Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 440: Return To The Safe Area!

In this way, Zhou Zhiyao's forward speed is many times faster than before, and her whole body is much more relaxed. At least she doesn't need to expend much physical strength and strength

Just go with the flow.

Even he basically doesn't need to expend a little bit of physical strength and strength, just follow the water flow and rush down. This is the most relaxing point for Zhou Zhiyao!

Zhou Zhiyao only needs to let herself bear on the surface of the water. Ever since Jiang Chen fell, Zhou Zhiyao has never felt so relaxed.

It should be known that before Jiang Chen fell into the water, because Jiang Chen was standing in front of everything, Zhou Zhiyao didn't need to make a move, and Zhou Zhiyao didn't need to exert any strength. This is absolutely certain.

So Zhou Zhiyao will be very relaxed, basically everything will be solved by Jiang Chen!

If there is something that even Jiang Chen can't solve it, then Zhou Zhiyao's efforts are useless, and in Zhou Zhiyao's view, there is nothing in the world that Jiang Chen can't solve, and this is just fact.

Every expedition until now, all the difficulties encountered, no matter how huge the difficulties, Jiang Chen can easily solve them.

If there is something that even he can't solve, then it is enough to prove that this matter is really very difficult, but until now, there has never been anything that Jiang Chen can't solve!

So before, Zhou Zhiyao was very relaxed by Jiang Chen's side all the time, without feeling any effort at all, but it was not until Jiang Chen fell into the water that Zhou Zhiyao really felt tired.

Because the courage that was originally carried by Jiang Chen almost fell on Zhou Zhiyao alone. Zhou Zhiyao had never been so tired, and now that she finally had time to rest, she certainly felt a lot more comfortable.

Of course, it was also at this time that Zhou Zhiyao really understood how revealing Jiang Chen was!

One person brings so many people forward and has to solve so many troubles. No matter how big the trouble is, he can solve it by himself. He must be very tired

Zhou Zhiyao before may have known that Jiang Chen was very hardworking and exhausted, but he couldn't really understand Jiang Chen, he couldn't really appreciate Jiang Chen's hard work, until now Zhou Zhiyao really felt Jiang Chen's hard work, and Jiang Chen's hard work. Tired!

Therefore, Zhou Zhiyao cherished this time very much. He didn't complain about suffering or tiredness. No matter how hard it was or how tired he was, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Because in his opinion, all the things that Jiang Chen has experienced, and the sufferings he has suffered, are much more than his own. Jiang Chen has never complained about being tired, so what right does he have to complain about suffering? He has no qualifications!

Therefore, Zhou Zhiyao never said such a word from the beginning to the end. He has been supporting himself and resisting his exhaustion! Now he can finally take a break. Of course, he must seize this few rest time so that he can get Get plenty of rest!

The point is, at this time, he doesn't have to worry too much about Captain Jack. Captain Jack is originally floating on the water. Logically speaking, even if he is floating on the water, he still needs Zhou Zhiyao's efforts to drag Captain Jack away. only then.

Otherwise, Captain Jack will stop in place and not move!

But now there is no need, because Captain Jack is wearing a life jacket, even if he loses consciousness, he will not sink, so under the influence of the turbulence, Zhou Zhiyao doesn't have to use any effort to pull, even if he lets go, Captain Jack will still sink. Under the influence of the turbulence, did he drift towards the elevator shaft little by little!

This is certain, just like a leaf ark on the ocean and a drifting bottle on the ocean.

They were already floating on the sea, and would be washed ashore directly with the waves. Captain Jack is now like a drifting bottle.

It will be rushed directly into the elevator shaft by the turbulent current, and Zhou Zhiyao will not need to pull it with all his strength, and control the direction of Captain Jack's drifting.

In this way, Zhou Zhiyao was greatly relaxed, allowing Zhou Zhiyao to relax more and get more rest time!

It can be said that although the turbulence caused Zhou Zhiyao great troubles before, it has helped Zhou Zhiyao a great favor from now on. It's time!

After a while, Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack followed the crowd and came directly to the elevator shaft. At this moment, all the tourists, crew members, and the audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they couldn't relax completely, it was because Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack hadn't fully come over yet. Now that Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack have come back completely, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief and relax completely.

They can finally let go of the heart that they have been hanging on for a long time. After watching Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao return safely, it is also a miracle for them!

After all, everyone was in despair when they saw that Captain Jack did not board the third floor, was trapped in the sea water on the second floor and was about to lose consciousness and faint.

At this time, everyone thought that Captain Jack could not survive, after all, no one could save Captain Jack at that time.

Moreover, Captain Jack’s condition is also very bad, and the environment he is in is also full of dangers, but everyone thinks that Captain Jack must die, so everyone actually started from that time.

She had completely given up on Captain Jack, thinking that Captain Jack would not be able to survive, but everyone never expected that Zhou Zhiyao would stand up at this time, and jump directly to rescue Captain Jack without any hesitation.

It's just that the location of Captain Jack is too far away for everyone, and it is almost impossible to reach Captain Jack, not to mention dealing with turbulent currents, but also passing through very dangerous whirlpool areas .

If you are sucked by the vortex, you will be 100% dead, so even if Zhou Zhiyao went to rescue Captain Jack, it seems to everyone that there is little hope. There is a great record that Captain Jack cannot be rescued. This is for sure. a little bit.

Because everyone clearly knows how difficult it is to save a person in a dangerous environment, but Zhou Zhiyao's performance really opened everyone's eyes. Not only did he deal with the turbulence, but he also successfully came to Captain Jack's side .

