Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1022: I'm here to talk business, but you want to take me as a disciple?

After parting with Heitan, Qin Xiaobai looked at the time. There was only half an hour left until the time agreed with Lin Xiaoxiao, so he drove directly to the Rainbow Magic Bar. .

As Qin Xiaobai expected before he came, at this time, the bar was empty and there were no guests.

Qin Xiaobai looked around, and soon found a place in the corner below a screen.


The person sitting in that position is his partner Lin Xiaoxiao.

What surprised Qin Xiaobai was that besides Lin Xiaoxiao, there were two other strange men.

One of them looked in his fifties, with short blond hair, and was wearing a more casual tracksuit.

Sit on his right hand, is an old man who looks around sixty years old, dressed in ancient Han clothing.

The eyes of the three fell on the screen playing the game in front of them, and they would chat a few words from time to time.

The moment Qin Xiaobai walked into the bar, Lin Xiaoxiao noticed him out of the corner of his eyes.

He looked slightly happy, stood up, said hello to the man next to him, and then walked towards Qin Xiaobai with a smile.

"Stinky brother, you're here! It's on time this time..."

After coming to Qin Xiaobai, Lin Xiaoxiao was not polite, pulled his arm and said something with a smile.

After seeing Lin Xiaoxiao's actions, Qin Xiaobai subconsciously broke free of her hand, glared at her, and said, "Just talk, what are you doing? Are you trying to take me? Cheap?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "…"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Lin Xiaoxiao was speechless at the time, and her face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

If Qin Xiaobai was not her boss, she would have turned her face on the spot.


Such a man can find a girlfriend, and she is a single dog...

Who would believe this?

In fact, her actions have nothing to do with taking advantage or not.

Of course, to take advantage...

In fact, there are indeed so many!

"That... let me introduce you to the two over there!" In order to hide the embarrassment in her heart, Lin Xiaoxiao had to go straight to the topic.

After he finished speaking, he took Qin Xiaobai to the seat just now.

"This is the chairman and CEO of Terra International Motors, Mr. Terra!" Lin Xiaoxiao said with a smile, looking at the younger foreign man and introducing.

Qin Xiaobai didn't show any score, he reached out and shook hands with the other party, and then said politely: "Qin Xiaobai!"

After the handshake between the two was over, Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at the old man beside Terra again, and then introduced: "This old gentleman is Mr. The head of the boxing, Master Ma!"


Qin Xiaobai glanced at each other and greeted him casually.

"Young man, I think your bones are very strange, and you are a good material for fast martial arts. Are you interested in joining our Xingyi Hunyuan Taijimen?" Master Ma also looked at Qin Xiao. Bai, with a gleam of light in his eyes, asked with a smile.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


Did you go to the wrong place...

Aren't you here to discuss cooperation?

Someone wants to take him as a disciple, and this old man doesn't look like a good person!

Isn’t there only Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu, He, and Sun in Tai Chi?

How come a shape and meaning Hunyuan Taiji Gate suddenly appeared...

Sounds like something, but isn't that kidding him?


Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but want to laugh, there seems to be no one in this world who can accept him as his apprentice!

Just in front of this old man, Qin Xiaobai can kill ten with one punch...

"Don't blame Mr. Qin, this is the habit of tutors. When you see people with wisdom roots, you will have a love for talent, and you can't help but want to invite to join the sect!" Tra laughed Laughing, in fluent imperial dialect, he opened the mouth and said:

"Since Mr. Qin is here, let's talk about cooperation formally with Miss Lin!"

"Good good!"

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, looked at Qin Xiaobai, and then introduced: "Mr.

After Lin Xiaoxiao's ten-minute introduction, Qin Xiaobai roughly understood the whole process.

After frowning a few times, she looked at Lin Xiaoxiao and said, "You don't need to ask me about this kind of thing, just do it if you think it's appropriate!"

The implication of Qin Xiaobai's words is that I believe in you, let go and do it!

After he decided to cooperate with Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin Xiaobai never doubted that she would cheat him.

There are not many people on Blue Star who can make Qin Xiaobai fully believe.

Su Wan counts one, Black Charcoal counts as one, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng counts as one, Dong Guangzhu counts as one, and of course Lin Xiaoxiao counts as one.

It is difficult for Qin Xiaobai to completely trust a person, but once he chooses to trust them, he will trust them unconditionally. As long as these people do not have the mentality of betrayal, Qin Xiaobai will do whatever they want. Select supported.

Therefore, in Qin Xiaobai's view, although the amount involved in this cooperation is very large, Lin Xiaoxiao can make up her own mind.

After all, in terms of professionalism, Qin Xiaobai's autonomy is definitely not as good as Lin Xiaoxiao's.

"But...if an accident happens, all our hard work will be attributed to Mr. Terra! Are you really...don't worry...let me make up my mind alone?" Lin Xiaoxiao listened to Qin Xiao After Bai's words, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Hundreds of billions of business, let her make her own decisions?

Is this still a human thing?

If it was any other person, I am afraid that such an important thing would not be handed over to a subordinate...

If there were other people present at the scene, Lin Xiaoxiao would have been moved to tears.

Only by Qin Xiaobai's trust in her.

Everything she did for Qin Xiaobai before was worth it!

"As for this, it's not a big deal! Make up your own mind." Qin Xiaobai glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao's expression and couldn't help but want to laugh, and said calmly. She said a word.

Lin Xiaoxiao: "…"

Brother, are you kidding me?

Hundreds of billions of business, it's not a big deal... Is this still what people say?

Actually, in Qin Xiaobai's view, a business of hundreds of billions is really not a big deal. The projects Dong Guangzhu is working on, but more than one trillion, he is not the same, let him be alone Did it!

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll take over!" Lin Xiaoxiao packed up her emotions, looked at Terra, and then continued:

"Mr. Terra, you heard what my boss said, I will be responsible for this project in the future.

Our cooperation agreement can be signed, but some details of the contract still need to be considered, so let's come to Cogneon tomorrow to sign..."

After listening to Lin Xiaoxiao's words, Terra nodded and replied with a smile: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation, by the way, we will have a reception at Terra tonight, if Miss Lin doesn't dislike it Yes, why don't you come over, just in time to meet other partners..."

"The reception?"

After hearing this word, Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at Qin Xiaobai subconsciously, then nodded slightly and replied, "Definitely!"

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