Live: Exploring The World

Chapter Four Hundred And Fortieth Three: Live!

And at this moment, the faces of everyone present changed, and the people who were about to leave all stopped!

I saw that the corridor leading to the elevator entrance on the second floor was basically filled with sea water, and there was still a lot of sea water gushing out of it. Things, as well as the people who stayed in the bar on the second floor and chose to wait for rescue!

It's just that these people died for various reasons after the flood came, and now they have turned into cold corpses, but at this moment, a scene that surprised everyone present appeared, this scene Among these corpses, there was actually a living person. Since the cruise ship turned over, there were no lights around, and the power supply of the bar on the second floor was also cut off. Only the indicator light of the safe passage was flashing faint green Light!

So if the distance is too far, everyone can't see clearly, this is absolutely certain!

However, although the appearance of the person in the water cannot be clearly seen, it can be clearly seen that the person in the water is indeed moving, which is completely different from the corpse floating on the water. He is struggling in the water, slapping the surrounding spray, He seemed extremely anxious, obviously he was not completely submerged by the water, maybe he could swim and escaped, but even so, in the higher and higher water, even a person who can swim can't last long , So in the end, she had no choice but to be washed by the sea into the corridor leading to the elevator entrance on the third floor, along with the surrounding corpses?! And it was obvious that his physical strength was completely insufficient. It is only by holding a floating object that it can barely support above the water!

The point is, the speed of the water flow is very fast, and it doesn't take much time at all. People follow the water flow and get closer and closer to the elevator leading to the elevator entrance on the third floor. In this way, all the people on the third floor The tourists and crew members, as well as Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room can all see his appearance clearly!

I saw that the other party was a male, who seemed to be young, only in his twenties, although all the tourists and crew members, Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao, and the audience in the live broadcast room did not know this person, but they also knew him. I feel very unfamiliar, obviously I was with Jiang Chen and Captain Jack, who ran from the casino on the first floor to the bar on the second floor to seek refuge, and it is precisely because of this that everyone feels right The man looks familiar!

But it's just familiar, everyone doesn't know anything about the man, even the name of the man, everyone doesn't know at all, and they are not interested at all, this is absolutely certain!

Of course, the man's situation is very dangerous now, this is certain, he is in the water after all, how dangerous the water is, all tourists and crew members, as well as Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, and the audience in the live broadcast room They all know it clearly, especially Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, they have gone into the water before, and the sea is now deeper and more turbulent than before, it must be more dangerous than before, this is for sure a little~!

Although the man is still alive, if he doesn't reach the third floor immediately, then there is no suspense, the man will definitely die, no difference from the surrounding corpses-!

The man is also in despair now. He originally chose to wait for rescue in the bar on the second floor. He is extremely unfriendly to Jiang Chen. In his opinion, this young man who is about the same size as himself, how could he have any chance? The ability to lead everyone to life?

It is completely impossible to escape from the bottom of the cruise ship without any tools, and running around like this may cause greater danger and encounter more danger. When the time comes, the rescue team When they rushed to the rescue, they couldn't be found, so under his thinking, he didn't trust Jiang Chen at all, and felt that Jiang Chen was completely unreliable, so he chose not to flee with Jiang Chen, but chose to stay in the In the bar on the second floor, he was waiting for the rescue team to arrive. He believed that the rescue team would arrive as quickly as possible. The rescue team must be more reliable than Jiang Chen. In his opinion, Jiang Chen Chen is just a celebrity. These days, celebrities and experts are the most untrustworthy in his opinion, so he prefers to believe in himself!

But the result is obvious. He blindly believes that he has to pay a certain price. The price is obvious. Now he has seen it, that is, just as Jiang Chen said in the bar on the second floor, the seawater will definitely flood the second floor , At the beginning, he didn't take it seriously, but when the cruise ship began to sink again, and the sea water began to pour into the second floor crazily, he began to panic. At this time, he really started to be afraid, and he also Not sure what to do anymore, as are most of the rest!

