Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1101: Isn't getting a certificate stabbed exciting?

Qin Xiaobai didn't take big steps and walked very slowly.

The scenes of acquaintance with Shen Wenwen also appeared in my mind.

In the classroom of Magic Capital University, the teacher who called the class and spoke in a low voice even thought she was the girl who didn't come.

Moving forward silently for my sister.

After 20 years of hardships, she is willing to risk her life to give her sister a new world full of sunshine.

Compared with Su Wanqing, Shen Wenwen's affection for herself is not inferior. And she did not ask for long-term company, waiting quietly, waiting for him to return.

Qin Xiaobai's feelings for her gradually became clear from complex.

From the first time I saw her weak appearance, I felt a little sympathy in my heart, to the guilt that took away her thirty years of life, and then as I got along for a long time, it became a love.

Although Qin Xiaobai does not believe in the so-called destiny.

But all the development seems to be somewhere, already doomed...

There is no escape and no escape.

In this case, Qin Xiaobai decided to give an explanation to this relationship.

A wedding is being held on Earth.

It's just that time doesn't allow him to organize a wedding as luxurious as Blue Star, but Shen Wenwen is not here.

Qin Xiaobai had come to the manor after thinking like this.

The pets kept in the manor were one step ahead of Sister Shen Wenwen and found Qin Xiaobai who came in.

One by one they ran towards him with a little excited growl.

"Sister, are you stupid?"

Shen Qianqian mocked with a smile, and then continued:

"It must not be Mama Lan, okay? The animals have long known her very well. If she came, it would be impossible to make such a big move. I'd better go and see, if a thief comes in, But it's not good..."

After she finished speaking, Shen Qianqian walked out of the kitchen door obediently.

After seeing the little girl who came out, Qin Xiaobai grinned and asked:

"Who is the thief?"

"Ah? It's you brother-in-law... My sister was talking about you just now!"

After seeing the appearance of the person coming, Shen Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and then happily ran to Qin Xiaobai's side, pulling his arm while shouting to you in the kitchen:

"Sister, don't be too busy, my brother-in-law is back!"

Shen Wenwen obviously doesn't believe her sister's words.

During this time, the little girl was forced to review her homework, and she always brought Qin Xiaobai back to tease her.

At first Shen Wenwen was really deceived several times.

But as the wolf came more often, Shen Wenwen was numb.

"Damn girl, take your sister again..."

I was just about to teach my sister a lesson, but halfway through what Shen Wenwen said, she suddenly stopped.


A familiar figure walked into the kitchen under the lead of her sister.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at Shen Wenwen, then looked at the vegetables in the pot, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The cooking is a little bit, it's not enough for the three of us to eat what…"


On weekdays, the two sisters Shen Wenwen didn't eat much.

In addition, I didn't expect Qin Xiaobai to come back.

So only two vegetarian dishes were cooked.

"I...I'll cook a few more dishes, it will be fine soon, sit and rest for a while."

Shen Wenwen wiped her hands on the apron around her waist, her tone of voice was a little nervous, but also full of indescribable joy.

In fact, she prefers to cook for Qin Xiaobai herself rather than going to a restaurant outside.

"Leave these to Qianqian, you can go out with me and see my parents!" Qin Xiaobai glanced at the little girl beside him and touched her Smooth hair.


"Sister, don't be so, go with my brother-in-law, I can take care of myself!" Shen Qianqian saw her sister's dawdling appearance, she couldn't stand it anymore, so she urged a sentence.

After hearing her sister's words, Shen Wenwen hesitated for a moment, nodded lightly, and then took off the apron around her waist.

Follow Qin Xiaobai out of the kitchen.

To be honest, she didn't quite understand why Qin Xiaobai brought her to see Aunt Lan and the others as soon as he came back.

However, in terms of her personality, although she was confused, she did not ask directly.

In a few moments.

The two got into the car, Qin Xiaobai didn't say much, just started the car, and after driving for a while, he asked inadvertently, "The account book I gave you before is still there. ?"


Shen Wenwen nodded, her voice answered softly and gently, but she was thinking, why did Qin Xiaobai suddenly ask this?

"Remember to bring it with you tomorrow morning, I'll come pick you up at nine in the morning!"


"I'm stupid, didn't I tell you to take you to do something exciting? Isn't it exciting to get a certificate?!" Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at the co-pilot, who was a little nervous. Shen Wenwen wanted to laugh in her heart.

Shen Wenwen: "???"

After hearing this, she suddenly became stupid.

A pair of clear eyes instantly widened, obviously some couldn't believe what he heard.

After being stunned for a long time, she stammered and asked:

"Qin, Qin Xiaobai...What you said just you serious?"

"Bullshit! Have you ever seen anyone make fun of this kind of thing?" Qin Xiaobai irritated her, and then said, "Or do you not want to marry me? "

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Shen Wenwen shook her head again and again and answered nervously, "No, no!"

It has always been her greatest wish to marry Qin Xiaobai.

It is impossible to be unwilling!

It's just that happiness came a little too suddenly.

Shen Wenwen couldn't believe it for a while.

"However, although marriage is a matter of two people, my parents are still there after all. I need to take you there and discuss it with them!"

When Qin Xiaobai said this, his heart was actually a little empty.

Less than a month ago, he took his parents to Blue Star and negotiated a marriage with Su Wanqing's parents. Now he took Shen Wenwen back and told his parents that he was going to marry Shen Wenwen.

I don't know if my hot-tempered old lady will beat me to death when I hear this...

The most important thing is that his account and his parents are in the same book.

If his wife really doesn't agree, then he really doesn't.

Unless the house is demolished again, and then the account book is stolen...

However, at this point, Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to worry so much anymore.

Who knows if I can come back after opening that weird coffin?

So, don't leave any regrets.

Do what needs to be done, and be mad when mad...

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