Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 441: Horror Scene!

"Great! Captain Jack and sister Zhou are back safely!"

"My God! I've never been happier than I am today!"

"Zhou Zhiyao, you are amazing, you are a qualified leader!"

"I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to escape safely. I believe in your strength!"

"There is no doubt that you are our leader, you are our leader, we will definitely follow you to do what you say, as long as you need our help, we will never delay!"

"That's right, sister Zhou, if you need help, you can tell us, we will definitely follow you [you don't have to worry about any problems at all!"

At this moment, all the tourists and crew members on the scene laughed one after another, and their words to Zhou Zhiyao were absolutely sincere. With Zhou Zhiyao's previous series of performances, it is obvious that after losing Jiang Chen, Zhou Zhiyao must have become the backbone of everyone , became the leader of everyone.

This is an indisputable fact. If someone wants to come out at this time and challenge Zhou Zhiyao's status, then there is no doubt that they will definitely fail.

Because Zhou Zhiyao's status is now in the hearts of everyone, and it is completely unshakable. If you want to challenge Zhou Zhiyao's status, you have to go down first, and run around according to Zhou Zhiyao's previous route.

Otherwise, everyone would never agree, and it is obvious that no one present can do this except Zhou Zhiyao. This is an absolutely certain thing, so it is also possible for Zhou Zhiyao to become the backbone of everyone An absolute sure thing!

Zhou Zhiyao didn't have anything to say about this. In Zhou Zhiyao's view, this was a very normal thing, and he didn't need to be polite to everyone.

Because if everyone wants to escape, there must be a powerful person to lead everyone, so that everyone can escape. This is absolutely certain.

If you are humble at this time and let an incompetent person lead everyone, then it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster for all the tourists and crew present. This is absolutely certain!

Moreover, the most important thing is that Zhou Zhiyao also thinks that no one present can surpass him in ability, except of course Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen is still alive and appears in front of everyone, Zhou Zhiyao will not hesitate to put himself It is absolutely certain that the position of the leader will be given up.

Because Zhou Zhiyao knew very well that Jiang Chen's ability was higher than her own, and if under Jiang Chen's leadership, everyone would have a higher chance of escaping. This point is absolutely beyond doubt.

But now because Jiang Chen was not there, Zhou Zhiyao didn't need to be humble at all. He was the person with the strongest ability on the scene, and he was also the one who was most likely to lead everyone to escape.

So Zhou Zhiyao didn't say anything. It was completely reasonable for him to become everyone's backbone leader, and no one would object to this proposal. In everyone's hearts, except for Jiang Chen, Zhou Zhiyao was the absolute leader.

After all, in addition to ability, Zhou Zhiyao is also very responsible and responsible. It can be seen from the fact that he rescued Captain Jack regardless of his own danger. It is definitely a right thing for Zhou Zhiyao to be the leader of everyone. Something good for all of us.

It turned out to be something that is beneficial to everyone, so naturally no one would object, this is for sure!

And at this moment, under the help of everyone, Captain Jack finally woke up from the coma, but the first time he opened his eyes, he thought that he had come to the underworld, and it was not her fault that he thought so .

Before he fell into a coma, he was drifting in the sea below, surrounded by dangers, and there was a huge vortex in front of him, although he knew clearly that Zhou Zhiyao had come to save him.

But in his mind, it was impossible for Zhou Zhiyao to succeed. After all, it was almost impossible to go through the vortex and save himself.

So Captain Jack was actually ready to die the moment before he fell into a coma. In his opinion, no one can save him. In such a dangerous and complicated environment, he is bound to die!

However, when he opened his eyes and saw everything around him clearly, he was completely stunned. Only then did he realize that not only did he not die, but he was still on the safe floor of the third floor.

At the beginning, Captain Jack didn't believe what he saw, thinking he was dreaming, but it wasn't until he pinched himself and realized that he was in real pain, that he finally realized that he wasn't dreaming at all, everything was just a dream. Really, I was really rescued back to the third floor, and I came back after walking through the gate of hell, "miraculously resurrected.

This made Captain Jack a little surprised and a little happy. Of course, he was also very puzzled, not knowing what happened and how he was rescued.

