Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1102: Why is it called this name?

On the way to his parents' residence, Qin Xiaobai had already made up his mind, no matter whether they would agree or not, he would do everything to bring Shen Wenwen to get the certificate.


If he doesn't agree, he can only steal the account book.

Of course, things might not be as bad as he thought.

After all, both Qin Dabao and Chu Yunlan have a very good impression of the sisters.


Phaeton stopped downstairs in the community, Qin Xiaobai was about to get out of the car, suddenly thought of something, frowned, glanced a little nervously, and seemed to be a little nervous The delighted Shen Wenwen asked:

"By the way, did you have any strange dreams not long ago?"

After hearing this, Shen Wenwen's expression froze, obviously a little surprised by Qin Xiaobai's question.

"The cyan coffin...does it count?"

Shen Wenwen looked at him and asked softly.

"Sure enough, you too..."

Qin Xiaobai nodded, this answer did not exceed his expectations. Now he can finally be sure of one thing, the person with the mark on his forehead had the same dream in those days.

"What... me too?"

Shen Wenwen blinked a few times, full of confusion about what Qin Xiaobai said.


Qin Xiaobai shook his head, then stared at her for a while, then said, "Let's go, get out of the car!"

According to Shen Wenwen's previous character, after listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, she must have gotten out of the car obediently, but at this moment she was a little hesitant. After hesitating for a while, she bowed her head in a knot Baba said:

"That, Xiaobai, I...I have something to think about..."

At the end of the words, the voice became smaller and smaller, if Qin Xiaobai's hearing was amazing, I am afraid that she could not hear what she was saying.

At the same time, Shen Wenwen's hand could not help but lightly placed on her stomach.

Seeing her abnormal appearance, Qin Xiaobai thought with his feet, and knew that there must be something in her heart: "If you have something to say, don't hesitate..."

"Xiao Bai, do you like boys...or girls?"

Suddenly, Shen Wenwen raised her face, looked at Qin Xiaobai with a hint of anticipation, and asked.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


Isn't this crap?

Although Cheng Xiaoguo and the others used to say that they were steel bars, he was still very clear about gender and would definitely not like men.

Just as Qin Xiaobai was about to say something, his face suddenly froze.

Seems to realize something is not quite right…

Looking at the position of Shen Wenwen's hands, she asked in disbelief, " mean..."


Shen Wenwen nodded, then lowered her head blushing.

Judging from her reactions and answers, Qin Xiaobai has confirmed her guess.


Shen Wenwen is also pregnant!

After pondering for a while, Qin Xiaobai took a deep breath and calmed down, then said with a smile: "It's all right, boy, I'll teach him to play flying chess and tear down the house, girl You teach her to grow vegetables and flowers!"

Although there are some surprises, it is also a surprise for Qin Xiaobai.


Shen Wenwen's eyes flickered a few times, and her red cheeks were filled with happiness.

Half a month ago, when she was tending the flowers and plants in the manor, she suddenly felt nausea and dizziness. At first, she didn't care because she was too weak.

But over time, this happens more and more often and the reaction grows.

She panicked and almost thought she had a terminal illness.

So he went to Xicheng County Hospital for an examination without telling his sister.


At that time, Shen Wenwen was no longer afraid.

Not because of fear of death.

However, she was afraid that she would leave this world because of a terminal illness before Qin Xiaobai came back.

But after the test results came out, Shen Wenwen realized that it wasn't that she had a terminal illness, but... she was pregnant!

The moment.

Shen Wenwen was suddenly stunned.

Of course, more joy and happiness.

After all, this is her and the one she loves the most!

In the days when Qin Xiaobai was away, she was thinking about it all the time, telling him the news...

"Xiao Bai, I want to name him."

Shen Wenwen looked at Qin Xiaobai softly, touched her stomach lightly with both hands, and then asked, "Can you call him Qin Xiaoyu?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After hearing the name Qin Xiaoyu, Qin Xiaobai was almost stupid.


Why do these two women want to call their children Qin Xiaoyu?

The name Qin Xiaoyu is not so good...

"Why is it called that?"

Qin Xiaobai looked at her in surprise and asked.

"I don't know, but... I always feel that this name is very fateful. After I saw the report, this name suddenly popped up in my mind." Shen Wenwen thought for a while , replied earnestly.

If Qin Xiaobai thought it was a coincidence just now, then after Shen Wenwen said these words, he no longer thought so.

There is no place in the world where there are so many coincidences.

However, whether it is a coincidence or not, Qin Xiaobai doesn't want to worry about it anymore.

In a few days, everything will be revealed.

At this moment, what he has to do is to take Shen Wenwen to convince his parents.

"Is that report with you?"

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai looked at Shen Wenwen and asked.


After answering, Shen Wenwen carefully took out a neatly folded report and handed it to Qin Xiaobai.

After Qin Xiaobai took a look, he felt confident. I was worried about the things that my parents didn't agree with just now, but now I have nothing to worry about.

In a few moments.

Qin Xiaobai brought Shen Wenwen to the door of the house, and then reached out and knocked on the door.


After the old wooden door made a sound, Chu Yunlan appeared in front of the two of them.

When she saw Qin Xiaobai and Shen Wenwen, she was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy, why are you back? Xiaowen, you are here too, come in quickly, I Freshly washed fruit!"

After entering the house, Qin Xiaobai looked around and did not find his father Qin Dabao, so he asked with some doubts, "Mom, where is Dad?"

"The unit works overtime, and they say you can't be back until nine o'clock in the evening!" Chu Yunlan replied casually.

Qin Xiaobai nodded, hesitated for a moment, looked at Chu Yunlan, and asked again, "Mom, I have something to discuss with you, where is our household registration book? Tomorrow? use it for me..."

After hearing this, Chu Yunlan glanced at her son with some doubts: "Why do you want that thing?"

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