Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1013: Why are you so impatient, just watch the show and eat melons with peace of mind!

After all, Tiger Fish is a legitimate business. There is no reason to impose personal restrictions on the anchor Viper. Of course, Qin Xiaobai would not be stupid enough to do so.

After investigating Viper's computer, he was informed that he could leave.

But of course it won't end there.

When Viper left the Goby Headquarters building, he already knew in his heart that although the evidence of his cheating had not been investigated, he might not be able to get along in Goby.

Even if he is inflated, he knows that offending the tiger fish boss will definitely not end well.

So, after some thought, he definitely did something desperate.


Go head-to-head against the goby platform.

Of course this is not an impulsive impulse, the viper also has its own abacus.

He wants to use this incident to keep himself in a hot topic, on the one hand to win sympathy, on the other hand, he is also waiting for a price to find a suitable next home.

In his opinion, although there are not many live broadcast platforms now, there are not only tiger fish, but also Douyin, Xunshou, Xiaopozhan and so on.

A host with tens of millions of fans, and if the topic is very high, no matter where you go, someone should be rushing for it.

Leaving the Goby platform and maybe get a bigger contract.

So, after leaving the Goby Headquarters building, the anchor Viper recorded a video.

The content is basically crying about the unfair treatment he received in Goby, including being blocked for no reason in the live broadcast room, he could not live broadcast normally, and he was insulted at Goby headquarters and was forced to search the computer equipment etc.

I have to say, his acting is pretty good.

Breathed in tears, it's so realistic!

Some things were said in the end, and he almost believed it himself.

The one who was suppressed by the platform and had to resist, the victim of the image of the anchor...

Checked it several times and found no loopholes, the anchor Viper's eyes flickered a few times, and then without hesitation, he directly uploaded the video to major online platforms.

There are many people who eat melons these days, especially on the Internet. After the video of the viper was released, it quickly caused a sensation.

I don't care if the melon is ripe or not.

Anyway, public opinion and the masses will always unconsciously stand on the side of the disadvantaged.

Plus a whole bunch of venomous snake fans.

The speed of the spread of this video has surpassed all imaginations. In less than 20 minutes, it has already rushed to the top three positions in the hot search.

In just 20 minutes, the broadcast volume has exceeded 100 million times.

More than one million comments.

Most of them are biased towards the anchor Viper, responsible for the bullfish live broadcast platform to do mischief, and do not treat the anchor as a human being.

“Is the tiger fish live platform so lawless now? It can even restrict personal freedom and search personal belongings…”

"Scary! I didn't expect the anchor to have no human rights. Look at this poor child, what has he experienced?"

"Sad when you hear it, tears when you see it! Come on Viper, fight the unscrupulous live broadcast platform to the end, we support you!"

"Come on, anchor, we support you, Sima tiger fish enjoy the cool morning!"

"Anchor, we will wait for you to come back and start broadcasting, no matter which platform you end up going to, we will go with you!"

"Tears! I wanted to be an anchor, but it's too bad? I don't think anchors are people..."

“@Imperial Culture Ministry, come out and take charge of this platform? People’s children are going crazy!”

"It is recommended to block the tiger fish live broadcast platform directly, this is disgusting 100 million points..."


Seeing that he was on the hot search, the public opinion all turned to his side. At this moment, the anchor Viper had a smug smile on his face.

What if Tigerfish is the number one platform?

Isn't he alone, playing with applause?

Those anchors who tell the truth about the truth are really sand sculptures, but if they have a brain, they will not do such stupid things...

However, what makes Viper a little depressed is that there are almost a lot of platforms now, so you should contact him and talk about digging.

But why is there no movement?

Is it too late, are the executives of other platforms off work?

After thinking about it, Viper thinks that there should be only this possibility. With his current popularity and topicality, plus his own tens of millions of fans, those platforms that are suppressed by tiger fish have no There's no reason to dig him.

After pondering for a while, the viper was not in a hurry.

I feel that I will wait until tomorrow and rush to the top search on major websites and platforms, and then I may be able to negotiate a better big contract.

Thinking of this, Viper found a hotel with satisfaction.

Then rest and wait for the next day...


In the office on the top floor of the Tigerfish headquarters.

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng frowned, looking a little restless.

The accusation video released by the anchor Viper rushed to the top three of the hot search, of course they knew about it.

However, when they reported the matter to Qin Xiaobai, the boss not only did not have the slightest anxiety, but instead played the game of PUBG Mobile in their office, and played with a player , is happily typing and chatting...

Who can believe this!

"Qin... President Qin! The trouble seems to be a little big, should I arrange for someone to clarify this matter?"

After a while, Liang Chenghai finally couldn't sit still, stood up from the sofa, walked to Qin Xiaobai, and asked with a worried face.

"No! Let him make trouble, the bigger the trouble, the worse the death!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't raise his head, he still flipped his hands over, typing on the keyboard, and answered casually.

"But... we haven't found any evidence, and if he keeps making such a fuss, it may not be easy to clean up the situation..."

Liang Chenghai was almost speechless.

He really doesn't know now, what reason does the boss Qin Xiaobai have to say such confident words!

The host Viper's computer was also found, and no evidence was found.

Now Tiger Fish has been sealing other people's live broadcast rooms. Although Liang Chenghai is reluctant to admit it, this is already a breach of contract by the Tiger Fish platform.

After all, in the live broadcast contract, it is not only a unilateral restriction on the anchor, but Goby also has obligations to perform.

There is no evidence at present. The top live broadcasters of the ten million level are closed down.

It doesn't matter to the tiger fish to lose some money or something.

However, this kind of anchor challenge platform event cannot be started, otherwise there will be more and more similar troubles in the future.

"You've been with me for such a long time, so I'm probably hungry? Go, go to the staff restaurant downstairs, have some supper, and treat me as a guest..."

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai stopped what he was doing, stood up from the chair, looked at Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng with a smile and said.

Liang Chenghai: "???"

Xu Feng: "???"

No, did Qin Xiaobai sincerely invite them to supper?

Do you have any guests to the staff cafeteria?

"President Qin, now we don't have the mind to eat supper... If you don't care about this matter, I will handle it myself, even if you expel me from the tiger fish in the end, I can't help it Watch the goby get destroyed!"

Liang Chenghai's face showed a hint of determination as he looked at Qin Xiaobai and said.

"Why are you so impatient at your age! Let's have supper first, someone will solve this matter for us, just watch the show and eat melons..."

Seeing Liang Chenghai's impatience, Qin Xiaobai shook his head slightly and explained.

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