This is something that no one thought of, but Zhou Zhiyao moved directly, and more than that, Zhou Zhiyao not only channeled Captain Jack's convenience.

And with his calm thinking, he found a life jacket for Captain Jack to put on. Everyone thought that Captain Jack was not in good condition and had completely lost consciousness, thinking that Captain Jack would not come back.

It is already a very good thing that Zhou Zhiyao can come back by himself, but to everyone's surprise, Zhou Zhiyao not only came back by himself, but also rescued Captain Jack. things.

It should be known that before everyone thought that Captain Jack would surely die, even if Zhou Zhiyao went to save him, everyone thought that Zhou Zhiyao would not be able to succeed, and he might even be in danger and threatened with death.

But who knows, in the end not only Captain Jack was rescued safely, Zhou Zhiyao also returned safely, is this not a miracle? Moreover, this is a miracle created by Zhou Zhiyao, how can everyone not be surprised? How can they not be surprised? Excited?

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack had already arrived at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Although this place has reached the safe area and there is no too much turbulence, it is still a relatively deep area.

Therefore, neither Captain Jack nor Zhou Zhiyao can stay in this area for a long time, because no one knows if anything else will happen here.

So Zhou Zhiyao immediately cast a look at the petitioners, and the people above also began to realize it, immediately found the rope, and let it down along the bottom.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Zhiyao tied the rope firmly to Captain Jack's body, and then waved to the people above. Zhou Zhiyao could go up first by himself.

But Zhou Zhiyao didn't do this, even though he knew clearly that even though they have reached the elevator shaft and are already in a safe area, there is still the possibility of danger at any time, so put a second warning below time, there will be more danger, and the sooner you go up, the sooner you can get out of danger.

But even so, Zhou Zhiyao didn't choose to go up first, after all, in his opinion, Captain Jack's condition is really bad, so let Captain Jack go up first, in fact, it's all at this critical moment, and Captain Jack is in In a coma, if Zhou Zhiyao wants to go up first, there is no problem at all.

No one would think that what Zhou Zhiyao did was wrong, because it was a very normal thing, anyone would probably do it, so no one would think that Zhou Zhiyao had done anything wrong.

Instead, now, Zhou Zhiyao took the lead in letting the unconscious Captain Jack go up, which surprised all the tourists, crew members, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV station.

Never thought that it was the last moment, and Zhou Zhiyao was still at the end.

Let Captain Jack, who is in a coma, go up to the third floor first, return to the safe range, and get out of the dangerous area. Everyone can't help but admire this kind of heart and courage!

Zhou Zhiyao waited below and watched everyone send Captain Jack up safely. After Captain Jack was completely safe, everyone put down the retractable again. At this time, Zhou Zhiyao began to tie the rope. On his body, and then made a gesture to the people above.

At this time, no one had any reason at all, and all the tourists and crew members knew clearly that although the water in the elevator shaft seems to be stable now, in the overturned cruise ship, the first second is calm and the next second becomes dangerous There are also many areas of deadly enemies.

So there may be dangerous situations in the elevator shaft at any time, so they are also very clear that if Zhou Zhiyao stays below for a second, there will be more dangers, so after seeing Zhou Zhiyao making gestures, all the crew members The soldiers and the tourists all started to pull Zhou Zhiyao up with all their strength, hoping that Zhou Zhiyao could get out of danger quickly, and they all followed with all their strength. 610

After all, in their opinion, Zhou Zhiyao paid too much, and took the risk to save Captain Jack. It must be known that saving Captain Jack is not only saving Captain Jack’s life, Captain Jack is completely a living map.

If there is no Captain Jack, everyone can't escape, so saving Captain Jack is actually saving everyone's life.

So Zhou Zhiyao rescued Captain Jack desperately. In fact, he rescued everyone desperately. Therefore, everyone is very grateful to Zhou Zhiyao. Another very important point is that when Zhou Zhiyao just rescued Captain Jack, everyone Can only watch.

This made everyone feel a little embarrassed, thinking that Zhou Zhiyao was working hard down there and might fall into a life-threatening situation at any time without putting in any effort.

Zhiyao faces everything alone.

Zhou Zhiyao was still a woman after all, which made many male tourists and crew members feel embarrassed, so it was hard to get them to help and deal with it now, how could they save their strength for themselves?

They will definitely spare no effort to pull Zhou Zhiyao up as quickly as possible, so that Zhou Zhiyao can get out of the current dangerous situation as quickly as possible, which is what they want most now.

things to do.

From their point of view, this is the only place they can help, and it is also the only way they can thank Zhou Zhiyao, and they also know clearly that none of them can help.

It can be lost, but Zhou Zhiyao cannot lose it.

Especially after going through this incident, they clearly knew that Zhou Zhiyao had become the most indispensable existence among all of them, so they became even more

Jia desperately wanted to pull Zhou Zhiyao up, even if they didn't think about Zhou Zhiyao, they had to think about themselves!

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of all the crew members and tourists, Zhou Zhiyao finally boarded the safe area on the third floor. Once back to the safe area, Zhou Zhiyao let go of her whole body.

The slack came down, panting heavily on the ground.

The whole person has also completely entered into a state of relaxation, although Zhou Zhiyao was very relaxed when she came back, just drifting with the flow without having to deal with it.

But after all, it is still in the sea, and no one knows what danger will happen in the next second, so even if Zhou Zhiyao is very relaxed, his spirit is still tense!

It wasn't until she returned to the completely safe area on the third floor that Zhou Zhiyao completely relaxed, was able to pant heavily, and lay down on the ground to rest without moving!

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