Live Hunting: Hundred Steps Through Yang She Crying For Sister Zhou

060. Extreme Surgical Performance, Helicopter Rescue!

The hunting team decided to split the helicopter money equally.

And Lin Ye has been dealing with the wound.


You can do whatever you want.

As long as it doesn't affect me to get task rewards in this mountain.

Mei Aunt walked over slowly and asked softly in Lin Ye's ear.

"We called a rescue helicopter and he..."

"If you have nothing to do, don't bother me." Lin Ye said while answering, "He will be fine for the time being."

Mei Aunt looked at Lin Ye's gorgeous Agility technique.

This looks like medical treatment.

Not at all like an inexperienced person.

So Mei Aunt nodded and thanked first.

"Thanks, I will find a way to get you that bow later."

After saying this sentence.

She stepped back to observe.

Lin Ye had no time to answer.

Instead, continue to treat the wound.

But the hunter had the injection of morphine just now.

His condition has improved a lot.

But his injury wound is too big.

Too many lacerations.

The meat on the thigh is now like tofu cubes.

Luckily it didn't tear the artery.

Otherwise, no one can save him.

Without further ado, Lin Ye first used the healing spray to suppress his bleeding.

This thing is so easy to use.

Not only can basic disinfection, but also a little hemostatic effect.

After Lin Ye sprayed it on.

The person's blood flow slowed down significantly.

Then Lin Ye started to disinfect.

Start a relay for the doctors who will go to the hospital later.

After he finishes the work that can be done in advance.

Then the person can receive medical treatment faster when they arrive at the hospital.

The difficulty of this disinfection is much more difficult than that for the female wolf before.

You may break off the meat on the thigh directly and brush it in.

Instead, use tweezers to clamp the sterile cotton ball, and then reach into the meat to control!

Blood froth squeezed out of the flesh.

The scene is very difficult to look at directly.

Sister Zhou and the hunting team next to her grinned at this step.

Sister Zhou also moved away from the camera.

She didn't pat the wound.

Just shoot the rest of the better positions.

But seeing the hideous expressions of the hunting team in the live broadcast room, they guessed that the situation was not good.

[The expression of the hunting team, this person is seriously injured. 】

[Don't worry, Mr. Lin is in the first aid operation, don't forget how Mr. Lin saved the she-wolf. 】

[But animals are animals, and people are people. 】

[Damn it, the meat is not meat, the blood is not blood, they are all wounds, the gap is not too big, Master Lin already has this kind of technique, so the hands are still the same!] 02

Immediately afterwards.

During the discussion in the live room.

Lin Ye has already disinfected the wound of this person.

On the way, because the wound was too deep and too big, there was only one bleeding.

But Lin Ye immediately stopped him with a systematic black technology healing spray.

If Lin Ye is not present this time.

Then this person must have sent it.

Gauze bandages alone can't stop the bleeding.

Can't hold on to the arrival of the helicopter.

And Lin Ye stopped the bleeding and disinfected him.

Started to heal the wound again.

The tearing wound was too big and too deep.

The whole piece of meat on the thigh has turned into several pieces of meat.

Can you imagine here?

If only a little analogy.

That is when selling tofu outside, a whole piece of tofu is cut into squares and sold to you.

But the tofu is cut neatly.

And his wound was irregular.

So Lin Ye can only fix what he can fix now.

Let's talk about the rest at the hospital.

Ever since.

Lin Ye is under the eyes of everyone.

He put down the cleaning tool.

Start getting out the flat tweezers and clips and start threading the needle.

These threads are surgical threads that can be absorbed by the body.

Even if it's sewn into the flesh, there's nothing wrong with it.

Just after a while.

These lines will be automatically disassembled.

Then nothing can be seen.


After seeing Lin Ye take out the thread and prepare to start sewing.


Tiaozi's friend stretched out his hand and opened his mouth, wanting Lin Ye and so on.

Because this has reached the surgical level.

He was wondering if Lin Ye could really do it?

After all, let a person who has only known him for a day perform surgery on someone.

No one is worried about this.

But before thinking of Lin Ye's quick tricks.

And now I have started post-needle manipulation.

Although I don't know what's going on, it looks awesome.

So he opened his mouth.

Let Lin Ye do it anyway.

As for this operation.

Lin Ye has to do it if he doesn't do it.

Just suture the critical parts inside the wound.

Then sew the outer meat together.

Then this person must be fine.

His reward will definitely come.

Do not suture this wound.

Getting on a helicopter may take secondary damage.

It may be too late to get to the hospital.

There are too many risks.

Lin Ye couldn't bet on this risk.

He must get the task reward.

Otherwise, let the Advanced doctor's ability just bet on the probability of disappearing?

how can that be possible.


In the gaze of more than 30 people.

Lin Ye started performing surgery again!

