Live Hunting: Hundred Steps Through Yang She Crying For Sister Zhou

061. Mission Complete! Additional Bonus! Campfire Roasted Wild Boar!

Facing the problems of medical staff.

Sister Zhou and Mei Aunt looked at Lin Ye almost at the same time.

Lin Ye pointed to the hunter on the left and said.

"This one was bitten by a wild boar on his left thigh. It was a torn wound. I had disinfected, cleaned and stitched it up.

Then he pointed to the hunter on the left and said.

"This one was pierced by a dagger on the right calf, a puncture wound, I checked to see if the blood vessels and nerves were pierced.

"It has been disinfected to stop the bleeding, but deep disinfection can't be done. You have to disinfect it when you go back."

After listening to Lin Ye's reminder.

The medical staff froze for a moment.

This information is so comprehensive that I thought I met a colleague.


The medical staff nodded and went to check the wound first.

First look at the serious one on the left that Lin Ye said.

Paramedics remove the bandages.

The result came into view.

It's stitching perfect alignment.


This time the medical staff were really stunned.

He looked up at Lin Ye who was reviewing from the side.

He looked down at the wound again.

this wound...

Judging from the suture line.

It hurt really badly.

But now this...

how did you do that?

"What are you looking at me for?"

Lin Ye looked at the medical staff staring at him, and raised his chin helplessly.

"Look at him."

You don't transport him out of the mountains.

How do I get system rewards?

"Oh, alright...."

The medical staff had no time to ask the questions in their hearts.

He froze.

Or squat down and check the wound first.

The stitching is perfect.

Even a little prettier.

like a work of art.

The remaining........

No problem at all.

After reading it several times, it is determined that there is no need for emergency treatment.

He turned to look at the medical staff on the other side and asked.

"How are you doing there?"

The medical staff on the other side took off the bandage and looked back.

"There is no major problem, but it may need to be deeply disinfected after going back. The dagger completely pierced the calf."

"Okay, if you don't need urgent treatment, let's go quickly."

After all, the two were ready to take the wounded back to the helicopter and throw them away.

But the wounded on the left needs a stretcher.

That is to say, two people are required to carry it.

One person on the right will do it.

If there is no one to help, it will take two trips.

So Lin Ye also helped them carry the man onto the helicopter on a stretcher.

go you~

"Da da da~~~mmon

Finally watched the helicopter take off and leave.

Lin Ye was happy in his heart.

"It's done!"


【Rescue the hunter · mission completed!】

【The mission rewards have been stored in the system space, the host can access them at any time!】

[Advanced Physician: As an Advanced Physician, you can solve most of the physical problems encountered by human beings in the world, and your own health level will improve, and your hormones, immune system, etc. will maintain an Excellent state. 】

[Exclusive adrenaline injection: After injection, it can significantly improve the host's strength, Agility, reaction, focus, etc., and reduce pain, making all organs of the body in a state of enhanced operation!】

[Note: As an exclusive product, it can maximize the improvement effect, as long as the energy is replenished in time, the host will not have any side effects after use. 】

Lin Ye looked at the ability introduction.

Unexpectedly, Doctor Advanced has more hidden abilities than in advance!

It also improves your own fitness level.

And control your own hormone secretion and improve your immune system.

What are hormones?

Both male and female have male and female hormones.

It is secreted by itself.

It's just the male's high point, and the female's female high point.

But what if the secretion is reversed?

The consequences are serious.

Male females will become sissy when they are taller, their Adam's apple will shrink, and their voice will become thinner. This is the reason for the voice of the eunuch and father-in-law in ancient times.

And that's just one of them.

Female males will become more masculine when they are taller. They have strange figures, tend to have muscles, make loud noises, and speak neither male nor female.

These costs are severe.

So hormones are a very important thing.

And now Lin Ye can balance and control this amount.

Another is the immune system.

This doesn't need much explanation.

It means less illness and more living experience.

But the second reward is unusual.

Lin Ye took a look.

Explained from a fantasy point of view.

This is called violent blood pill, or violent pill and so on.

What is the concept of adrenaline?

This one is hard to explain.

Examples are best.

For example, if a person is hit by a truck, he can still stay awake and format his phone before he dies.

For example, if a person is hit by a pistol bullet in a non-fatal part of the body, he may rush up and give you a few knives before he dies.

simply put.

It was Olaf who opened up.

The attack power increases, the movement speed increases, the small injury cannot be felt, and the serious injury directly dies.

Lin Ye nodded secretly.

Both rewards are good things.


Lin Ye returned to the original place and carried the bag on his back.

Sister Zhou held the live broadcast device in one hand and gave Lin Ye a thumbs up with the other.

Lin Ye is in a good mood.

Give her a thumbs up too.

At this time.

