Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1012: You're smart, but I'm smarter when I'm human!

The first conference room that Qin Xiaobai entered, the person sitting in it was the anchor Moyin who was banned by Blue Cave during the live broadcast last night.

His attitude is quite good.

Seeing Qin Xiaobai and the two tiger fish executives come in, he directly admitted the matter.

No way.

If there is any other way, he will not admit it so decisively.

It can be beaten by the official Blue Hole, and the iron proof is like a mountain.

Moyin knew that no matter how much he argued, he could not save the situation, so he only hoped that his frank explanation would make Tiger Fish show mercy and let him go.

For Magic Sound, this is a life gamble.

Although even if he wins, the result may not be very good, but if he does not gamble, then he has no last hope.

It turns out that there is nothing wrong with confessing and being lenient.

Qin Xiaobai saw that he had a good attitude and was willing to be a tainted witness in court, so he did not force him to a dead end.

Anyway, his real purpose is not to target a certain anchor, but to crack down on those developers who cheat.

Zai Moyin promises to return all the wages received from Tiger Fish, pay double the liquidated damages, and then permanently withdraw from the live broadcast industry.

Such a punishment is heavy enough for a young man in his twenties.

Qin Xiaobai finally gave him a chance.

This is not the benevolence of women, but the truth that Qin Xiaobai knows that people who are not saints and sages can be blameless.

After finishing the affairs here, Qin Xiaobai and the three went to another conference room.

The person inside is another popular male anchor in the Tiger Fish Jedi Survival section, Viper.

It is different from the candor of the magic sound.

At this moment, the poisonous snake saw three people walking in, and immediately began to complain to Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng: "Two bosses, you suddenly called me, what's the situation?

What about my fans?

There are more than 10 million subscribed fans in the live broadcast room, waiting for me to go back and start the broadcast!

It's a small thing for me to lose some gift money, but if these viewers do something extreme, or if they can't see me going back to start the broadcast, and come to the Tigerfish headquarters to make trouble, then it's not good !

Two bosses, do you think so? "

When the viper said these words, his eyes would secretly look at the changes in the faces of several people from time to time.

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, after hearing what he said, immediately frowned, almost hammering his heart to death.


Is this guy blind?

Ignore Qin Xiaobai, this Nima...he's the boss, okay?

"Don't you know what I'm calling you to?"

Xu Feng frowned, glared at the poisonous snake, and then said, "There is only one boss, President Qin!"

"President Qin?"

The poisonous snake was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood, and hurriedly smiled at Qin Xiaobai and said:

"Is the Dog Emperor you? I'm a big fan of yours. It's a great fortune to see the lineup today! I...I'll call and tell my mother that I have seen the Dog Emperor deity, you Wouldn't you mind?"

Qin Xiaobai stood on the spot with a calm expression on his face, as if he was watching a clown show.

The guy in front of him, Qin Xiaobai didn't like him at first sight.

What he said to Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng before, deliberately emphasized that he had 10 million fans, and also faintly revealed that his fans might do something for him impulsive thing.

It's disgusting!

Is it Michael Jackson?

Hearing this, the viper's face changed instantly, and then began to cry: "Dog Emperor, don't you believe me? I'm a loyal fan of you and Wanqing, by the way, I was a few days ago. Tian is also hanging out with Wanqing, Little Sister and the others...Bah, it's getting dark!"

"Wan Qing is your name?"

Qin Xiaobai glared at him and sneered.

In fact, the three characters Su Wanqing are just a name, just like the three characters Qin Xiaobai.

He doesn't mind being called by her first name.

No matter what kind of thought, Qin Xiaobai wanted to hammer him to death on the spot.

What's more, Qin Xiaobai knows a lot of familiar fans in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, and has never heard of such an anchor.

So, this guy either wanted to embarrass himself, or planned to move out Su Wanqing as a talisman for him.


This guy called Viper obviously made a mistake.

Don't talk about pulling Su Wanqing out, Qin Xiaobai would even cry when Su Wanqing was ruthless, let alone this fake fan.

In a few moments.

Liang Chenghai told Viper about the conditions he had discussed with Moyin before.

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng both thought that this guy would be the same as Moyin and choose to be honest.

But who knows that after listening to the conditions, this guy still denies:

"I really didn't open up, I can't agree to this condition... You can't wrong a good person, right? In this way, I swear to hang up Sima, my computer is here, you can check it at will, like this Should you trust me?"


When he finished speaking, Qin Xiaobai became a little puzzled.

I'm so sure, is this guy really wronged?

In order to verify the guess in his heart, Qin Xiaobai finally turned on his computer host.

When Viper saw this scene, a faint smile flashed on the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared quickly.

After about five minutes, Qin Xiaobai frowned slightly.

As he guessed, this guy's computer didn't really find any traces of opening.

This is it really wronging a good man?

But soon, Qin Xiaobai's eyes flickered a few times, and he clicked on a few wonderful videos recorded during the live broadcast of Viper.

An ID named Mamba caught Qin Xiaobai's attention.

No matter which game video it is, the player with this ID appears, which means that Viper and this player called Mamba are fixed teammates.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaobai seemed to understand, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He raised his head and looked at the poisonous snake and asked, "You are very smart, but when I am a human, There is no one smarter than me in this world.


After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the poisonous snake felt guilty at first, and there was a fine cold sweat on his face, but when he secretly glanced at the computer screen, he quickly calmed down down.

I was sure that Qin Xiaobai couldn't find anything at all, this was bluffing him.

After all, it is impossible to find any problems just from his computer host.

As for the offline verification, he can use his own state to evade it, and who can say for such an ethereal thing as the game state?

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of Qin Xiaobai.

"Mr. Qin, I really didn't open the poisonous snake! Your computer has also been checked. If there is any evidence, I am willing to take all legal responsibility!"

Viper swore.

"You said it yourself, that's fine! Go back and wait for the court summons..."

After Qin Xiaobai said these words, he left the conference room with a wave of his hand.

There is no need to sympathize with this kind of master who does not cry without seeing the coffin, just use this opportunity to let the outside world see Tiger Fish's attitude towards the anchor.

Even a streamer with millions of fans will be hammered to death!

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