The broken places are put back together.

The torn place is stitched up.

Inversion suture, inversion suture, interrupted suture, simple suture...

A "performance" that dazzled everyone present began.

It turned out that someone in the hunting team was recording a video to preserve evidence.

That is to record how the person was injured.

how to heal.

how good.

Or how to die.

But I didn't expect that this video recorded Lin Ye's surgery performance instead.

From the inside out.

From fat to flesh.

Lin Ye also cut off a little of the excess fat on the thighs that obstructed the wound.

Then proceed to suturing.

After a while.

As Lin Ye sutures more and more outwards.



After Lin Ye put his hands away, he let out a long breath and said.

"Got it."

He put down his tools.

Then looked at the wound.

The stitching is perfect.

Both the wiring and the aesthetics are impeccable.

This is the first time he treats people.

Well, a great sense of accomplishment.

Especially after seeing the nice stitching.

And he also used healing spray.

Therefore, this person's wound was neither red and swollen, nor blanched due to excessive blood loss.

Instead, the pieces of meat were spliced ​​and stitched together.

That walks the line.

Extremely Beautiful.


Mei Aunt let out a cry.

She hasn't reacted yet, so it's done?

She hurried over to observe.

The result is after cleaning the perfect sutures of the wound.

May Aunt was shocked.

Mouths grew in shock.

she even felt...

This seam is so beautiful!

"Really good?"

"My mother, is it true or not?"

"So fast?"

The rest of the hunting team quickly came up to observe.

After all, how long has it been since the accident happened?

dozens of minutes?

It seems that half an hour has not arrived.

That's it?

As a result, everyone came together to take a look.

It's really done!

This suture.


"My aunt had an operation last year, and the stitches were so ugly, how beautiful it is."

"My mother, it was so serious just now, and now I feel nothing wrong with the stitches."

And after watching the wound.

Almost everyone in the hunting team gave Lin Ye a thumbs up and said.

"Awesome boy!"

"It's amazing, it's our fault, I doubted you before."

"That is, whoever doubted it in the morning will slap himself twice!


"I Cao, you really hit me."

See the praise of the hunting team.

And what the people said.

The audience in Sister Zhou's live broadcast were all anxious.

【Sister Zhou! Sister Zhou! Go and have a look!】

[I'm going to kick you, sister Zhou, people say it's nothing, it's very beautiful, I shouldn't be blocked from the live broadcast room after watching it! 】

Of course Miss Zhou wants to broadcast live.

But just to be on the safe side.

She still came over to see for herself.

As a result, I saw such a beautiful line.

Sister Zhou quickly brought the equipment to broadcast live.

"My Cao brothers, this is Lin Ye's masterpiece, no, art!"

"You don't know how serious the wound was just now, you couldn't even look at it, it was disgusting, but now it has become beautiful!"

After seeing it in the live broadcast room.

The audience who saw the wound for a moment immediately sent a barrage.

[I am Cao! Hang up!]

【It’s hanging again! There’s a croak!!!】

See this seam.

Mei Aunt and Lao He, the two advanced hunters, finally felt at ease.

If the hunter dies outside.

That's actually very unpleasant.

Although hunting, especially hunting wild boars is very risky, as long as the regulations are in place, there will generally be no accidents.

Just go hunting according to the prescribed method.

Listen to the command of the Advanced Hunter.

Generally no problem.

And this hunter was in need of money because he was too eager.

Did not follow the rules of the Advanced Hunter.

The three of them went after wild boars.

That's why what happened now.

But that's all in the past.

"Okay, people are not in danger anymore, go far away after reading it, it's not over yet.


Lin Ye waved Dare Ren.

Then take out the bandage and prepare to continue the treatment.

Now, it is better to wrap this wound with a hemostatic and breathable bandage.

Wait until the hospital to dismantle it.

It's okay to hear people.

The two Advanced hunters breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as people are okay.

"All spread out."

Mei Aunt directly waved away people.

"Go and drag the wild boars together, tidy them up and ask the transport team to drag them away!"

"Stop watching here, if you don't have the skills, hurry up and do some physical work."

I know it's okay.

I heard the captain's urge again.

The hunters also breathed a sigh of relief, patted each other on the shoulder and left.

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Work, work!"

"Alright Sister Mei! Yes, Sister Mei!"

Seeing that urgent matters are over.

Lao He also left with the hunting team to take stock of the prey this time.

And Lin Ye is also doing the finishing touches.

Wait until the end to bandage his wound.

This guy finally got it done.


Lin Ye just nodded in satisfaction.

There was a little wailing from the other side.

Sister Zhou, Lin Ye, and Aunt Mei turned their heads to look.

Oh, there is one more.

Lin Ye came to him and took a look.


This problem can be big or small.


Go big.

Pierced blood vessels and nerves.

