Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 445: Horrible!

Of course, the most important thing is that seawater is still pouring into the entire bar on the second floor. When the man was exhausted, almost two-thirds of the bar on the second floor was submerged by seawater!

It should be known that the height of the entire negative second floor of the cruise ship is very high, at least about six meters, and the area submerged by seawater is at least four meters high. One can imagine how much seawater there is, and four meters is actually very deep up.

In an ordinary swimming pool, the deep water area is only two meters. Some people will feel very dangerous when they enter the deep water area, and they will not be able to swim at all, let alone some people who can't swim at all. .

Even 1.5 meters of water can kill them, not to mention that the bar on the second floor of the cruise ship has been submerged by sea water to a depth of almost four meters!

This depth is a nightmare for most people who can't swim.

If it was in the swimming pool, it’s okay to say that today they can’t swim, but they also know how to struggle, they know that there are people next to them, and there are lifeguards who can appear in time to save them at this time, but now it’s completely different, they are not in the swimming pool now , but in the sinking cruise ship like the doomsday!

It is no exaggeration to say that even though there are many people present who can swim, in such a terrifying and fatal situation, it is too late for everyone to protect themselves. Who would go back and save others? Under the circumstances, no one will help other people at all, this is absolutely certain!

Furthermore, the entire cruise ship flipped over, and the power supply on the second floor was cut off. It was already extremely dark, but now that the seawater poured in and flooded two-thirds of the bar on the second floor, it became even more serious. Besides, everyone is in complete chaos!

Under such circumstances, people who can't swim, no matter how they struggle or ask for help, are useless. This is for sure. Even if someone wants to save them, in this situation , and cannot save them!

Because the entire bar on the second floor has been submerged by sea water, there is no land at all, no shore at all, that is to say, for people who cannot swim, there is no place to stay here, no one safe zone, so even if someone wants to save them, how can they be saved?

So there is no way, these people who can't swim, and choose to wait for rescue in the bar on the second floor, in the end, they can't wait for rescue, only endless sea water, endless fear, and the endless threat of death.

They were engulfed by the sea water in an instant, struggling desperately in the sea water but to no avail, they could only be engulfed in the sea water, drowned in the sea water, and turned into cold corpses floating on the water surface Come on, go with the flow!

If they hadn't chosen to stubbornly wait for rescue in the bar on the second floor, but had chosen to listen to Jiang Chen's words and escape with Jiang Chen, the result would have been very different.

Almost all of them will survive, but it is a pity that they gave up the hope of living, chose to stay, and waited for death. This is also a choice they made themselves, so there is no one else to blame at all, but they can only blame them I didn't make the right choice at the beginning!

Of course, these are just people who can't swim. These people don't have any ability to survive in the water. In fact, let alone in the overturned and sunken cruise ship, in fact, even if they are in ordinary rivers, or There is a danger of drowning in swimming pools!

However, in addition to these people who cannot swim, even those who can swim, a large number of people drowned to death!

And the reason is actually very simple, these people who can swim, even if they can swim, they can survive in the water for a certain period of time, but the entire bar on the second floor is too chaotic, too dangerous, too dark, and the environment is very It's bad, so it's not suitable for them to escape at all!

It is no exaggeration to say that if these people who can swim are allowed to swim in a swimming pool with a depth of four meters, there is no doubt that they will be fine. This is absolutely certain One point, because they clearly understand everything around them, even if the water is deep, they know that the surrounding environment is safe, if they are tired, they can just go ashore and rest!

However, in the overturned cruise ship, the situation will not be so beautiful, let alone the surrounding environment, in the darkness and chaos, there are a lot of people around, many people who can swim, even if they have After surviving, even if you can float in the water, you can't bear the presence of people who can't swim around!

These people who can't swim, struggling desperately, have completely lost their reason and the ability to judge themselves. They don't know anything. Now they just want to survive and pay for the water, so they don't care about the surroundings. If there is something, as long as you can grab it, you will desperately grab it and press it into the water, so that you can stand up and float out of the water!

Many of them who can swim are actually caught by these people who can't swim, and they desperately press the water. After all, because the surroundings are too dark, these people who can swim can't see Check if there is anyone around, and was caught by these people who can't swim without any precautions!

These people who can't swim are like water ghosts. It is very dangerous to entangle them to death. Even if you are a person who can swim, if you are entangled like this, you will drown your reputation. Among the people who can swim, in fact, a large number of people die in this way!

Of course, some people who can swim have escaped the clutches of people who can't swim, but they can't escape the various sundries washed up by the sea.

You must know that after the sea water submerged, many things in the bar were washed up together, and some of them, such as wires and ropes, would entangle the legs of people who could swim.

Even if this person can swim again, as long as he gets entangled in these wires, he will definitely die, just like swimming in the river and being entangled in aquatic plants is very dangerous. In addition, there are many tables, chairs and benches that have been washed up As well as glass basins and other utensils, they also became existences like murder weapons, smashing fiercely on people who can swim!

These people were injured in light cases, and in severe cases, they were directly knocked out and lost their ability to move. In the end, some people hit the fixed ground after they surfaced because the surrounding area was too dark and their vision was limited. The tables and chairs on the ceiling directly hit him to death.

After all, due to the overturning of the cruise ship, the tables, chairs, benches and other furniture fixed on the deck have reached the ceiling. Originally, people could not touch them. When people who can swim, they can be knocked down after they float up with the sea water, and usually head first. Knock it down, and you will surely die!

As for the last few swimmers who were drowned, it was also very miserable.

In fact, they were just like the man who just went to find the channel leading to the third floor, swimming non-stop, but the water level kept rising.

There is no place for them to rest, no place to go ashore, no matter how high their swimming skills are, their physical strength will be exhausted if this continues, so the remaining people who can swim are almost all killed. Live for the like!

In the originally chaotic bar on the second floor, as time passed, with the continuous influx of sea water and the continuous rise of the water level, calm was slowly restored.

After a period of time, there were almost no living people in the entire bar hall, and the corpses of the victims were all there. It was extremely terrifying, extremely miserable, and it was unbearable to look at!.

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