Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1016: I now suspect that buying a plane is not to propose marriage, but to facilitate demol

The afterglow of summer shone on the driving Cullinan, Su Wanqing was not fast and was driving on the road to the Wandering Villa.

Around 6pm.

Su Wanqing returned to the Wandering Villa.

In the distance, she seemed to see a familiar figure standing at the gate of the villa, pacing back and forth anxiously.

After taking a close look, Su Wanqing stopped the car and turned off the car, then opened the car door with a smile, and walked over: "Auntie, why are you free to come here today?"

Seeing Su Wanqing coming over, Jiang Xue immediately complained to her:

"Wanqing, can you take care of your relative Xiaobai? He took the black charcoal to the outside again... Chaos!"

After hearing this, Su Wanqing was slightly stunned, and then she said with some doubts: "Qin Xiaobai went to Seoul and hasn't come back yet..."

After getting off the plane, Qin Xiaobai went straight to look for the black charcoal, so at this moment Su Wanqing thought he was still in Seoul.

"What? He came to me in the afternoon to look for black charcoal and said that there would be action at night... They must be going to women's cosplay again... Wanqing, you persuade Qin Xiaobai, if this spreads to students or In the ears of my colleagues, how can I be a person!"

Jiang Xue looked at Su Wanqing with a face full of tears and laughter, and said.

I don't know why, after Su Wanqing heard these words, she always felt that things were not as simple as what her aunt said.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll put down the schoolbag, and then call to ask!"

Su Wanqing comforted her, then pushed open the door of the Wandering Villa and walked in with Jiang Xue.


Su Wanqing found something not quite right.

Whenever she came back from school, the animals in the villa would rush towards her when they heard the movement.

However today…

Except for a few short-legged hamsters, no other animals seemed to be seen.



This is obviously a bit unusual.

After a while, Su Wanqing suddenly understood, and her face changed slightly.

The two guys, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan, are not going to play women's cosplay, but they are going to demolish the house with a group of animals from the wandering villa...

Su Wanqing's guess was good. At this time, a blue and white helicopter formation had already whistled through the sky, and was heading towards Xiangcheng, west of the magic capital, at a speed of nearly 400 kilometers per hour. .

These helicopters are exactly the ones Qin Xiaobai used to propose.

Only, at this moment, except for the driver, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan, there is no normal "human" inside, they are all animals of the wandering villa.

"Boss, it's okay this time! We're all on the special plane, we have cards, hehe!"

In the helicopter, Hei Tan looked at Qin Xiaobai, the excitement on his face could not be concealed, he laughed.

"It's okay, mainly because it's low-key!"

Qin Xiaobai smiled and replied.

Black Charcoal: "…"

This does not seem to be related to low-key... The helicopter formation has been dispatched, can you still say low-key?

"Boss, let's demolish the house like this. If my sister-in-law finds out, I will be hammered to death when I go back?" At this time, Heitan suddenly calmed down and looked at Qin Xiaobai with some worry asked.

Actually, Black Charcoal is a little empty now.

By the way, Qin Xiaobai can see through the black charcoal at a glance, a smile appeared on his face, and joked: "I didn't say it with great pride when I left, but now I'm cowardly. Can you be happy with your girlfriend?"

"Aren't you afraid, after all, if the eldest sister-in-law ignores her, there will be a second sister-in-law..." Hei Tan whispered, and then continued to ask: "That's right, boss! I'm almost there. I haven't seen Second Sister-in-law and Little Loli for more than half a year, where have they been?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


Qin Xiaobai did not expect that Heitan would suddenly ask this question, and he did not return to Earth to see Sister Shen Wenwen for a while.

Black carbon's words seemed to hit the softest part of Qin Xiaobai's heart.

After a long silence, Qin Xiaobai did not answer his words.

After seeing this scene, Hei Tan was also very sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, the quiet Xiangcheng lights are on, and the neon lights rise.

But this bustling scene still did not cover up the roar of the blue and white helicopters. When helicopters flew over the city, many people immediately stopped and looked up.

Because of air traffic control, the top of Xiangcheng is an international flight route, and the flight altitude of all civil helicopters cannot exceed one kilometer.

So, no way.

Qin Xiaobai had to order the helicopter formation to drop in height and walk through the gaps between skyscrapers.

Because of the low altitude, many passersby soon discovered the abnormality of this group of helicopters.


It is not people, equipment or goods, but animals…

This scene made those onlookers start to talk about it.

"What's the situation? I've seen people drive luxury cars to walk pets, but is it too much to drive pets in helicopters? Are rich people so boring now?"

"Poverty limits my imagination, how much money can I afford to buy so many pets..."

"Brother, did you get the point wrong? Isn't the helicopter formation more valuable?"

"These helicopters look familiar, as if I've seen them somewhere..."

"You seem to be really saying this, ****! I remembered, isn't this what a goddess used to propose to a female anchor at that time? I still have the video, let me I'm coming to Kangkang!"

"Don't look! This is the helicopter formation of the dog emperor... Those above are not pets, but the demolition group of the wandering villa!"

"Fuck, what are you talking about?

"Xiangcheng is in danger!"

"Fuck, are you playing such a big game now? I suspect that the dog emperor bought a helicopter formation not to propose marriage, but to facilitate him to take the animals to demolish the house..."

"Go to @大王 patrol the mountain, let her rescue the poor Xiangcheng, the dog emperor is going to demolish the Xiangcheng!"

"Scary! Tonight is doomed to be another **** night, and now I really want to know, who is the unlucky person who provoked these guys..."

While many passersby were talking, they also took out their mobile phones and recorded a video.

Then it was uploaded to the Internet, and @大王 patrolled the mountain.

At this moment, Su Wanqing, who was chatting with Jiang Xue in the Wandering Villa, saw that the phone kept ringing, frowned, and picked up the phone...

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