Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1041: If you said marry me, you won't change your mind this time, right?

Any guesses are not real.

Qin Xiaobai is convinced of this.

There was just another nine-star lottery draw. After hesitating for a while, Qin Yun finally recited in his heart:

"System brother, come to the nine-star lottery."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for spending a nine-star lottery chance to get an "Animal Fitness Manual", which has been stored in the host system warehouse, please pay attention to the host to check it in time."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After hearing the prize, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened.

Why don't you call it "Youth Cultivation Manual"? Or call it the eighth set of radio gymnastics...

After scolding for a few words, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Su Wanqing on the bed, and didn't know whether he was sulking over there or really fell asleep, he wasn't looking at him anyway.

So, I took out the "Animal Fitness Manual" from the system warehouse.

To Qin Xiaobai's surprise, he quickly flipped through a few pages, but there was not a single word, all of which were strange animal movements.

Is it because the animals are afraid that they can't read the words, so they use the pictures?

It is possible to think so.

For a moment, Qin Xiaobai didn't bother about this issue anymore.

Instead, I looked carefully at the content of the picture.

According to the small print of the system's brother's remarks, this should be a exercise similar to strengthening the body, but it seems to be only used for animals.

After studying for a while, Qin Xiaobai turned into a husky. He tried to follow the instructions in the manual and put up a few pos.


There doesn't seem to be much improvement except for feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Brother system, this doesn't seem to be useful?"

Half an hour later, Qin Xiaobai stopped and asked in his heart.

"Nonsense, host you are already so powerful, if this thing is still useful to you, it will be strange! This is a manual about the cultivation of younger brothers. You can't ask the host to do everything in person Come forward?

Some small troubles, let a few powerful little brothers solve it, and then be a salted fish? "

The system brother asked with some contempt.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

As expected of you, dog system!

He was so stubborn about Qin's character.

But there seems to be some truth in what the system brother said, his younger brother has become stronger, which means that his strength has been strengthened from the side.

At least when the house is demolished in the future, there is no need to call Xiao Ha to help.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai felt a little better.

Then the "Animal Fitness Manual" was directly returned to the system warehouse.

Wait tomorrow, take it to Black Charcoal and Xiao Huang to try it out.

Silent night.

Because of Qin Xiaobai's surprising behavior last night, and the fact that she was not lightly angry, even though Su Wanqing set the alarm clock, she still overslept.

It was half past eight in the morning when I opened my eyes.

"It's over! It's late for the exam!"

Su Wanqing hurriedly got up from the bed, obviously a little nervous.

"What are you doing in the early morning?"

Qin Xiaobai was woken up by her, and she was a little angry.

"Qin Xiaobai...Can you send me to school for the exam, your driving skills are better, I'm going to be late..." Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai pitifully and begged.

The hotel is about half an hour's drive from Modu University. In addition, this is the rush hour for work, and at her own driving speed, it is obviously too late.

So, no way!

Su Wanqing had no choice but to ask Qin Xiaobai for help.

"Is that all?"

Qin Xiaobai gave her a blank look, and then said, "Why are you still stunned? Hurry up and change your clothes, do you want to wear pajamas for the exam?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

After Qin Xiaobai said this, Su Wanqing realized that she was still wearing pajamas and began to change in a hurry.


I didn't shy away from Qin Xiaobai, so I changed in front of him.

Of course, now Qin Xiaobai is not as **** as he used to be when he sees such a scene. After all, they are already old couples.


The two came to the door of the hotel.

Qin Xiaobai drove Su Wanqing in his car, all the way towards Modu University.

No surprises.

Qin Xiaobai finally delivered Su Wanqing to the exam room safely before the exam started, and then watched her walk in.

When Su Wanqing walked to the door, she suddenly stopped, looked back at Qin Xiaobai with a smile, and asked loudly, "Qin Xiaobai, did you forget the agreed thing?"


Qin Xiaobai asked with a confused expression.

Su Wanqing was not angry at Qin Xiaobai who didn't seem to understand her words, she still had a sweet smile on her face, and then said: "After I am admitted to graduate school, you want to marry me. , will you not change your mind this time?"

"Let's talk about it!"

Qin Xiaobai glared at her, and then said, "I'm going to leave the magic capital in the next few days, wait for me to come back!"

"Where are you going? Alone?"

Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai puzzled and asked.

"Go home and invite my parents, don't you want to marry me without a witness?" Qin Xiaobai smiled and asked.

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing's tense heart finally relaxed, Qin Xiaobai finally did not change his mind this time!


After nodding heavily, Su Wanqing walked into the examination room full of joy.

Qin Xiaobai was at the door and watched Su Wanqing's back for a while, then shook his head and started the car.

In addition to picking up his parents to Blue Star, the purpose of his leaving the Magic City is another important thing that he needs to deal with.

The system brother said it.

After he evolves again, he can open the jade coffin in the polar region.

Of course, all the mysteries can be solved along with it.

Now that the conditions have been met, it is time to unravel the truth.

Why time-travel, who is the brother of the system, the note received on the street late at night that night, and the marks on the foreheads of Su Wanqing, Shen Wenwen, and Cheng Xiaoguo, what are they?

All of this made Qin Xiaobai's heart very uneasy.

So, he intends to figure it all out, and then come back and marry Su Wanqing.

The poles still have to go again.

Of course, before going again, Qin Xiaobai planned to go to the Wandering Villa.

In the morning, Cao Dewang, the general manager of Shanshui Group, sent a WeChat message saying that the villa had been repaired, and he picked up a copy of the "Animal Fitness Manual", which happened to be sent to the black charcoal. .

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai turned the steering wheel, and then drove all the way to the location of the Wandering Villa...

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