Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 427: Challenge!

When Zhou Zhiyao made this choice, she actually went through a lot of struggles in her heart. This is absolutely certain, and it does not mean that Zhou Zhiyao made this choice casually.

After all, the relationship here is too great, and the risk is too great. It is very likely that Zhou Zhiyao himself will die. Zhou Zhiyao is also very clear about this, so Zhou Zhiyao must think carefully before he can make his own Decision, this point is absolutely certain!

In fact, even if it is not Zhou Zhiyao who makes the choice now, but someone else, or the relatives of Captain Jack, they will be the same as Zhou Zhiyao, and will not make their own choices easily. .

And even if it is not rescued, no one will go back and blame it. This is for sure, because this is a very realistic key point! Of course, the reason why Zhou Zhiyao can make such a decision now is also through Zhou Zhiyao's own thinking.

It’s fine if she didn’t jump down, and it’s fine if Captain Jack is dead after she jumped down, then Zhou Zhiyao doesn’t have to make a choice, it can also be said that Zhou Zhiyao doesn’t have to face Captain Jack, but she has jumped now It came down, and 810 has come to the opposite of Captain Jack, and Captain Jack is still alive, so if Zhou Zhiyao gives up, it will make her feel a little bit unbearable!

If she hadn't jumped down, and if Captain Jack was dead, Zhou Zhiyao could still grit his teeth and just give up, but Zhou Zhiyao had already come down, looking at the living Captain Jack in front of him, he really couldn't make the choice to give up , watching such a lively life die in front of his own eyes.

This is something that Zhou Zhiyao cannot accept, this is something that is absolutely certain!

So at present, for Zhou Zhiyao, facing Captain Jack, he can only make one choice, which is to save Jie. Not particularly easy.

But in Zhou Zhiyao's view, even if he failed to save Captain Jack in the end, as long as he made a choice, as long as he tried his best, in Zhou Zhiyao's view, he was already satisfied, at least he could be worthy of his own conscience!

But on the other hand, if I really do nothing, it will definitely become a permanent knot in Zhou Zhiyao's heart. Even if Zhou Zhiyao survives in the end, he will always be with Zhou Zhiyao, making Zhou Zhiyao sleepless, so Zhou Zhiyao's choice is It's very simple, face the problem and choose to save Captain Jack!

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao did not hesitate at all, and directly expressed her thoughts. There is no doubt that after Zhou Zhiyao expressed her thoughts, all the tourists and crew members present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and the TV The audience in front of the plane, it can be said that everyone on the earth was taken aback, "Even Captain Jack was taken aback!

After all, no one thought that Zhou Zhiyao would make such a choice, would choose to save Captain Jack, which was completely beyond everyone's expectations!

After all, from everyone's point of view, the current situation is already very bright, not only the problem of physical strength, but also the threat of undercurrents, the threat of cold, the threat of whirlpools, and the threat of rising sea water.

Under so many threats, the situation below has reached the point of extreme crisis, and it is very likely that he will directly enter death in the next second. This is absolutely certain!

Captain Jack is in many dangers, and it can be said that there is no way to survive. It is very difficult to save if they rely on their strength alone. This is for sure.

So in everyone's opinion, as long as you are a normal person, you will choose to give up saving Captain Jack. This is also a choice made out of desperation due to the situation. Everyone can fully understand this point and can be sure of this point!

Even Captain Jack himself thinks so, thinking that giving up to save himself is the most (cgai) correct decision, the most normal decision, but who knows, Zhou Zhiyao did the opposite and actually made After making such an amazing choice, he chose to save Captain Jack.

This was completely beyond everyone's expectations. It was a big surprise to all the tourists, crew members, Captain Jack, and all the audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV. It was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. Everyone present couldn't say a word for a long time!

Of course, Zhou Zhiyao ignored everyone's surprise. She had already expected it. When she said her choice, everyone would be very surprised. So everyone's reaction, in fact, Zhou Zhiyao had already thought of it. So Zhou Zhiyao didn't show too much surprise from the beginning to the end, which is completely obvious!

And Zhou Zhiyao has no time to pay attention to everyone's shock, because now for Zhou Zhiyao, time is very tight, this is absolutely certain.

Because the loss of one second of time now is an extra danger for Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack, so now Zhou Zhiyao actually chooses to save Captain Jack "Then Zhou Zhiyao has no time to delay any longer!

Now for Zhou Zhiyao, the main purpose is to find a way to save Captain Jack as soon as possible, and save Captain Jack as quickly as possible, otherwise, the longer the time is left, it is good for Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack. It will be even more unfavorable, which is absolutely certain!

So now Zhou Zhiyao has no time to pay attention to everyone, and also has no time to think about other problems. The biggest problem facing Zhou Zhiyao now is how to overcome the immediate crisis and how to change the current situation. Say, top priorities!

However, it is obvious that even if Zhou Zhiyao chose to save Captain Jack, the difficulty before Zhou Zhiyao is still a very real problem, that is, he does not know where to start and how to save it. Zhou Zhiyao's coming is a very serious challenge!

If the challenge is successful, of course everyone will be happy. Both Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack can survive safely. It is also a great thing for them, as well as for the tourists and crew present!

After all, Captain Jack represents the escape map, and Zhou Zhiyao is everyone's backbone. If they are both alive, everyone's hope of escape will be stronger!

So if Zhou Zhiyao succeeds, no matter for themselves, it will be good for everyone. Of course, if Zhou Zhiyao fails, the result will be very tragic.

At that time, not only Captain Jack will die, Zhou Zhiyao will also die with him, so I say, this is a very huge and severe challenge for Zhou Zhiyao, and it will not be easy for Zhou Zhiyao at all!.

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