Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1085: It is indeed not tens of billions, but more than 100 billion!

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, everyone who came over was immediately stunned on the spot.

What kind of weird punishment is this?

I've heard of people who force others to pay their debts, but I've never heard of people who force others to pay for themselves...

Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai, and after holding it for a long time, she spit out a few words:

"Are you unlocking a new way to lose money?"

"It's not a prodigal. After all, I don't have much money in my card. You know that."

Qin Xiaobai took a deep breath, and then replied calmly.

No way.

Qin Xiaobai didn't want to fool her either. If it was just a few millions or tens of millions, he could still be defeated by gritting his teeth.

But your sister, there are still two billion in the card...

"Wanqing, don't save money for Qin Xiaobai, didn't he say that he doesn't have much money? We have been moving bricks for him for so long, so we think he gave it to us working people. Welfare, hehe!"

Dai Xiaomei was not too polite, she took the bank card in Qin Xiaobai's hand, and then said seriously:

"However, Qin Xiaobai, you said it yourself, don't feel bad when you've spent all the money, you want us to return it when the time comes, but there's no way!"

After listening to Duan Xiaomei's words, Qin Xiaobai smiled slightly and asked back:

"Am I that kind of person? But what if you can't spend it all?"

"Qin Xiaobai, if you don't look down on people like you, we didn't dare to spend a card worth tens of billions of dollars before, but this time, if I leave you a card Dime, we will call your father on the spot and play chess with you without complaint!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Actually, Qin Xiaobai doesn't care about the fact that they call his father.

The last sentence is more in line with his ideas.

"That's it, happy shopping!"

When he disappeared, all kinds of whispering discussions sounded again at the scene.

"Fuck! Gou Huang is still that dog king... I wish I could be like him!"

"Wait the dog king, we guys just glared at you and scolded scumbags, just wanted to ask, can we join your prodigal team as well..."

"Brother, why didn't you ask when the King of Dogs was here, now that everyone else is gone, there is no use in asking!"

"Come on, it's opening! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks... No, just use the guy's pants next to me as a bet, guess if they lost all their bank cards, or go back Calling Dad to play chess with the King of Dogs?"

"Fuck! It's opening, can you talk about martial arts? I haven't had time to take off my pants, have you already been eyeing? And you... don't look so weird follow me..."

"Hey, editor-in-chief, big news, I've already thought about the title, yes, you heard it right, just shocked: a well-known female anchor and her best friends want to catch the mistress on the spot, but the man watched silently , the woman cried when she heard it..."

"Damn, why is this guy from the shock department here, come and kill this group of headliners!"

"Stop talking, brothers, I'm waiting for you on the rooftop, take a step first..."


Hearing the comments of a group of fans around her, Su Wanqing immediately felt a little bit confused, glanced at the bank card in the hand of the little sister, and her face suddenly became a little strange.


The bank card held by the little sister, she seems to have never seen Qin Xiaobai use it...

Is it new?

At this time, the little sister saw Su Wanqing's expression and thought she was feeling sorry for Qin Xiaobai's money, so she said with a smile: "Wanqing, don't you be so stingy? Qin Xiaobai They say that there is not much money, but it is estimated that it is only a few million, right?

We are all together, how about helping him earn hundreds of millions every year? Do you feel bad about spending him millions? "


It's not wrong to be a little girl.

Just a few of them, three dishes, one soup, and a few people, live on the tiger fish platform, and help Qin Xiaobai make more than hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

And there is a hidden Lin Xiaoxiao among them.

Conyant helps Qin Xiaobai make more money every year, and at least tens of billions must be there.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Xiaobai would give them a bank card of 2 billion to spend directly, and he didn't feel bad at all.

"You're right, but I've never seen this bank card, and I don't know if there are millions in it. If not, don't be disappointed..." Su Wanqing shook her head. Shaking his head, he sighed.

After all, in Su Wanqing's view, Qin Xiaobai has invested in too many industries for a while.

It’s just Tianhe Shopping Center and two e-commerce platforms, I don’t know how much it cost…

"That... Wanqing, can you show me the card in your hand?"

Lin Xiaoxiao, who had not spoken much while standing in the crowd, suddenly walked out, came to Su Wanqing, and asked with a frown.

"But... OK, have you seen this card, Sister Xiaoxiao?"

Su Wanqing glanced at her with some doubts, and handed the card to Lin Xiaoxiao.

Since Qin Xiaobai took out this card, Lin Xiaoxiao felt a little familiar, but she just stood a little far away, and she was a little short-sighted, so she never dared to confirm .

After taking the bank card from Su Wanqing now, Lin Xiaoxiao was stupid at that time.

Isn't this the bank card that I gave Qin Xiaobai before?

Others don't know how much money is in the card, but Lin Xiaoxiao personally handles the card, and she arranges the finance to transfer the money...

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao got the bank card and looked at it for a while, she was stunned. After a moment of hesitation, Su Wanqing asked with some doubts: "What's the matter, Sister Xiaoxiao? This bank card? Any questions?"

"The card is not a problem, but we people may have problems..."

Lin Xiaoxiao returned the card to Su Wanqing in disbelief and answered helplessly.

After her words, everyone present looked at her with strange expressions, and some didn't quite understand the meaning of Lin Xiaoxiao's words.

"No, it's just one line of cards. Can there still be the horror of the last time? We have seen tens of billions of cash..." The little girl left her face indifferently. He pouted and continued:

"There are so many of us, as long as it's not tens of billions, are we afraid that we won't be able to spend it?"

After hearing this, Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head and said with a bitter expression: "Carry is indeed not tens of billions, but more than 100 billion... Niang's account, transferred to him..."

Everyone: "???"

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