Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1086: Isn't it my daughter that President Qin wants to marry?

After Lin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, everyone present, including Su Wanqing, was taken aback.

150 billion in the bank card, is this still a human thing?

Of course, these are not the key points, the key is Qin Xiaobai, isn't this bullying...

With so much money, let alone them, there are more than a dozen people in this district, but the number is doubling. It will not be spent in a few lifetimes, okay?

Even if they buy the Four Towers of the Magic City and the commercial shopping center, the cost will probably not exceed 5 billion.

What's more, this mall was originally Qin Xiaobai's...

Actually, there is not as much money in this card as Lin Xiaoxiao said, but no one who was shocked at the moment thought to check the balance.

Anyway, they definitely won't be able to spend the money.

“We… what do we… do now?”

Little girl remembered her rhetoric just now, still echoing in her ears, and her heart suddenly felt a little empty.

Calling Qin Xiaobai's father, although this kind of thing is a bit shameful, I can bear it when I think about it. But if she wants to go back to play flying chess, she is really a little scared. After all, the psychological shadow left by the previous few times has not recovered until now.

"You said those words alone, and we didn't say anything, so, hehehe..."

"Yes, we didn't speak just now, you alone promised Qin Xiaobai..."

After seeing the nervous appearance of the little girl, Danzi and Cheng Xiaoguo couldn't help but tease.

After listening to the words of the two, the little sister was stupid.

This is exactly the plastic sisters…

After glancing at a few people, she muttered with a sad face, " can't do this? You didn't object at that time, did you?"

"Don't scare her, let's go back first, the keys to Qin Xiaobai's villa are all with me. So he probably won't go there..." Su Wanqing shook her head, comforting said.

Everyone present was relieved when they heard her words...

As Su Wanqing expected, Qin Xiaobai did not rush towards the villa after leaving Tianhe Shopping Center, but went to the Lanshan Hotel.

The day after tomorrow will be his and Su Wanqing's wedding day. Although the Lanshan Hotel is his property, the hotel is open to the public after all, so I'd better inform them and let them prepare in advance.

Don't receive other guests in these two days, so as to avoid unexpected accidents.


Qin Xiaobai rushed to the entrance of the Lanshan Hotel, and when he was walking in, he suddenly saw an acquaintance - Li Deguang.

This man is Li Xiaomeng's father, Qin Xiaobai is quite impressed by him.

After all, he personally recommended Li Deguang to the Lanshan Hotel and the Lanshan Residence.

What makes Qin Xiaobai a little strange is that at this moment Li Deguang is in despair, walking towards the door with a sad face.

It seems to have something on her mind...

"Uncle Li, it's been a long time since I saw you, who are you?"

Since they met, Qin Xiaobai could not pretend not to see, so he said hello.

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Li Deguang raised his head and glanced at him. After a moment of stunnedness, there seemed to be a dim look in his eyes, a little hesitant to speak.

After a moment of silence, Li Deguang asked with a serious expression: "Mr. Qin, I heard that you are going to get married the day after tomorrow?"

"Eh, Uncle Li, did you listen to what Xiaomeng said? Yes, the date is the day after tomorrow. If you are free, you can come over for a wedding wine." Qin Xiaobai glanced at him , replied casually.

With such an abnormal behavior, Qin Xiaobai can naturally see that something is in his heart at a glance.

However, what made him a little confused was, why did Li Deguang suddenly mention his marriage?

"Hey, it looks like they're telling the truth!"

Li Deguang sighed, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Xiaomeng is indeed spoiled by me, Mr. Qin, you don't look down on her... You can only blame her for being unsatisfactory... business I will withdraw soon.”

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


After hearing these words, Qin Xiaobai suddenly became confused.

Has Li Deguang been drinking a lot recently...

Why do you suddenly say such a thing?

I want to get married, and the business between them doesn't seem to be very related, right?

Actually, since the last time that happened.

Li Deguang always thought that Qin Xiaobai was his daughter's boyfriend and his future son-in-law.

Therefore, when providing red wine to Lanshan Hotel, it is basically the lowest price, and there is almost no extra profit except for the factory rebate.

This would not have been a big problem.

After all, the manufacturer's rebates are enough for Li Deguang to make a fortune.

But a week ago, the original purchasing manager of the Arashiyama Hotel resigned from his job due to a serious illness.

New purchasing manager, one week after taking office.

Basically, the suppliers who should come have sent him some benefits in private.

Only Li Deguang did not send it.

Originally, the new purchasing manager heard that Li Deguang's daughter and the boss Qin Xiaobai had a close relationship, maybe a couple, and didn't plan to trouble him.

After all, he hasn't been here for a long time, so he doesn't dare to be too presumptuous.

However, the recent marriage of Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing was rumored in the Lanshan Hotel, and naturally it also reached the ears of the new purchasing manager.

He thought about it carefully, and something seemed not quite right.

The future boss's maiden name is Su and Li Deguang's surname is Li. The two are not related at all!

Therefore, he concluded that the boss and Li Deguang had little relationship.

As a result, Li Deguang didn't give himself gifts, obviously he looked down on his new manager...

So I found Li Deguang today to try it out.

After learning that Li Deguang's daughter was called Li Xiaomeng instead of Su Wanqing, the purchasing manager immediately hinted at him.

If you want to continue to be the exclusive wine supplier of the Arashiyama Hotel, you have to be like everyone else. Otherwise, in order to protect the interests of the hotel, he can only find a few more wine suppliers.

The newly appointed purchasing manager is also a smart person, and did not directly kick Li Deguang out. In this way, even if Li Deguang made a scene, it would not pose any threat to him.

After all, it can be said that he only found a few more wine suppliers for the sake of the hotel.

But for Li Deguang, it was like a disaster.

The price he supplied to the Lanshan Hotel was originally very low, and it was entirely based on sales to earn rebates from the winery.

If he finds more wine suppliers, he will take away his original share.

Then he won't be able to complete the sales target set for him by the winery at all, and there is no way to get those rebates.

If you can’t get the rebate from the winery, then the business with the Lanshan Hotel can be said to be operating at a loss…

It's fine for a short time, but Li Deguang can't bear it for a long time.

You may even lose the agency of several brands.

Originally, Li Deguang, like other suppliers, could send a favor to the new purchasing manager.

Only when he learned that the person Qin Xiaobai wanted to marry was not his daughter.

The mentality collapsed immediately.

Faced with this kind of behavior of asking for bribes, it is natural to have no good face, and she refused on the spot...

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