Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1024: Apologize or don't even think about going out!

As Qin Xiaobai guessed, the reception organized by Terra was chosen on the 16th floor of the Lanshan Hotel.

No way.

There are too few places to hold large-scale cocktail parties in this place. Apart from the five-star hotel Arashiyama, there really isn't any other good place.

The white evening dress Lin Xiaoxiao was wearing was like the soft white moonlight wrapping her slender figure.

Long black hair cascaded casually over her shoulders, in stark contrast to her white evening dress.

No extra luxury.

But this has already highlighted Lin Xiaoxiao's temperament to the fullest.

At the scene of this reception, she is definitely the most eye-catching one among all the women. Many business leaders who come here will not help but secretly look at her from time to time .


Lin Xiaoxiao really didn't want to come, but because of the partner's face, and she herself had agreed before.

So, in the end, I had to bite the bullet and came over alone.

I asked her to find a random man to make up the number, and then come to the dance. She might have been in the past, but since she met Qin Xiaobai, Lin Xiaoxiao definitely won't do it.

It's better for her to come alone.

"Ms. Lin, it's time for the ball. May I have the honor to invite you to a dance?" beside him, he asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little tired, I just want to sit for a while, sorry!" Lin Xiaoxiao smiled apologetically at him and declined politely.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao really didn't have the heart to dance.

This is already the twenty-second strange man at the reception, who has come to invite her to dance.

To be honest, Lin Xiaoxiao was really tired.

Have not yet come out of the shadow of being rejected by Qin Xiaobai, why does she have any intention of dancing with others at this moment?

Originally, Lin Xiaoxiao thought that this strange man in front of him would leave silently after hearing her rejection.


The man standing in front of her not only did not leave, but sat down next to her.

"Miss Lin, are you so disrespectful?"

The strange man moved his body again, leaned a little closer, with a faint smile on his face, and then said: "It's just a dance, Miss Lin doesn't need to refuse like this. People are thousands of miles away, right? Hey, there seems to be some dust on your shoulders, let me help you..."

While speaking, this strange man raised his hand, ready to put it on Lin Xiaoxiao's fair shoulders.

However, before he could finish his words, Lin Xiaoxiao pulled his outstretched hand away: "Don't touch me!"

Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at him with disgust.

Three words spit out coldly.

It's nothing more than taking advantage of yourself.

In addition, Lin Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood today, and her tone of voice was a little heavier.

As her words came out, the scene of the reception suddenly became quiet, and the sound that was playing music also stopped at this moment.

Everyone at the scene looked at Lin Xiaoxiao with a confused look.

After seeing this scene, the face of the man who invited Lin Xiaoxiao to dance was a little overwhelmed.

"Are you shameless? Do you really think you are a pure saint?" The man stood up, stared at Lin Xiaoxiao and scolded him angrily, and then said, "You know I am Who is it? The chief disciple of the Hunyuan Taijimen in Xingyi, even if Terra sees me, he has to be called a big brother!"


Own an auto parts company.

In the early years, he was fooled by Master Ma to join the Xingyi Hunyuan Taijimen and became the first disciple.

Master Ma didn't know what means to use, and he brought Terra Fudge, the founder of Terra Auto, an international friend obsessed with imperial martial arts, into the door.


Li Yun didn't brag, Terra did call him a big brother.

He didn't know Lin Xiaoxiao's identity, he just thought he was an ordinary supplier of Terra Motors.

At the reception, after Lin Xiaoxiao appeared, it caught Li Yun's attention.

Such a stunning beauty, without a dance partner, must be single...

Although he had seen Lin Xiaoxiao reject many fellow men before, Li Yun did not take it to heart.

Can those ordinary people compare with him?

The elder brother of the Taiji Sect of Hunyuan, Terra must respect him a little.

As long as this woman wants to mix with Terra and doesn’t want to be kicked out of Terra’s supplier system, as long as he reveals his identity intentionally or unintentionally, she must give herself some face .

First of all, we had a dance, and then we ended up having a meal, and finally…

Of course, these are all fantasies of Li Yun.

When he just implemented it, he found that things were completely different from what he expected.

Lin Xiaoxiao, this woman, actually gave him a look in front of so many people...

This Nima, who can stand it?

Actually, can Lin Xiaoxiao be blamed for this?

The man I had a crush on suddenly married another woman, and then a shameless guy appeared, trying to take advantage of her.

She just spoke a little bit more.

Instead of a grumpy old lady like Shiqian Tianshi, I would have hammered this guy to death long ago...

Seeing the atmosphere at the scene was already a little embarrassing, Terra hurriedly came over and said: "It's all right! Please continue, everyone, it's a small misunderstanding..."

"Mr. Terra, I'm sorry! I'm feeling a little sick, so I won't stay any longer. I'll leave now!" After Lin Xiaoxiao said apologetically, she planned to leave the reception.

"Want to leave? Who did you show your face in front of so many people just now? You want to leave without explaining a few words?" Li Yun stood up and blocked in front of Lin Xiaoxiao, cold Looking at her coldly, he asked.

"No, eldest brother! This is..."

Terra looked a little embarrassed after seeing this scene. But obviously he didn't dare to take his words seriously, for fear of refuting senior brother's face. Xingyi Hunyuan Taijimen is most about martial arts, respecting teachers and respecting Taoism...

"Tra, don't worry about it, this dead woman wants to leave without an apology, and it's okay to hit me in the face, this is not to give our master face, let alone give us the shape and meaning of the Taiji door. I can't stand it!

How can we be human?

Today she must apologize, or she will not leave! "

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