Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1015: Wife remarries, children give away, go now!

The reversal of the plot that happened that night, the anchor Viper didn't know anything about it.

The next day at nine o'clock in the morning, Viper woke up full of energy. He thought that there would be countless missed calls and invited him to join the live broadcast on other platforms.


When he picked it up, he was dumbfounded.

There are no missed calls.

Instead, I received a lawyer's letter from the goby live platform.

"How can this happen? It shouldn't be..."

Viper frowned slightly, muttered a little, and started to read the news headlines.

After a while, he was stunned.

The video posted last night accusing the Tigerfish platform is no longer on the hot search list. It was not topped, but the account was directly blocked.

In addition, the news that hung on the top of the hot search list caught his attention.

However, when he took a look, his scalp immediately started to tingle, and he was sweating non-stop.


The anchor Viper finally understood why no platform sent him an invitation, but instead he received a lawyer's letter from Tiger Fish.

I was hammered by my accomplices.

The evidence has been made public, and there is no room for recovery.

This also means that he has violated the live broadcast contract and will face an unimaginably high amount of liquidated damages.

In addition, according to the lawyer's letter sent by Tiger Fish, he is suspected of slandering the reputation of the platform, causing great damage to the platform's image, and will face an additional huge compensation of 500 million.

In addition, it is suspected of cheating fans and has been banned from the entire network.

In other words, even if he wants to live broadcast other content in the future, it is simply impossible.

All this is almost a devastating blow to him.

Not to mention the 500 million astronomical compensation, that is, the liquidated damages of Tiger Fish, and it is not something he can afford at all.

Being a host for a year and a half, he did make a lot of money before, but in addition to buying expensive plug-ins every month, most of them have been squandered by him. Together, only a few million at most.

It is impossible to afford compensation.

According to the law of Blue Star, if the individual cannot repay the huge debt after bankruptcy and liquidation, the creditor has the right to propose that the debtor be imprisoned...

Such a large debt, if I go to jail.

According to the average life expectancy of Blue Star people of 80 years, at least one hundred lifetimes of prison...

Thinking of this, the anchor Viper looked out of the balcony.

The future?

There is no future!

Now for him, the best choice is to jump down to get liberation, death and debt, there is no other choice...

At noon, Qin Xiaobai woke up from the hotel, and after seeing the news of the anchor snake jumping off the building, he shook his head slightly and sighed: "I gave you a choice, you choose it yourself It's a dead end! Be a good person in your next life..."

Anchor Viper's death, no one contacted the Goby platform.

Even many people who eat melons feel that he is worthy of sympathy and deserves no sympathy.

Although it seems that the tiger fish platform has not benefited much.

The vitality was greatly damaged, and the anchor lost more than half of it.

But in fact, this is an extremely beneficial thing for the long-term development of the goby live platform.

Really powerful anchors can be in the top.

The anchors of some technical dishes are starting to change their live broadcast styles and attract audiences in other ways.

This is probably the so-called breaking and standing.

After a short period of misery, everything is thriving.

After the shuffling of the anchors of the Tiger Fish PUBG segment, Qin Xiaobai's purpose of coming to the Tiger Fish headquarters this time can be considered accomplished.

After saying hello to Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, they took the flight that afternoon and returned to the magic capital.

Now he has enough evidence.

We have both physical and human evidence.

It's time to kill Bossland, the company that makes plug-ins.

In the past few days, the news of Tiger Fish's handling of the host's opening has been widely circulated on the Internet, and it has also reached the ears of a group of executives of Bossland.

The hatred of these executives towards Qin Xiaobai is obvious.


A large number of ordinary users have been lost in the past, and now even advanced customers such as anchors have been lost... Who the **** can stand it?

Therefore, a crazy act of revenge against the tiger fish live broadcast platform was also quietly formulated within Bossland.

However, this group of Bossland's top management did not realize that maybe their plan will always be just a plan, and there is no time to implement it.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Xiaobai returned to the magic capital.

Then he found the door of Jiang Xue's dormitory in Modu University, and knocked on the door.

Jiang Xue, who was teaching Heitan one-on-one elementary school lessons, heard a knock on the door, she was stunned for a moment, then stopped the class and said to Heitan : "It seems that someone is knocking on the door, you sit down and study the problem first, and I'll take a look!"

Black Charcoal: "…"

The black charcoal who was forced to attend classes for the past two days almost went crazy!

Damn, what a cat should do!

Forcing a cat to class is enough, but also forced to do homework, do exercises...

Is there any reason?

Is there a law of kings?

Black Charcoal is nostalgic all the time, and the days when Qin Xiaobai and Qin Xiaobai went out to demolish the house at night, even if they were blamed every day, were much happier than today!

After Jiang Xue opened the door, she saw Qin Xiaobai standing outside the door, with a strange expression on her face, and then asked:

"Qin Xiaobai, how could it be you?"

"Is that black charcoal there? I have something to do with him..." Qin Xiaobai glanced inside and asked.

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Jiang Xue's first reaction was that this guy was going to call black charcoal again and go out for whoring in the middle of the night...Bah, women's clothes!

So her face darkened immediately, and she replied, "No, black carbon is not here."

In any case, Jiang Xue is also a college counselor.

It's a bit of a face.

If her colleague finds out that her boyfriend wears women's clothes on the street late at night, and then spreads it to school students and teachers, how can she behave...

Hearing the conversation at the door, Hei Tan suddenly became excited, rushed over and shouted: "Boss, I'm here! What's the matter?"

Jiang Xue: “…”

Seeing that Hei Tan had already rushed to the door, Jiang Xue had no choice but to stare at him with a black face, and did not continue to speak.

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai smiled calmly and said, "There is action at night, come or not!"

After hearing the word "action", Black Charcoal's eyes flashed, and he nodded again and again: "Come! You must come!"

"But your daughter-in-law..."

Qin Xiaobai glanced worriedly at Jiang Xue who was annoyed, then looked at the black charcoal, and stopped talking.

"It's all right! The wife remarries and the child is a gift, let's go now!"

Black Charcoal walked out of the dormitory without hesitation.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Jiang Xue: "???"

Just after Qin Xiaobai and Heitan went downstairs, it seemed that Jiang Xue upstairs was shouting from a distance: "Hei Tan, Qin Xiaobai, you two bastards! I'm going Tell my little niece..."

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