Sister Mei walked to Lin Ye's side, completely relieved and said in admiration.

"If it wasn't for you, at least there wouldn't be a hunter this time~". "

Lin Ye nodded indifferently: "Fortunately, I know how to do medicine."

Anyway, what he needs is system rewards.

This kind of life cannot be saved.

He will save him even if there is no system reward.

It just depends.

"I know how to point." Mei Aunt couldn't help laughing: "You said you know how to shoot arrows, but the result is so powerful. I saw that arrow shot blindly."

"If you know a little bit about medical treatment now, those two medical staff won't be in a daze."

Sister Zhou nodded in agreement.

He smiled and said, "That's right."

Everyone laughed when they saw this in the live broadcast room.

【Hahaha, Master Lin didn't pretend to be on purpose. 】

【That is, they are not forced to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. 】

[Master Lin’s arrow is so powerful, it’s only been a few hours, and it’s already on the top of the list, Xiaopozhan is full of edited videos of Master Lin, it’s about to dominate the hot list!]

By now.

Aunt Mei also understood how powerful Lin Ye is.

But she still doesn't know Lin Ye's true strength.

The real reason for this.

It's this 60lb bow that simply doesn't show.

"It's all over?"

At this time.

After seeing the helicopters come and fly away.

Lao He ran over wondering, "Why did you leave so quickly?"

Mei Aunt raised her chin to show that it was Lin Ye's credit.

"After the two medical staff saw it, they didn't need to deal with it urgently, and immediately carried the person away.

"That's good."

It was heard that it was carried away normally.

Lao He nodded and said again.

"All the wild boars were dragged back. This time, a total of 57 wild boars were shot, and Lin Ye shot 11 by himself."

"So many."

A total of 57 wild boars were heard shot.

Sister Zhou was surprised, she didn't expect to hit so many heads at once.

"It's not bad." Mei Aunt also nodded in satisfaction after hearing this: "Then camp here tonight, butcher a head and roast it."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lin and sister Zhou and asked.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave. The number of wild boars hunted this time is enough. Tomorrow we can find that friend who lives in the mountains."

"She's not too far away, she can be there in half a day."

Since I can go tomorrow.

It doesn't matter if you stay one more day.

Anyway, Lin Ye didn't intend to hurry today.

"No problem." Lin Ye replied.


The hunting team began to enjoy the fruits of victory.

After Lin Ye, Zhou Jie and others returned to the flat terrain just now.

They've all set up camp.

But Sister Zhou was stunned when she saw the prepared wild boar plane.

Of course the wild boars won't be piled up.

Instead, they are tiled end by end.

So after more than fifty wild boars were laid out.

That scene is quite big.


It was also the first time I saw this scene in the live broadcast room.

【My mother, this pile should not be piled up into a hill?】

[Wori, it's like a slaughterhouse. 】

[Too many, this is the first time in my life I have seen so many wild boars put together. 】

After watching the wild boar.

Lin Ye and sister Zhou also started to set up their own tent.

There is a stream near here.

The hunting party is already building a big bonfire and boiling water.

And there are many small bonfire groups.

Even if two people are missing.

But now with the addition of Lin Ye and Sister Zhou, it becomes thirty people.

Thirty people.

There is no room to sit around a campfire.

by the stream.

A wild boar was also taken to the scene for slaughter.

This wild boar is tonight's dinner.

The hunting team's barbecue skills are still good.

It should be delicious tonight.


The sun began to set.

The bonfire was lit.

Everyone sits outside and chats.

And the wild boar has already dealt with it and is leaning on it.

It is impossible to roast a whole pig.

So the wild boar has been divided into many pieces to roast.

Lin Ye and Sister Zhou didn't go for the time being.

Because Lin Ye is maintaining his bow and arrow.

Many hunters are also maintaining their shotguns.

this is normal.

And the hounds romped nearby.

Yellow, gray, black, gray and so on and so on.

Dozens of hounds had a great time playing Sister Zhou's live broadcast together.


The most important thing in this live broadcast is the little Huihui.

It is like the king of dogs in the dog group.

Generally, wherever it goes, the dogs will follow.

The hunter who was chatting in the camp not only laughed and cursed when he saw it: "The horse-rider has been raised for several years, and was taken to play by a few-month-old pup.

The average hunter raised his finger and shook it.

"I don't understand here."


The hunter looked at Lao He in the crowd and shouted.

"Old He, what is the origin of that blue-eyed dog, tell me.

One mention of dogs.

Lao He, who had no interest at first, suddenly became energetic.

I saw everyone looking at me.

Lao He looked at Xiao Huihui, gestured and said.

"Don't underestimate this Black Blue bastard."

"Its mother is a wolf, its father is a dog, and it happens to give birth to this wolfdog who just happens to inherit all its advantages."

