and sooner or later it will submerge the safety zone on the third floor. effect, this is absolutely certain.

So now for Zhou Zhiyao, he can have a certain amount of time to think, but the time for thinking is not too much, only a dozen seconds at most, otherwise, if the sea water submerges the entire negative second floor, then Zhou Zhiyao will not be able to do it again at this time. It will be too late to make any choice, which is absolutely certain.

But at this moment, the increase in seawater has reached an astonishing level, and most of the bar on the second floor of the basement has been submerged by sea water. The second floor of the cruise ship has a height of four meters.

Now the seawater has submerged the entire negative second floor at a distance of two meters, and the water level is still rising. Judging from such a rise, it may not be long before the entire negative second floor will be completely submerged. This point is absolutely certain.

At that time, the danger Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack will face will be even greater. Not only that, the tourists and crew members in the third-floor safety zone will also be in danger

Because if the entire negative second floor is submerged, it means that the seawater has spread to the area of ​​the negative third floor and has begun to bury it towards the negative third floor.

However, the speed of sea water is still getting longer and faster. It will not take long before the entire negative third floor area will be completely buried. All tourists and crew members present must continue to move forward again, leading to the cruise ship. Only in the space at the bottom of the space can it be regarded as temporary safety, which is absolutely certain.

However, the problem is that Jiang Chen is no longer here, and there is a great possibility that something will happen to Captain Jack, that is to say, even if Zhou Zhiyao is still alive, all the tourists and crew members will not have a map of the third-floor area at all. If you want to get to the cruise ship area quickly, it may take more time.

It is even very possible that the seawater has completely submerged the entire negative third floor, and no one has found the area leading to the bottom of the cruise ship. This is completely possible, and everyone present will undoubtedly die. So what we can clearly know is that everyone doesn't have much time to think about the next journey.

So the time now is not only very precious time for Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack, but actually the time on the cruise ship is also precious time for everyone on the cruise ship, including all the crew and tourists Very valuable time.

Every second of time is lost, for all the tourists and crew, for all the people who wear it, there is one more hope of survival, this is absolutely certain!

At the same time, Zhou Zhiyao also knew the seriousness of the matter, and knew even more that she and all the tourists and crew members did not have much time to stay in place and continue to stay in the hall.

Because if you continue to delay, the situation will only get worse, so I have to make a certain choice as quickly as possible!

And at this moment, Zhou Zhiyao gritted his teeth and made his own choice. His choice was very simple, which was to save!.

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