Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1017: That's it, move on... Bah, move your claws!

The video content displayed on the screen of the mobile phone is exactly the picture of a team of blue and white helicopters whistling across the street above the high-rise buildings.

There may be a little guesswork involved.

But Su Wanqing recognized it at a glance, these helicopters were the ones Qin Xiaobai used to propose to her that night...


Su Wanqing was sure she did not admit her mistake.

After all, the marriage proposal that night will probably never be forgotten for her, including the helicopter formation that appeared at that time to amaze the audience.

No wonder the animals in the stray villa are gone!

It turned out to be transported to Xiangcheng by a helicopter by Qin Xiaobai...

With such a big battle, where are they going to demolish?

Is it really like those fans said, are you going to demolish the entire Xiangcheng?

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing's face became a little nervous, it was in Xiangcheng, not in the imperial capital, nor in the magic capital.

Qin Xiaobai and the others really want to do some appalling things, will they have no way to end it...

Jiang Xue, who was beside her, saw her little niece. After looking at the phone, her expression seemed a little out of place. She couldn't help frowning and glanced at her, and asked, "Wan Qing, what happened? What, why is your face so ugly?"

After hearing her aunt's question, Su Wanqing shook her head helplessly and handed the phone to her: "Hey, auntie, see for yourself, something big may happen now... "

Jiang Xue took over the phone, watched the video with some doubts, and then asked with a confused look: "Isn't it just a few helicopters flying at a low altitude on the street? What is there to see... I think the matter of Heitan and Qin Xiaobai's parade in women's clothing is even more important!"

"They're not playing women's cosplay... they're going to tear down the house!" Su Wanqing explained helplessly:

"Have you seen these helicopters? Those are Qin Xiaobai's, and the animals above are also living in the wandering villa, and they appear here... which means, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan must be on it..."


After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Jiang Xue's face became even more confused. After a moment of silence, she asked, "What do you mean by tearing down the house? Like the husky you raised before? "

"It's a little more serious than may be the demolition of buildings, etc.!" Su Wanqing sighed and continued:

"Auntie, I don't have time to explain, while they haven't started yet, we have to go to Xiangcheng quickly, how much can we stop..."

Su Wanqing is not worried that Qin Xiaobai has no money to compensate, but she is a little scared, living in an unfamiliar place, she really wants to make a case of demolishing her house and being controlled by Qin Xiaobai and Hei Charcoal they will suffer.

"Then... let's go!"

Jiang Xue was also taken aback when she heard Su Wanqing's explanation. As a college counselor, she is very familiar with the laws of the empire and knows the seriousness of destroying other people's property.

In light of the original price compensation, in the worst case, sit in prison…

Jiang Xue knew that Qin Xiaobai was very rich, but this kind of richness was limited to tens of millions.

A building can cost hundreds of millions, right?

If Qin Xiaobai can't afford to pay, then he and Hei Tan will be imprisoned...

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Su Wanqing and Jiang Xue discussed it and felt that Xiangcheng was not too far from the magic capital, so they decided to drive to Xiangcheng overnight to prevent them from demolishing Action at home...

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai's helicopter formation has all stopped in an open area in the western suburbs of the magic capital.

The helicopter and the pilot remain on standby.

Qin Xiaobai and Heitan led a group of animals to kill the address sent by Xiao Shisan and the others.

After about half an hour.

They came to the gate of a park, and on a test-floor building facing the gate, there was a sign made of glowing LED lights - Bossland!

Although it was late at night, every room in this building was still brightly lit.

Qin Xiaobai took out his mobile phone, repeated the address, made sure he was not in the wrong place, then grinned slightly, turned his head and glanced at the animals behind him, and said, "This is it. Now divide into two teams, Xiao Huang, you lead a team, surround the building, don't let anyone run away.







After Qin Xiaobai gave an order, the animals also let out a burst of excited roars, and immediately divided into two teams, and acted according to his previous orders.


All Bossland employees and executives who are working overtime in the building to do the program for the tiger fish live broadcast platform, all heard the movement from downstairs.

Out of curiosity, they stopped working and rushed to the windowsill.


It's all confusing.


They have been surrounded by hundreds of animals...

"What's the situation today? We used to have no animals to hang out here..."

"Yeah, it's so noisy! How can I work so loud..."

"Don't say it, I have a fruit knife here, how about we go downstairs and grab a few tonight, and then make a barbecue or something, how about a late night snack?"

"Barbecue? But what if I prefer braised..."

"There are so many animals, it's not just eating casually, barbecue, braised, steamed, sweet and sour fried, all flavors come again..."

"Shit! I'm drooling..."


While a group of Bossland employees and management were discussing how to eat these animals, there was a burst of terrified screams on the first floor, followed by There were all kinds of loud noises of destruction.

"Fuck, what happened?"


At this time, Qin Xiaobai had brought hundreds of animals into the office on the first floor, and in the terrified eyes of a group of people, he began to direct the animals to carry out the demolition work...

There are about ten offices on the whole floor, almost at the same time, all of them were destroyed.

There are also some Bossland employees who want to stop this, but the animals that demolish the house are too scary. , instantly turned into nothingness...

Ten minutes later, the same terrified screams came from the second floor…

The third floor…

Fourth Floor…

When the voice came from the ninth floor, the Bossland executives in the top floor office were already pale.

It's so scary!


All the employees of their company were cornered by these animals and shivered.

Some of the panicked employees originally planned to jump out of the window to escape, but after going down, they were immediately surrounded by the animals surrounding the downstairs.

And now, the remaining animals are walking towards the tenth floor where these executives are located...

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