Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1023: Sorry, I can't go with you!

For this kind of commercial reception, Lin Xiaoxiao naturally knows what's going on. Drinking is the second thing, and exchanging personal connections is its real purpose.

Of course.

On such occasions, the people who are generally invited will not appear alone.

If a man participates, he will usually bring a female companion. Of course, if a woman is invited, he must also bring a suitable male companion.

No way.

For this kind of reception held by foreigners, there will always be a dance part, which has basically formed a tradition.

Although Lin Xiaoxiao agreed, she was a little worried.

She can't be a single dog running over to this kind of party, can she? I can't stand it in that way...

In any case, she is now the helm of the nominal Cornyon.

Therefore, I had to look at Qin Xiaobai.

Although it is not stated, the meaning is already obvious: please, please, stinky brother, come with me!

Of course Qin Xiaobai would not understand her look.

After glaring at Lin Xiaoxiao, she asked angrily, "Why are you staring at me with such big eyes? Do you think your eyes are bigger than mine?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "???"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately became a little cold.

If this kind of man is her boyfriend, she has to call at least three times a day... Is this still human?

This is too straight, isn't it?

" know, I don't have a boyfriend, this kind of party needs a male companion..." Lin Xiaoxiao gave Qin Xiaobai a speechless look, thinking that he said here, this guy Should be able to understand, right?

After looking at Lin Xiaoxiao's expression, Qin Xiaobai was also a little speechless. Listening to her, are you planning to let yourself introduce her to a boyfriend?

The charcoal already has an owner.

Other animals certainly won’t…

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng have families, Dong Guangzhu is too old...

"You want me to introduce you to a boyfriend? Big sister, where can I find you in such a hurry?" After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai shook his head helplessly. Looking at Lin Xiaoxiao and asking.

Lin Xiaoxiao: "…"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Lin Xiaoxiao's fist couldn't help clenching slightly.

This is not something that can be solved by playing three times a day, at least ten times can save this straight man...

"I mean...if it's convenient for you...can you come with me?"

In the end, Lin Xiaoxiao's face couldn't help but turn slightly red, and her voice was very low.


She knew that Qin Xiaobai had a girlfriend, so it seemed a bit bad to do so.

No way!

At this point in time, who should she go to?

Even if she could find it, it would be impossible for Lin Xiaoxiao to dance with this person. In that case, everyone would be a little embarrassed.

Actually, she didn't have any special idea, she just wanted Qin Xiaobai to accompany her to a cocktail party.

I knew that I couldn't take it away, and I didn't plan to take Qin Xiaobai away from Su Wanqing.

"I'm getting married! That stupid girl in my family, if she knew that I was going to dance with other women, although she wouldn't say anything, she would definitely feel bad, so... I'm sorry, I can't accompany you You go to participate!" Qin Xiaobai pondered for a while, and finally refused Lin Xiaoxiao's request.

Some relationships, knowing that they will be a bit ambiguous, can't touch them anymore

Once it gets stained, it can't be shaken off.

Although Qin Xiaobai doesn't think Lin Xiaoxiao will be such a woman, it's better not to do it to be safe.

It is too cruel to Lin Xiaoxiao to give her a glimmer of hope.

So, it is better to refuse decisively and limit the relationship to partners.

"Are you getting married?"

After hearing this, Lin Xiaoxiao repeated it silently, as if something suddenly pricked her heart.

"Yes, it should be next month!"

Qin Xiaobai answered truthfully.

Although the wedding date for him and Su Wanqing has not yet been set, after the last task is completed, the marriage is almost done.

So there will be no problem next month.

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's affirmative answer, Lin Xiaoxiao's head went blank for a while. She was usually generous and good at speaking, but she didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, Lin Xiaoxiao calmed down, looked up at Qin Xiaobai's face, and murmured a few words: "Then... I wish you happiness!"

After saying this, Lin Xiaoxiao turned around.

The ghost knew how heartbroken it was when Lin Xiaoxiao said this!

The moment she turned around, she finally couldn't hold back. Two clear tears wet her delicate makeup, leaving two shallow marks on her fair cheeks.

For fear that Qin Xiaobai would see it out, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't stretch out her hand to wipe it, so she left numbly.

Qin Xiaobai watched her back until Lin Xiaoxiao walked out of the bar...

The Rainbow Magic Bar is relatively close to the Lanshan Hotel. When Qin Xiaobai came out of the bar, he felt a little tired and didn't think much about it, so he drove directly to the hotel.

After eating a little something, I went to the suite on the top floor to rest.

It was a long sleep…

When Qin Xiaobai opened his eyes, it was already dark.

In the magic capital at the end of June, the sky will be completely dark, at least it is about half past seven.

Feeling a gurgling sound in her stomach, Qin Xiaobai got up helplessly and called Su Wanqing.

"Come for dinner? At Arashiyama Hotel!"

"Come on! Hee hee... You're a little bit wrong today, so take the initiative to invite me to dinner, so good?"

Su Wanqing replied with a smile.

This silly girl is as simple as ever and easy to satisfy.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai just thought it was a bit boring to eat alone.

"Wait for me, I'll be right over here!"

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

After Qin Xiaobai freshened up in the room, he hurried downstairs and went to the hotel restaurant.

Because she was really hungry, Qin Xiaobai ordered a few snacks and ate it first.

These snacks are what he usually eats.

But when Qin Xiaobai took a bite, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and then he asked the manager of the restaurant, "Did you change the pastry chef? Why is the taste a bit wrong? ?"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's question, the restaurant manager quickly came over and explained:

"President Qin, it's not a change! Today a major client held a reception in our hotel, and the pastry chef was invited by them to make snacks on the spot. What you are eating now is made by his apprentice, yes Doesn't it taste bad?"

"Oh, that's not true, it's just a little unpalatable! Forget it, go get busy..."

Qin Xiaobai nodded, but he was thinking, was the reception that Tra said in the morning held at his hotel?

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