For a moment, everyone was like a piece of loose sand, not knowing how to avoid the danger in front of them. At this time, everyone could only seek self-protection, and pin all their hopes of survival on The rescue team had no idea when it would arrive, but what everyone who made them wait in the bar on the second floor never expected was that the sinking speed of the cruise ship was completely beyond everyone's expectations. The speed of the influx of sea water was completely beyond everyone's expectations. There was almost no time for everyone to react and protect themselves. The sea water flooded more than half of the bar on the second floor in an instant!

This is something that no one has thought of. At this time, it is too late for everyone to think about escaping, and the most important thing is that everyone has no idea where they are going to escape, and they don’t even know where they are going. Run away, run to the lower third floor? There are no crew members who are familiar with the structure of the cruise ship. The cruise ship is very large, and the structure of the bar on the second floor is very complicated, so everyone doesn’t know the third floor at all. The location of the first floor, let alone the escape towards the third floor. As for escaping to other places, it should be known that the bottom of the cruise ship is completely closed, and the only way to go is the first floor except for the third floor. The area on the first floor ran towards the deck, and everyone couldn't find it on the negative third floor!

The negative floor and the deck have also been completely submerged, buried deep in the sea, and the entire cruise ship is upside down and submerged in sea water, so it is completely unrealistic to escape to the negative floor and deck. At this time, for For Ren Enmen in the bar on the second floor, they are completely trapped in the second floor and cannot escape. There is no way out at all. They can only pin all their remaining hopes on Even though the rescue team still poured into the bar on the second floor, and even though the bar on the second floor has been submerged more than half, everyone still firmly believes that the rescue team will come in time to rescue everyone!

………… Ask for flowers… 0

It's a pity that they waited completely wrong, until after they died, until the sea water completely submerged the second floor, the rescue team they had been waiting for did not arrive, after all, the accident happened in the middle of the sea, Even if the rescue team is activated at the first time, it will take a lot of time if the cruise ship exists and rush to support the cruise ship!

It doesn't mean that the rescue can be reached within a few hours or tens of minutes. If you want to blame them, you can only blame them for being too naive, and the price of naivety is also obvious. In the bar, was submerged by the turbulent sea water, lost the last life, turned into a cold corpse, floating on the sea surface

With the constant fluctuation of the sea!

This is a complete pity. There is no doubt that if they could have escaped with Jiang Chen, if they chose to follow Jiang Chen in the first place, there is no doubt that none of them will die. This is absolutely certain, Jiang Chen's method is very safe. So far, except for Jiang Chen's life and death, in their escape team, only one damn middle-aged father and daughter died, and everyone else survived!

If the drowned person in the bar on the second floor had calmly thought about it, and clearly knew that the rescue team would not come so soon, he would have given Jiang Chen more trust and followed Jiang Chen , Their fate will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes, just like all the tourists and crew members on the third floor, as well as Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao and others, they will absolutely survive, this is absolutely certain a bit!

Of course, although all the tourists and crew members, as well as Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, have not yet completely escaped from the fast silent cruise ship, they are still in the cruise ship, and there is still the possibility of being drowned by the cruise ship permanently, and everywhere They are all accompanied first, not completely safe, but at least they have not turned into a cold stone ladder, at least they still have a hope of surviving!

However, for most of the people waiting in the bar on the second floor, they are completely hopeless, they have all turned into icy corpses in the huge and turbulent sea water!

As for the young man, he is quite smart. When the sea water has submerged to the level of the bar on the second floor, when everyone is at a loss and does not know how to escape, when everyone is still expecting the rescue team to catch up Come on, in fact, it was impossible for the rescue team to rush over in such a short time, so he began to choose to escape. When Jiang Chen and others left, the man kept an eye out, remembering Jiang Chen and others He left in the same direction as when he left, so he went directly into the water instead of following a group of people in the bar on the second floor and waited for the rescue team to arrive. He knew clearly that if the rescue team could really arrive, they would probably have brought them here long ago. , He couldn’t wait until now, so he prepared himself to survive! He must survive, and he must not be drowned alive like everyone in the bar on the second floor! He must survive and survive!.

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