Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1011: Forgot to tell you, the Red Guest Alliance calls me the leader!

The eyes swept around the conference room, and finally Qin Xiaobai locked on the loudest anchor, and then slowly walked in front of him.

Coming to the front and back of the anchor, Qin Xiaobai raised his finger and pointed to the computer equipment beside him, and asked blankly:

"Is this the computer equipment you use for your daily live broadcasts?"

This sudden scene made the anchor who was close to hysteria instantly stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, he looked at Qin Xiaobai with some doubts and replied, "It's mine, what's wrong?"

Qin Xiaobai didn't care about the host's unkind answer, smiled slightly, and then said: "Since you said you didn't hang up, then I insist on your computer, you should Would you mind?"

After hearing this, the anchor was not happy.

Actually, he was not afraid that the evidence of his opening would be found out. After all, when he was called by the Tigerfish staff before, when he learned that he was going to take away his live broadcast computer, he had already fainted Guess it may have something to do with the opening.

So taking advantage of the negligence of Tigerfish staff, they decisively deleted the plug-in program in the computer.

So at this moment, he is not afraid of being found out.

It's just that there are some shy things in the computer, that is, the wife of several hundred G, and I haven't had time to delete it...

"The computer is my personal property, and you are not a police uncle, so you have no right to view it! Otherwise, I will sue you for violating your privacy and compensate me for my reputation!" The anchor's eyes were a little red. , called to Qin Xiaobai.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


Is this guy the apprentice of his dream? How come the style of speaking is a bit like that of someone Qin...

"If I remember correctly, there should be a clause in the host's contract. If it is to cooperate with the investigation, Tigerfish has the right to view the live broadcast equipment of the contracted host, including but not limited to computers and sound cards. , cameras and other hardware, as well as all installed software, etc., am I right?"

Qin Xiaobai looked at him calmly and asked.


The anchor was a little suspicious that the guy in front of him was fooling him, but with so many anchor contracts, he didn't know if there was one in it.


With or without this, he can't possibly let a stranger check his computer.

"Who knows if what you said is true or not, even if it is true, it is the official staff of the Tigerfish live platform, not you!" After a moment of hesitation, the anchor retorted. .

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng behind him.

The meaning is obvious.

Two brothers, stand up and teach this little brother a lesson...

Liang Chenghai is an old fox, he can see a clue from Qin Xiaobai's micro-expression, then he cleared his throat and said loudly: "President Qin is right! Tiger fish! Article 78 of the anchor contract, that's what it stipulates. If you don't believe it, you can go back and check the contract yourself.

In addition, as the boss of Goby, President Qin is naturally a Goby official, so check your computer, there is no illegal activity! "

The words are finished.

The scene suddenly became quiet.


At this moment, these anchors finally know the identity of the young man in front of them.

The boss behind the tiger fish - Destiny Wang Xingren!

Seeing this, the clamoring anchor just now wilted like a frosted eggplant.

However, Qin Xiaobai did not continue to embarrass him.

picked up the computer next to him, walked back to the stage, and then connected to the monitor in the conference room.

Beginning to check the contents of the computer under the onlookers of thousands of people.

Immediately, he checked the computer's recycle bin and it had been emptied.

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai frowned.

Just when the anchor started to relax, a scene that surprised him and everyone on the scene appeared.

Qin Xiaobai lowered his head and tapped the keyboard.

After a while, the deleted files were recovered one by one in the computer recycling bin.

One of them, a program named for the anchor's special anti-blocking and stable eating chicken plug-in, appeared on the large screen of the projection.

This is the program that the previous anchor deleted.

However, he never thought that he had already been emptied, and that Mao could come back again...

Actually, for a palace-level hacker like Qin Xiaobai, restoring the emptied data is just a very simple matter.

Don't say it's him, it's not too difficult for any hacker in the Red Guest Alliance.

"Is there anyone who wants to challenge now?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced around the conference room, and then said: "Whether you delete it or not, as long as you open it, you will be able to find traces! So, don't do unnecessary things. struggling.

Now my conditions are still the same, I will take the initiative to explain everything about buying and hanging, I promise in the name of the tiger fish boss, I will never pursue your legal responsibility, of course I want to continue the live broadcast, definitely impossible.

Of course, you can also not explain it, and I don't mind doing the same thing again and again. However, at that time, what you will face will not only be high liquidated damages, but also compensation for the negative impact on Goby. The amount will definitely make you bankrupt! "


After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, no one doubted whether he could do it.

These people may not know him Qin Xiaobai, but these anchors have heard of the active Destiny Wang Xingren on the tiger fish live broadcast platform.

Anyone who provokes the Destiny Wang Xingren, whether it is an anchor, a star, or a top rich second generation.

The end is extremely miserable.

And most of them are just some small anchors, and there is no way to face this guy.

So in the face of irrefutable evidence, Qin Xiaobai also promised not to be held accountable.

They have no other choice.

In the end, all of them were explained one by one.

As for those anchors with less than one million followers, Qin Xiaobai used almost the same method to make them surrender.

It's just that the treatment of this group of people doesn't have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of small fans.

Qin Xiaobai also promised not to pursue their legal responsibility, but must return all the money earned from Goby over the years to Goby.

Sit in jail and pay back the money, these anchors finally chose the latter.

& nbsp; spit out.

Although Qin Xiaobai does not like this money, it is better to use it to do some charity activities in the name of the tiger fish live broadcast platform than to give these anchors.

After dealing with this, Qin Xiaobai, led by Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, went to two separate conference rooms...

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