"So it's half wolf and half dog.

"Smart, strong, and brave."

I heard what Lao He said.

The hunters around suddenly realized.


A hunter slapped his legs and said.

"I said so!"

"I saw for the first time yesterday

This wolf dog feels wrong. "

"If it was a dog, how could it have blue eyes, and those eyes are not the eyes of a serious dog. The nose, mouth, and ears don't look like it."

"No wonder!"

Lao He said so.

Everyone finally understood how this kid became the king of dogs.

It turned out to be blood suppression!

Think about it this way.

The mentality of the hunters is much better.

Well, after all, he has the blood of a wolf, and his own dog is no better than normal, normal.

After a while.

In the fiery way of everyone's chat.

It was getting dark.

The wild boar was also roasted.

Before Lao He went to call someone.

Mei Aunt came over with Lin Ye and Sister Zhou.

Seeing Lin Ye coming over.

All the hunters looked at him and nodded.

Know how to nod to a man by default.

This is probably the greatest recognition expressed by someone who has just met for a day.

After a fight during the day.

Almost all hunters have developed a little admiration for Lin Ye.

This is the identity of the Intermediate hunter.


It's not even good enough.

After seeing that everyone is here.

Captain Huntress, aka May Aunt Salmon.

"`"There is no nonsense here, everyone is open to eat!"

All said and done.

We all know each other again.

So everyone is not talking nonsense.

Started eating right away.

Without saying a word, Lin Ye took out a Bowie hunting knife, cut a piece of meat and shared it with Zhou Jie.

And Aunt Mei's eyes lit up when she saw the knife next to Lin Ye.

"Damascus steel? Your knife is not bad. What shape is this knife?"

Lin Ye's knife has grown.

Just now when a group of hunters took out their knives to cut their flesh.

Lin Ye's knives are the longest, largest, and thickest.

And the most beautiful at the same time.

So the brightest.

"Bowie Knife.

Lin Ye gave a brief introduction.

"It took me a while to get it.

In fact, it didn't take much effort.

It was sent by beating a wild boar.

Also killed with one arrow.

Mei Aunt liked the knife in Lin Ye's hand very much.

But after reading it, he sighed and said regretfully.

"I was different from other little girls when I was young."

"They both like pretty dresses and clothes, but I like things like bows, guns, knives...

"I still like it now, but I can't go back to the past~"

A woman who has loved knives, guns and sticks since she was a child.

A missing woman who loves these things.

Sister Zhou, who was listening on the sidelines, said regretfully and jokingly: "Then Aunt Mei must have had a martial arts dream before."

As a result, sister Zhou made a joke.

It just happened to say that Mei Aunt's heart was gone.

She sighed again and said, "You really guessed it right."

that's all.

Everyone chatted.

While eating roasted wild boar.

Lin Ye cut the harvested wild boar into small pieces.

Then take it with sister Zhou and eat it directly.

Sister Zhou first tasted a piece.

Then it was out of control.

Almost eat one piece after another.

She marveled as she ate.

"'s so delicious, why is the wild boar so delicious?"

Seeing her eating in the live broadcast room, she reminded her.

[Sister Zhou, restrain yourself, it's a bit embarrassing. 】

[That's right, Master Lin doesn't want you anymore. 】

[I know this, farmed pigs eat feed if they don’t exercise, wild boars eat fruits and grass when they exercise, plus the problem of breed, it must be much more delicious! 】

The barrage explanation is quite correct.

Lin Ye was chatting with Mei Aunt.

Also eating wild boar.

don't say it.

This thing is really delicious.

At the same time.

After the helicopter flew to the hospital with the wounded.

Immediately, relay medical staff carried the two injured hunters to the hospital's operating table.

The nurse took off the gauze bandage with a serious expression and prepared to clean the wound.

they know.

Hunters are generally sent by helicopter.

That wound was definitely serious.

But as soon as the gauze was lifted.

The nurses around were all dumbfounded.

They stared at the perfectly sutured wound and were stunned.

Then he asked the medical staff who brought him back from the side.

"What's the situation, how did you transport a man who has undergone surgery?"

The medical staff who arrived were also stunned.

"I can't make it."

"When I got there, a young man said that it was almost done."

"The other one is that the puncture wound cannot be sterilized deeply, so that should be looked at."

As a result, the nurse went to another hunter to take a look.

This really needs to be dealt with.

It wasn't sanitized inside.

Still can't bandage and suture.

Then the doctor came.

He just put on his gloves.

As a result, as soon as they came in, the nurses were actually busy with another hunter who was not too serious.

"What are you all doing? Seriously injured patients?"

The head nurse looked back.

"The wounded man was healed after the operation. You can check to see if there is any problem, but I think there is nothing wrong, only this one has not been dealt with."

Doctor: "Huh?".

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