After returning to Back Yin Mountain, the two of them lived a quiet life for a while.

Watch the sunrise and sunset every day.

In my spare time, I will guide the loose people and loose demons who came from the battlefield outside the territory.

All have great respect for them.


After thousands of years, the girl in purple became pregnant.

After some discussion, they decided to name the child Qin Xiaoyu.


On this day, an uninvited guest came to Beiyin Mountain. This person was the commander of the foreign battlefield.

Inform them both.

The extraterrestrial demons are back.

There is an emergency ahead!

Originally, Qin Xiaobai no longer intends to intervene in the battlefield outside the territory.

But considering the child in his wife's womb, after thinking for a long time, he finally agreed to go to guard the abyss of the outer battlefield.


What he didn't expect was that bad news came shortly after he rushed to the abyss of the outer battlefield.

The extraterrestrial demons opened another channel.

Beiyin Mountain was besieged by several half-step Tianzun-level extraterritorial demons. Except for some of the people he brought out, everyone else fell, including his wife and unborn children.

When he heard the news, he went crazy.

Through the abyss alone.

He entered the world outside the realm, the demons of the king level outside the realm were slaughtered by tens of thousands, and the demons at the half-step Tianzun level also fell under his hands.

Every demon that died in his hands was refined into pieces.

Thousands of fragments were cast into the famous magic knife in his hand.

After slaughtering half of the Outer Domain world, Qin Xiaobai finally found a cyan jade coffin on an ancient altar, with a way to resurrect people with broken souls.

By casting a spell, the soul can be restored, and the dead can be reborn.

After learning this method, Qin Xiaobai finally woke up from the state of madness.

At that time, his strength had surpassed Tianzun.


According to the messenger at that time, although his wife's soul was broken, her body was rescued and not destroyed.

In other words, as long as he retrieves those soul fragments, he can resurrect his wife.

For Qin Xiaobai at that time, it was undoubtedly a ray of light in despair.

After returning to Beiyin Mountain, Qin Xiaobai inquired about the whereabouts of his wife's body, and the person who rescued her wife's body was the foreign commander who came to him that day.

After retrieving the body of the wife.

Qin Xiaobai began to search for those soul fragments in the newly established Three Realms.

Although this process requires a lot of deductions and consumes endless years, these are not difficult for Qin Xiaobai.

As long as you can resurrect your wife, everything is worth it.

At first, everything went smoothly.


Just when Qin Xiaobai saw hope, there were three soul fragments, which gave Qin Xiaobai an extreme headache.

No other reason.

These three soul fragments, along with three new lives, were reborn on an abandoned planet and began to fuse.

Due to the interference of the new body, Qin Xiaobai could not accurately infer that it was on that planet.

Only two parallel worlds can be roughly locked.

Earth and Blue Star.

And these two planets are abandoned planets, and there is no spiritual energy at all. If his deity sets foot on them, these two planets can't bear it at all, and they will definitely shatter at that time.

No way.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiaobai had to choose the most dangerous way - reincarnation.

To prevent it from dragging too long.

Qin Xiaobai had already set a plan before he was reincarnated.

If you have not felt the existence of the mark on a planet for 20 years, it can only prove that there is no soul fragment of your wife on this planet.

He must be reborn on another planet.

As for the bound system brother, there is not only one, the earth also has one.

It's just a tool for Qin Xiaobai to find his wife's soul fragments.

It's just that the system brother on the earth had a little accident and failed to find Qin Xiaobai, so he collapsed on his own.

Fortunately, everything did not deviate from his arrangement in the end.

Qin Xiaobai finally found the auxiliary tools he set up on Blue Star, and also found the three girls with his wife's soul fragments.

At this time.

Qin Xiaobai looked at the girl in purple lying in his arms, and suddenly fell into a dilemma in his heart.

Do you really want to give up Su Wanqing, Shen Wenwen and Cheng Xiaoguo and inject their souls into the blue jade coffin?

In that case, his wife can be resurrected.

But what about the three of them?

Don't talk about ordinary human beings, they are as strong as the purple-clothed girl in their arms. After the soul is broken, they can only be a cold corpse.

What about the three of them?

Isn't the purpose of reincarnation and rebirth just to find the soul fragments of his wife?

Such a choice, before Qin Xiaobai's reincarnation, might not have to be thought about at all, but now his thoughts have been shaken.

Compared to the girl in purple.

Qin Xiaobai felt that Su Wanqing and Shen Wenwen were more real.

"Welcome the return of the Holy Master and Mother!"

While Qin Xiaobai was thinking about this matter, the six figures in front of him had quietly settled down and shouted respectfully to him in unison.

"It's you guys... I'm going to beat people if I call the Holy Lord again. It's just what the residents at the foot of the mountain call casually. You still call me Master, and listen to it!"

Qin Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at the six people in front of him, including Heitan, Xiaohuang, Huahu, etc.

These are the disciples he accepted when he and his wife traveled.

Later, they lived with them in Beiyin Mountain.

"Yes, Master!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

At this moment, Hei Tan glanced at Qin Xiaobai's expression secretly, and when he saw his solemn expression, he hesitated for a moment, a little hesitant to speak.

"It's all half a step, what is it? You don't even dare to speak?"

Qin Xiaobai glared at him, and then said, "In Lanxing, you call me big brother!"

Hearing this, Black Charcoal's body shook, and he said with a terrified expression:

"The disciple is presumptuous, please forgive me!"

"Forget it, don't be so restrictive, have something to say!"

Qin Xiaobai shook his head and said absentmindedly.

"Master, the incident of the attack on Beiyin Mountain that day, Tu'er has been spying in many places over the years, and there may be some hidden feelings in it, which may not be done by those demons outside the territory, but..."

"Hei Tan, are you questioning Master's judgment? At that time, Master returned from the abyss and checked the atmosphere around Beiyin Mountain. It was indeed full of the breath of extraterrestrial demons!" Xiao Huang He quickly interrupted Black Charcoal's words.

"Go on!"

The expression on Qin Xiaobai's face changed slightly, and then he looked at the black charcoal.

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