Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1018: Is the price of becoming stronger being bald?

There are not many offices on the tenth floor, each of which is quite spacious, elegantly decorated and extravagant.

The five founding partners of Bossland are hiding in the same office at the moment, pacing back and forth, and it can be seen from the expressions on their faces that everyone is full of tension and anxiety .

In order to formulate a revenge plan against the tiger fish live broadcast platform, it is rare for these founders to gather together.

But no one thought that the plan had just been formulated and before it was officially implemented, it was disturbed by a group of ferocious animals.

What's more terrifying is that these animals are like crazy, directly destroying everything about them.

At this moment, these executives have understood.

This is definitely not an accidental animal riot, but a shockingly designed action against their Bossland.

However, they couldn't figure out what kind of person would dare to be so unscrupulous, blatant, and do such crazy things in broad daylight.

Aren't you afraid of being sanctioned?

You must know that even some underground forces are basically secretive and covert.

Such as now, it is really the only time they have seen.

Are these people... ah, no, animals, really don't want to live...

While the founders of Bossland were thinking wildly, Qin Xiaobai had also brought several titled members of the demolition group to the tenth floor of the top floor step by step.

Checked a few offices, and after seeing no one, Qin Xiaobai pouted, then turned to Heitan and said:

"Black carbon, dismantle it!"

"Good boss! Such a high-end office is the most exciting and exciting to disassemble, hehe!"

After he finished speaking, he walked into an office without hesitation and began to dismantle it skillfully.

"You guys should also do it together... People should still be on this floor, remember to call me when you find it!"

Qin Xiaobai gave some instructions.

When he was at the bottom just now, Qin Xiaobai saw that the office on the tenth floor was lit, so he inferred that there must be someone on this floor, and judging from the style of office decoration, it should be a plug-in The leaders of the gang.

Although, after looking at the two offices and not seeing them, Qin Xiaobai was not in a hurry.

These guys can't escape from the window on the tenth floor, can they?

Even if they are really desperate, they will be surrounded by the brothers below if they don’t fall to their death, so don’t worry.


The office on the top floor was almost demolished, only the innermost one remained, and something was used to block the door of this office from the inside.

A group of members of the demolition team surrounded the door.


Hua Hu stood at the door and roared towards where Qin Xiaobai and Heitan were.

"It's in there!"

Qin Xiaobai muttered to himself, and then walked slowly to the door: "Huahu, break open this door!"


The five Bossland executives in it were all frightened after seeing this scene.

But what they saw next almost made these people faint...

A handsome young man, followed by dozens of animals such as tigers, lions, cheetahs, crocodiles, cats, etc., stepped on the broken gate, and slowly appeared in their sight.

And this young man, with a slightly raised mouth, stared at them with a harmless smile.

After seeing the appearance of these shivering guys, Qin Xiaobai's heart suddenly became speechless.

All bald…

So weird?

Is baldness a standard haircut?

Or, if you want to become stronger, you must first become bald...

"You... who are you? Do you guys know... a crime? We... just now... called the police!" said tremblingly.

"Fuck, did you call the police?"

The expression on Qin Xiaobai's face immediately showed a hint of shock.

"Yes, yes! We really called the police just now, don't mess around, it's too late to stop now..." After seeing Qin Xiaobai's change in expression, the man who took off the top thought that he had been caught by him just now. The words were taken aback, so I quickly added another sentence.

"This is just right, and it saves me from calling. Thank you for saving me a phone bill. I met a good person!"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at a few people and praised with a serious face.

Man off top: "???"

"You developed the plug-in, right?"

Qin Xiaobai didn't care about the confused people, and asked directly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are a regular Internet company, just an ordinary e-commerce business. We don't know what plug-ins and PUBG Mobile are..."

"Yes, don't spit on people! We are a serious company, and we do wholesale of adult products..."

"Integrity management, the kind that is innocent..."

I don't know why, Qin Xiaobai always felt that the words of the person behind seemed a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

But right now he doesn't have time to worry about it.

"I seem to have only said that you guys are plug-ins, haven't I said a few words about PUBG?"

Qin Xiaobai still had a smile on his face as he looked at a few people and asked jokingly.

These guys' excuses are completely self-destruction!

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, those people suddenly became speechless.

But soon these people calmed down, and it doesn't matter if they say anything.

Could this guy be able to convict them with a few words as evidence?

Obviously not possible.

At this time, downstairs in the park, there were bursts of rapid sirens, and more than a dozen police cars had flashed their lights and rushed downstairs.

After hearing these movements, the middle-aged man took off his head and showed a relieved expression.

Then the tone began to toughen, and said to Qin Xiaobai:

"We didn't say it, and we don't know what you're talking about. The police uncle has already arrived downstairs, and you're screwed!"

"You people really don't cry without seeing the coffin..."

Qin Xiaobai shook his head slightly, and then sighed: "Since you don't repent, then I'm sorry, let's spend the rest of your life in prison... Using improper means to make huge profits is a crime. But it's heavy!

You should have made billions like you, which is a huge amount, and there is no chance of it coming out…”

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, the expressions of several people couldn't help changing at the same time.

Of course they know what the young man in front of them is saying.

"I don't know what you are talking about! Besides, do you have any evidence for what you said?" asked the bald middle-aged man coldly.

"I dare to demolish your building in public without evidence?"

The corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth evoked a smile, and asked a question.

"You scare us?"

"Is it necessary to scare you? Thousands of anchors who use plug-ins on the Tigerfish live broadcast platform have already confessed you, and wait for the trial..." After Qin Xiaobai said these words, A group of heavily armed police uncles rushed up at the door...

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