Then these blood vessels and nerves must be reconnected.

The dagger cannot be pulled out either.

You have to go to the hospital to remove it for surgery.

And this is something Lin Ye absolutely can't do here.

The nerve is broken and he can connect.

But the blood vessel is broken.

He didn't have a hemostat or a blood bag.

how to do?

This will not work even if the doctor comes.

Unless he can tap acupuncture points so that this person's blood vessel will not bleed temporarily.

Otherwise it won't work either.

Let's take it easy.

That is, only the skin, fat, or muscle tissue is pierced.

Then that's fine.

Unplug and sanitize.

Then put the bandage on.

So now it depends on whether he is light or heavy.

Lin Ye squatted down to check his calf.

There was no special reaction to the lower limbs pierced by the dagger.

There is no congestion and purple.

No bleeding or paleness.

That shows the biggest problem, that is, the blood vessel was not pierced.

Otherwise, even if the dagger blocked the blood vessel.

It's almost half an hour.

The lower limbs must also respond.

Since veins and arteries are not pierced.

Lin Ye can rest assured to check the final position of the dagger piercing.

Look at it from the piercing face to the piercing face.

In addition to bleeding out.

The rest is no big problem.

And the location where the dagger penetrated was not the location of the blood vessel.

It's relatively safe.

Lin Ye looked at the man's legs and asked.

"Do you still feel your legs and feet, can you move them?

Hear Lin Ye's inquiry.

The hunter replied honestly and weakly.


"If you can, just move around.


Hunter ninja pain.

I moved my toes.

Since it can move, it means that there is nothing wrong with the nerves.

No blood vessels were punctured.


This dagger can be drawn.

no problem!

Now that a decision has been made.

Lin Ye didn't say anything to the hunter either.

Instead, take out the bandages and healing spray and put them aside first.

Then pull it off instantly!

Puff Chi~!

Actually no sound.

The hunter just felt a cold or a heat in the wound.

Then he looked down.

The dagger is pulled out 683!


After pulling out the dagger.

Lin Ye froze the dagger.

Then pick up the healing spray and spray it up.

Spray a little on both ends.

Then sanitize and clean the surrounding area.

"I can't disinfect it here, you have to go to the hospital to handle it yourself."

Lin Ye finished.

Disinfection is also done.

Then take the bandage and tie a bundle on it.

Tie a knot at the end.

"It's done." Lin Ye put away the tools.

"Ah?" It was the hunter himself who shouted.

He wanted to sit up and look at the wound.

But Lin Ye put the things back into the first aid kit and said calmly without moving his head.

"You think about it."

"If you bounce the wound again, don't blame me for not telling.

All right.

But this kind of wound is definitely not forceful.

The one on the left is more serious.

He couldn't even use his strength.

Just lie there and rest.

Hear Lin Ye's reminder.

The hunter resolutely rested on the backpack and did not move, waiting for rescue to come.


And the one on the right has just been rescued.

The one on the left started to breathe again.

But Lin Ye didn't care much.

Sister Zhou couldn't help asking, "Why is he starting to feel uncomfortable?"


Lin Ye stuffed the first aid kit back into his backpack.

This bag has already been brought over for him.

"I gave him a shot of morphine before the operation, so he survived the operation."

"Now that the morphine time is over, of course he feels pain."

Sister Zhou and Mei Aunt nodded to express their understanding.

But Sister Zhou still felt sorry for him and said, "He seems to be in great pain."

"That can't be helped."

Lin Ye still shook his head.

"Morphine is addictive, so I can't take it anymore, otherwise he will be a little drug dependent later on.

It turned out to be so serious when I heard it again.

Sister Zhou and Mei Aunt shook their heads decisively.

Just let him hurt.

Anyway, now the pain will not die.

"Lin Ye~, your arrow!"

At this time.

A hunter ran over with Lin Ye's arrow.

He came to Lin Ye's side.

Then he handed all the arrows to Lin Ye and said.

"There are 11 wild boars in total. We will separate them for you, and they will be credited to your account automatically after the calculation."


Lin Ye took the arrow and put it back into the quiver.

Most professional hunters have character.

He wouldn't secretly replace his wild boar, or count Shaolun on purpose.

He still believed in this.

Besides, Lao He was still there to supervise.

This in itself is designed to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

"Da da da~~~~~"

At this moment.

Helicopters also flew from afar.

By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention.

Another advantage of light helicopters is that.

In the mountains, as long as there is a flat bottom, it can stop.

However, a slightly larger helicopter will not work, and it is very dangerous to park casually in the wild.

So after the helicopter stopped on a nearby flat ground.

Two medical personnel ran over with a stretcher and a first aid kit from above.

One came to the side of the two lying on the ground.

While checking the wounded first, they asked Lin Ye and his group.

"How is the wounded? Have you done emergency treatment!".

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