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Four Hundred And Fortieth Chapters: Despair!

Therefore, the man actually chose a completely different method from the others when the bar on the second floor was being submerged by sea water.

Everyone else still chooses to wait for the rescue team to arrive. From their point of view, the rescue team will definitely arrive, but from the man's point of view, the rescue team probably won't come!

After all, the man knew very well at this time that the cruise ship sank in the middle of the sea, and it was not an accident on land.

There is not even a ship around, how could a rescue team arrive in the first place and rescue the people on the cruise ship?

As a result, the man started to run away. He kept an eye out and clearly remembered the direction when Jiang Chen led the crowd away.

So at this moment, when he didn't know where to escape, he knew very well in his heart that the sea water poured in from the first floor.

So at this time, it is definitely safest to flee towards the third floor, this is absolutely certain!

"Three two seven" So, the man started to flee in the direction that Jiang Chen and the others left before, but when he turned a corner, he was stunned, dazzled by the several corridors in front of him!

Because the entire negative second floor of the cruise ship has been transformed into a bar.

So the structure is very complicated, not to mention the complex and dangerous environment without any lights, even in the normal operation of the bar, it is very difficult to distinguish the direction and not get lost in it. Not to mention in such a complex and dark situation without any light source to guide.

Not to mention the clear direction, but also to find out exactly where the entrance to the negative third floor is, this is even more impossible and not easy!

The point is that men don't understand the structure of cruise ships at all.

When Jiang Chen and the others left, Jiang Chen directly memorized the structural drawings of the entire cruise ship and remembered them in his mind, not to mention Captain Jack was leading the way at that time, so they could easily Find out where the entrance to the third floor is!

What about men?

He is just a tourist, he has never even been to the bar on the second floor, at most he has been to the casino on the first floor.

He didn't even play the casino, let alone accurately find the entrance to the third floor in the bar on the second floor.

Another crucial point is that the entrance to the third floor is actually only an elevator, and there are no stairs at all.

Because the third floor was secretly rebuilt by the owner of the cruise ship. The original third floor of the cruise ship was the size of a cruise ship. The entire area was empty, leading directly to the bottom of the cruise ship, and only maintenance personnel would enter.

But the owner of the cruise ship, in order to make the cruise ship taller, and use the rules of the cruise ship to the greatest extent.

Therefore, under the negative second floor of the cruise ship, a new floor was expanded. In fact, at the beginning, the negative second floor of the cruise ship was the bottom floor. It was only after the cruise ship was expanded that the third floor appeared, so the negative The third floor is an existence that is not compliant.

People who know the existence of the negative third floor are even rarer. Except for Captain Jack, only some senior executives of the cruise ship and service personnel working in the main health know the existence of the negative third floor.

Even if some of them know about the existence of the third negative floor, they have never been to the third negative floor, and it is even more unclear how to get to the third negative floor.

After all, the cruise ship is so big, the crew members also have their own positions, and the management personnel also have their own busy affairs. It is impossible to run around the cruise ship, and it is impossible to go to any corner of the cruise ship at any time. This is the point One thing for sure!

Now even if some crew members who are already working on the cruise ship are asked to find out where the third floor is and how to get to the third floor, they don't necessarily know how to get there.

That's why, among the people who followed Jiang Chen and Captain Jack, there are also a large number of crew members.

But they are also the reason why the third floor and the structure and route of the cruise ship are completely lost.

Although they work on the cruise ship, they don't necessarily know the cruise ship. As for Captain Jack, it is different.

After all, he has been working on a cruise ship all his life, and the cruise ship is already his home and a part of his body, and he is aware of any slight changes in parts

And his understanding of the cruise ship is like a father's understanding of his own children. Besides, he has the absolute right to speak on the cruise ship. Even among the companies that the cruise ship belongs to, Captain Jack is Veteran level task.

So he naturally knows the location of the kitchen on the third floor of the cruise ship, and he also knows how to get to the third floor!

Originally, at the beginning, there was a passage leading to the negative third floor.

It's just that this channel was used to repair cruise ships, so the channel was very narrow, and it was slowly abandoned.

In the end, it was even directly sealed off. From now on, there is no passage to the third floor, and only one elevator can lead to the third floor!

These are all known by Captain Jack, and even Jiang Chen is not particularly clear about them.

Therefore, it is conceivable that even if the man did not understand the structure of the cruise ship or why the negative third floor appeared and other historical reasons, even if he saw the direction in which Jiang Chen and others were leaving, but It is not easy to find the entrance to the negative third floor, it is simply impossible for him!

However, he still didn't give up, and now he came to a fork in the road. There were nearly six corridors in front of him for him to choose from, so he chose a corridor

Go straight up!

At this time, the sea water has already poured into the corridor from the lobby of the bar. The man has no choice but to run wildly in the water, rushing towards the end of the corridor

Every time he passed a door, he would open the door to see if there was a passage leading to the third floor.

It is a pity that the reality is cruel, he opened almost all the doors of the room, but it is a pity that there are all private rooms inside, and there is no safe passage that he expected.

Until he reached the end of the corridor and found that the end of the corridor was actually only a toilet, he started to walk back helplessly. At this time, he went back to the far point and chose a new corridor to rush in.

However, the result this time is still the same, all the rooms in the corridor are actually private rooms, and the end of the corridor is actually a toilet "There is no safe corridor that he expected at all!

In desperation, he had no choice but to enter the third corridor, but this time the result was the same. The layout of the three corridors was basically exactly the same, but they were divided into three corridors.

At this time, the seawater had already submerged to his knees, and he wanted to survive, so he gritted his teeth and rushed into the fourth corridor, but the result was still the same!

When he came out again, the sea water had submerged up to his waist. At this moment, he felt that even if the safe passage existed, it was impossible to be in the corridors in the middle, so he went to the last corridor!

This corridor is very long. Originally, he thought that this corridor was different from the previous corridors, and that there must be safe passages. Unfortunately, he was still wrong. This corridor did not have any safe passages. In the end, he returned Far away!

At this time, the sea water had already submerged up to his chest, so he could only swim towards the fifth and last corridor!

It wasn't until he swam inside that he realized that the structure of the fifth corridor was really different. It was like a maze, and there were many forks at the end of the corridor.

At this time, the man was completely desperate, and he wanted to give up.

At the same time, the sea water is still rising, and it has completely submerged him!

However, he is still desperately looking for it. Unfortunately, the corridors in the cruise ship are like a maze, with all kinds of forks. Where the hell is the channel!

At this time, he has completely fallen into a deep despair, and his whole body is exhausted and paralyzed!.

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