After all, before Zhou Zhiyao reached Captain Jack, Captain Jack was already dying. At that time, Captain Jack could no longer remember anything. After that, Captain Jack lost consciousness directly and fell into a coma.

So he didn't know what happened after that even more, so he was very confused and very curious about everything, and didn't know what happened at all.

At this time, someone began to explain to Captain Jack. Only then did Captain Jack know that it was Zhou Zhiyao who really rescued herself. Regardless of her own comfort, she rescued herself after breaking through many difficulties.

This shocked Captain Jack a lot, and also moved Captain Jack very much, because he knew how dangerous the water was, and even in the face of these dangers, Zhou Zhiyao did not back down and risked his life to save the water. I went up by myself, "How can Captain Jie Shu not be moved? How can he not be moved?

Zhou Zhiyao gave her up, as if he had given him a new life, which made him full of gratitude to Zhou Zhiyao. After fully understanding everything, he ran directly in front of Zhou Zhiyao and began to thank Zhou Zhiyao.

Of course, in the face of the grace of saving the people, Captain Jack didn't know how to thank him. After all, he didn't know what to say. It was still in such an environment, but he knew clearly that in the face of Zhou Zhiyao's life-saving grace, Nothing I can say can fully express my gratitude.

Now he just hopes that he can go out alive and safe, so that he will have the opportunity to thank Zhou Zhiyao well.

And in Captain Jack's opinion, helping Zhou Zhiyao get out of danger safely and get out of the ship is also the best thanks to Zhou Zhiyao, so Captain Jack made up his mind to help Zhou Zhiyao well.

And Captain Jack has actually decided in his heart that if Zhou Zhiyao's life is in danger, he must save it no matter what, even if he has to sacrifice his life, he must save it, because Zhou Zhiyao gave his life now , he has nothing to repay Zhou Zhiyao, and only his life!

Zhou Zhiyao, on the other hand, did not take her behavior seriously.

After all, in Zhou Zhiyao's view, this is just a very common thing. In fact, regardless of whether it is Captain Jack who fell into the water or not, as long as it is any one of them, Zhou Zhiyao will actually use his best to rescue it. Absolutely sure.

So he didn't feel much about these things, and naturally he didn't notice Captain Jack's inner activities, so this matter passed quickly in Zhou Zhiyao's view, and the next thing is the most important thing, which is to Under the leadership of Captain Jack, the strike must be ready to go.

After resting, they will start their escape again. In Zhou Zhiyao's opinion, this is the most important thing now. This is absolutely certain. The key is that the time is very urgent now. The seawater in the upper layer is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It can be clearly known that the cruise ship is still descending rapidly, so the situation is very bad, and it may not be long before the sea water will submerge to the position of the negative chairman.

At that time, it will be really dangerous for Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao, and all the tourists and crew members who are already present, so now everyone must seize the time to rest. After resting, everyone must hurry up and start their journey.

And the rest time that Zhou Zhiyao gave everyone is actually very short, only (Qian's) short three minutes!

Although it is only three minutes, in fact, the three-minute rest time is actually very precious to everyone now, so everyone dare not have any hesitation, and start to seize the three-minute rest time. Many people are still looking for it in the kitchen. Get the resources you can use!

And at this moment, someone suddenly saw that the corpse was rushed over by the undercurrent in the corridor outside, and rushed directly to the position of the elevator shaft.

And from the appearance of this person, it is not difficult to see that everyone is very familiar. He is a person that everyone knows. It is the person who went to the bar on the second floor after fleeing with everyone. , became unwilling to flee with everyone, and chose to wait for rescue before the rescue amidst the smell of alcohol.

It's just that I didn't expect that now that the sea water has submerged to the position of the second floor, this person will die!

Except for this person, one thing that surprised all the crew members and tourists on the third floor has happened. On the corridor from the bar to the elevator entrance, more and more tourists and crew members The corpse was washed over by the turbulence of the ocean!

These people were the ones who wanted to stay in the bar and wait for rescue, but who would have thought that none of them could be rescued in the end, and they were all drowned by the sea water!

The scene was once very scary!.

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