Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1110: If you are so white, can I call you Xiaobai?

It's hard to say goodbye when we get together!

This poem probably best reflects Qin Xiaobai's mood at this moment. Although his heart was full of reluctance, in the end he resolutely got up and walked out of the manor.

On the mound behind the manor.

Qin Xiaobai stood with his hands behind his back and glanced silently at Shen Wenwen, who was still standing at the door.

The Gate of Myriad Realms is activated.

A ray of light suddenly lit up beside him, and then the figure blurred, as if nothing had happened.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the dark and damp altar.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the blue jade coffin, his eyes flickered a few times, and then slowly walked towards it step by step.

"System brother, is there something wrong?"

When he came to the last step in front of the jade coffin, Qin Xiaobai's footsteps suddenly hung in the air, not in a hurry to fall. At the same time, he took a deep breath and asked slowly.


The voice of the system brother is still cold and airy, but the answer is very positive.

Heard it.

Qin Xiaobai nodded, didn't say anything more, stepped down, and then took out from the system warehouse, the colorful stone was embedded in the groove on the back of the jade coffin.


A soft sound accompanied by the insertion of the colorful stones entered Qin Xiaobai's ears. At the same time, the cyan jade coffin trembled slightly.

on it.

Three marks that Qin Xiaobai was familiar with suddenly lit up.

Qin Xiaobai watched silently for a while, then reached out and slowly pushed the jade coffin away.

It's the same as what the three of them saw in their dreams.

The moment the jade coffin was opened, Qin Xiaobai was not too surprised. Inside was a stunning woman in a purple dress.

From the looks of it.

Enough to amaze everyone in the world.

Somewhat like Su Wanqing, and a little like Shen Wenwen, of course there is also a shadow of a small fruit.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai was very calm, and there was no disturbance in his heart.


When the system was upgraded to Nine Stars, at that moment, a memory appeared in his mind, among which was the woman in front of him.

It should be his wife.

Only, Qin Xiaobai thought it was a bit nonsense at that time, after all, he had never seen this woman before.

But now.

This woman appeared in front of him, Qin Xiaobai began to believe that the memory was not randomly arranged by the system brother.

It's a thing and a person.


That memory was not complete and the fragment was very short. Qin Xiaobai didn't know much about the whole thing.

Just as Qin Xiaobai was thinking about this, something unexpected happened.

There was a violent shaking on the altar.


As soon as Qin Xiaobai was about to curse a few words, his body was covered by the purple glow in the jade coffin, and a huge suction force sucked it into the jade coffin.

The surging and powerful tearing force began to blur Qin Xiaobai's consciousness.

Outside the Blue Star.

Six figures, five men and one woman, hang above the air, and at this moment, their faces are all excited and expectant.

As if waiting for someone to appear.

"Does your method work? It's been so long, why hasn't there been any movement?" The woman in the yellow shirt looked at the nothingness in front of her eyes, and finally lost her breath and turned her head. Looking at the black-robed man beside him, he asked in a low voice.


After hearing the question, the young man in black robe was also a little unsure in his heart. After pondering for a while, he slowly replied: "It should be here! The ban here, we have joined forces to attack with all our strength. There was just a crack, it wasn't set up by the Holy Master, who else could it be?"

"Black charcoal, can we not brag, this is what we attacked together to break, it is obviously to prohibit ourselves from breaking from the inside, okay?"

"Fuck, can you stop calling him black charcoal? I'm also a domain master, it's been so many years, let my little brothers hear that I have such an ugly name, don't I want to Lost your teeth from laughing? The old man is shameless..."

Just as they were about to say something, two figures suddenly appeared in the void.

Everyone looked at him, and his face suddenly changed at the same time.

Then, invariably, hurried away there.


The person who came out of nothingness was Qin Xiaobai who was sucked into the jade coffin.

At this moment, he has completely recalled the whole thing.

Qin Xiaobai.

The Lord of the Shadow Mountain.

Billions of years ago, he was a ghost wolf in the back yin mountain, with the beginning of his intelligence.

In that year, an extraterritorial war broke out.

He was forcibly recruited into the extraterritorial battlefield to fight the invasion of the extraterritorial demons.

As a ghost wolf, Qin Xiaobai was not spared.

After the first battle.

Hundreds of millions of beasts turned into fly ashes and were almost wiped out.


Qin Xiaobai was an exception, accidentally saved his life.

However, in fact, it is no different from being dead, and he is already desperate after being seriously injured.

No one cares about the life and death of a beast who has just opened up his spiritual knowledge.

But what Qin Xiaobai didn't expect was that just as he slowly closed his eyes and waited for his death, a girl in a purple dress passed by him.

The girl resolutely stopped after realizing that he still had a trace of life.

Immediately after, a voice like the sound of nature rang in his ear:

"It's a miracle, I didn't expect that there are still beasts, and they can survive. In this case, maybe you should not die, just follow your sister in the future, if you are so white, I will call you little Is it white?"

Under the careful care of the girl in purple, Qin Xiaobai gradually recovered.

After the damage was recovered, Qin Xiaobai unexpectedly discovered that he seemed to have mutated, and whenever there was an extraterritorial demon beside him, he could draw some power from it.

You don't need to practice like ordinary people, you will get stronger and stronger.

As you spend more time in the outer battlefield.

Qin Xiaobai finally took the step that all the beasts dreamed of and turned into a human, but he was still used to using the form of a ghost wolf, staying beside the girl in purple and accompany her on the battlefield outside the realm.

Only when the girl in purple is in crisis, will he transform into a human to help her out.

Of course.

This situation did not hide the girl in purple for a long time.

She soon discovered the secret.

At that time, there were not many taboos between the human race and the demon race. In the endless years, they have experienced many lives and deaths together.

In fact, it has long been tacit.

On the day before the extraterritorial decisive battle, the two became partners.

After the final battle.

The two sides still failed to completely destroy each other, and in the end they could only reach a consensus and a temporary truce.

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