Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1019: The anchor overturned, and the demolition team was shot!

In the middle of the night, Su Wanqing and Jiang Xue finally drove to Xiangcheng.

Originally, Su Wanqing planned to take out her mobile phone, post a video as usual, and use the power of netizens to find the location of Qin Xiaobai and Heitan.


When she just took out her mobile phone and opened the Douyin APP, she suddenly became stupid.

Large-scale police operations often cannot escape the eyes of the media. Some media with quick eyes and quick hands, in order to win the headlines, have released the video of the police operation to major social media in advance.

A video titled "Shocked: Two young men, doing this kind of thing late at night" is already on fire at this moment.

Su Wanqing opened the video that fans @she watched, and her expression suddenly became tense after a while.


Qin Xiaobai and Heitan, surrounded by a group of police uncles, got into a police car.

Then disappear into the long night with the sound of the siren...

After this video was sent out, many fans who knew the family group, commented on it below.

"Fuck! No, is the dog emperor overturned? He was taken away directly..."

"It's over, it's over! I'm afraid it's going to get cold, so openly demolishing the house like this, I'm afraid I'll be shot after being caught..."

"How can you walk by the river without wet shoes! One day the car will overturn as strong as a dog emperor. After the anchor learns the truth, I wonder if she will cry and faint in the toilet!"

"Don't say it! The dog emperor is cold, I really want to have a chance..."

"@大王行山, the anchor remarry, the dog queen is going to be executed!"

"Upstairs, why don't you talk nonsense? The dog emperor's execution date is 1:00 tomorrow afternoon... Nanmen Caishikou!"

"You two don't know how to stop talking nonsense? Just now the dog emperor was shot at the scene!"

"Fuck! Who are you talking about? Is the anchor a widow?"


At this time, Jiang Xue saw the little niece on the cab seat, her face seemed to become a little ugly, she frowned and asked suspiciously: "Wan Qing, what's wrong with you girl? Don't speak for a long time. , do you want to scare me to death?"

Su Wanqing still didn't speak, she handed the phone to Jiang Xue and motioned her to take a look.

Seeing her actions, Jiang Xue took the phone suspiciously, and then looked at it seriously.

When she watched the whole video, she almost passed out...


She or 26 years, she finally found a boyfriend, and now she is about to be executed?

This... who can stand it!

" should I do? Heitan and Qin Xiaobai won't...are they really put to death?"

A woman in love has zero IQ, especially a woman like Jiang Xue who is in love for the first time. After watching the video just now, she was blinded!

My mind went blank.

I don't know what to do...

It was Su Wanqing who remained calm at the moment.

Qin Xiaobai and Hei Tan took the animals to demolish their homes, although it is indeed serious, but no matter what, they will not be directly executed, right?

So, according to her guess, the two were temporarily detained.

There should be no danger to life.

matter of importance.

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing started the car, and then said to Jiang Xue in the co-pilot: "Auntie, don't worry! Let's go to the police station to ask about the situation, so as not to be executed directly of…"

"If the charcoal is gone, I don't want to live anymore!" Jiang Xue whispered.

After hearing this, Su Wanqing shook her head slightly.

After seeing her aunt's appearance, she seemed to see herself, the scene when she fell in love with Qin Xiaobai just now, almost exactly the same...

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan are sitting in the Xiangcheng Police Station drinking hot tea.

In front of them, a pennant was placed.

A line of golden characters was written on it: Network Guardian!

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Black Charcoal! Thanks to the two of you for your righteous actions, we have the opportunity to crack this, shocking cybercrime case!"

A middle-aged man in uniform sat in front of Qin Xiaobai and Heitan, and thanked him with a smile: "This pennant is a little thought from us, and also Please don't be polite and talk about the outstanding contributions made by the two of you!"

"It should be, it should be! Good people like us don't see this kind of thing the most, when we encounter such a thing, we will tear down the house as soon as possible...Bah, directly assist the police uncle to solve the case !"

Black Charcoal has fully demonstrated the learning results of these periods of time, and speaking is no longer so thoughtless as before.

Being polite.

Qin Xiaobai on the side did not speak, looked at the black tan on the upper body of the actor, and cursed in his heart: "Hei Tan, do you want to show your face? We are not human. , you have the face to say that you are a good person..."


Hei Tan also saw the disdain in Qin Xiaobai's eyes, but he still grinned and didn't mind at all.

He said no, but his hand quickly put away the pennant.

At this moment, Black Charcoal's heart is not too proud.

This time not only overwhelmed the win, but also won a pennant without taking the blame.

It is the pinnacle of cat life!

This kind of thing can go back to Jiang Xue, that stupid woman, for several years...

"By the way, can you ask, these guys who make plug-ins..."

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the police uncle in uniform, and finally asked a little embarrassedly.

"Oh, Mr. Qin wants to ask their fate, right? These people use loopholes to make plug-ins to make huge profits. Judging from the accounts seized by several people, it has exceeded more than 5 billion in running water.

If there is no accident, several leaders will not come out in the second half of their lives, and the minimum participating accomplices will start in five years..."

The police uncle explained.

This matter was originally a secret, but Qin Xiaobai and Heitan were the key figures in solving the case after all, so he revealed a little bit.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Actually, what Qin Xiaobai wanted to ask was that these guys made so much money making plug-ins, should they make up for his loss?

Driving a fleet of helicopters to demolish the house, don’t you want gas money?

But after thinking about it, Qin Xiaobai finally didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan, with the pennant, walked out of the gate of the police station, surrounded by police uncles.

At this moment, the eyes of the two of them were attracted by a driving Cullinan.

Then the two of them couldn't help shouting in their hearts at the same time: "Fuck!"

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