Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1042: It seems to be a little stronger...but I'm bald? !

Although the overall style has not changed, it has more than doubled in size.

"Mr. Qin, without your consent, I went to Senator Lin to expand the villa. The main reason is that there are too many animals, and the original scale can hardly accommodate so many animals. now..."

Cao Dewang saw Qin Xiaobai come in, walked over to him, and explained.

"You did a great job, this kind of trivial thing doesn't need to be reported to me..."

Qin Xiaobai nodded and praised.

These words are not against my heart, but from my heart.

The general managers of these industries in the magic capital are all very good, and Qin Xiaobai is also very relieved.

Of course, being able to get larger land to expand the villa is obviously not due to Cao Dewang. Mostly, it is because of his own face that Councillor Lin will get approval.

"Thank you for the praise, if there is no other order, then I will take someone back first!"

Cao Dewang smiled honestly and said respectfully.

"When you go back, remember to draft an equity incentive agreement. In the future, Shanshui Real Estate will have 5% of your shares." Qin Xiaobai nodded and said something that shocked Cao Dewang.

After half a day, Cao Dewang looked at Qin Xiaobai excitedly, and thanked him incoherently, "Thank you, President Qin!"

"Okay, get busy!"

Qin Xiaobai nodded. For employees who are loyal to him and have certain abilities, he has never been stingy.

The general manager in charge of several industries basically owns the shares of their industries.

Although it is nothing to Qin Xiaobai, it is enough to make these people willing to work hard for him.

After Cao Dewang left, Qin Xiaobai found the main title members of the demolition group.

Then smiled mysteriously at them: "Okay, it's all my own now, I'll show you something good!"

The boss used to have this expression every time he forced them to play Ludo.

"Boss, I remember, my girlfriend told me to go to lunch at noon, go first!" Hei Tan's scalp was a little numb, and he stepped back timidly and said.

"Wang Wangwang..."

Xiao Huang stammered and said.


Hua Hu saw that all the brothers around him had interfaces, and only it and Brother Pingtou had no reason to escape.

"Fuck! What are you doing? Do you want to rebel one by one?"

Qin Xiaobai's face darkened when he saw this, and then he took out the "Animal Fitness Manual", and then shouted: "Come back, here is a book, it is said that it can make you change. Strong, come and try..."

Demolition: "???"

When they heard Qin Xiaobai's words, their hearts collapsed. Especially the black charcoal who went to school, almost shed tears.

"Brother, we are just a group of animals! You forced us to play flying chess with you, we recognize it, but let me read, is it too much, stop playing, you can kill me... "

Hei Tan looked at Qin Xiaobai with a hopeless expression, and muttered dissatisfiedly.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

"What! It's not for you to read books..." Qin Xiaobai shook his head speechlessly, and then added: "Don't know what to do! Other animals want this thing, and I don't want to give it yet. What about them! That is, you are your own brothers, so you are willing to take them out?

Stop talking! Come and try..."

Tell the truth.

All members of the dismantling group are actually resisting.

The posture on the book is really shameful, it has touched the shame of an animal...

No way.

Under Qin Xiaobai's fist, they finally chose to give in.

According to the action in the manual, it began to stand up.

But soon.

The eyes of the animals who dismantled their families began to light up.

Because of the colleagues who accompanied them to make those strange movements, they could clearly feel that their strength seemed to be increasing little by little.

This feeling is very subtle, but it is real and can be felt.

Seeing the members of the demolition group, Qin Xiaobai also watched curiously from the beginning of resistance to calm down.

I want to see something from them.

In an hour...

Qin Xiaobai couldn't help it. He stared at the fascinated black charcoal and asked, "Hei charcoal, how is it? Has there been any change in the body?"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Heitan stopped the pos he was posing.

When it was about to answer, suddenly a bunch of black hair fell in front of its eyes...

Then the top of my head felt a little chilly.

Black Charcoal subconsciously stretched out his claws and touched the top of his head, and more black hairs slipped down with its movements...

At that time, Black Charcoal was stunned.

I touched it a few times…


Black Charcoal seems to understand.


Its hairline is gone…

emmm... To be precise, not only the hairline, but also a large piece of hair on the top of the head, all gone.

Qin Xiaobai was stunned when he saw this scene.

Fuck! bald?

turned his head and glanced at the other members of the demolition group. It seemed that the situation was similar to that of black charcoal.


Hei Tan looked at Qin Xiaobai with a bewildered expression, and asked in a daze.



At this moment, all the animals are really starting to collapse.

The power is getting stronger.

But who can tell them, why the hair on the top of the head suddenly disappeared...

After seeing the heartbreaking cry of the animals, Qin Xiaobai's face was slightly embarrassed.


This scene he really did not expect, after all, he has tried it before, and there is no such situation...

"Have you... become stronger?"

Qin Xiaobai hesitated for a while, looked at the demolition group, and then asked.


Black Charcoal was stunned for a while, and answered without love.

"That's right, don't you remember the last time we went to dismantle that plug-in software company? The price of becoming stronger will probably become bald..."

Qin Xiaobai looked up at the clouds in the sky and said thoughtfully.

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