Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1112: Mom, Dahua is a little unusual today!

Black Charcoal took a deep breath, looked up at the familiar and unfamiliar master in front of him, and then slowly opened his mouth, telling him all the news he had inquired about over the years. Qin Xiaobai.

First, the attack on Beiyin Mountain was a conspiracy, and the people behind it were the commander and two deputy commanders of the foreign battlefield.


Because the prestige and strength of Qin Xiaobai and his wife have far surpassed the three of them, if they continue to survive, it will definitely affect the status of the three of them.

So, the three of them secretly colluded with the extraterritorial demons and succeeded in attacking Beiyin Mountain.

Secondly, over the years, he has also found another way to resurrect his wife, even if the soul fragments are incomplete, but as long as there are not many missing, you can use the cultivator's soul of Tianzun's strength to refine it into fragments alternative.

After hearing these words, Qin Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up.

Can I replace it with the soul of a person with the strength of Tianzun?

This also means that there is no need to take the lives of Su Wanqing, Shen Wenwen and Cheng Xiaoguo to resurrect his wife.

"Black carbon, is what you said true?"

Qin Xiaobai's eyes flickered a few times, stared at him and asked.

Heard it.

Qin Xiaobai nodded, pondered for a moment, and then asked:

“How many followers do we have in Back Yinshan now?”


Qin Xiaobai: "???"

If he remembered correctly, in the heyday of Backyin Mountain, all the followers together, it is estimated that there are millions of people?

Where did the billion come from…

This apprentice, Black Charcoal, is not bad in general, but he can't get rid of the problem of bragging and filling cups.

It seems that the master Qin Xiaobai is a little unconvinced, Hei Tan grinned, and then explained: "Master, you have been reincarnated for these years, we have not been idle, in There are many believers in the abyss outside the territory, and one billion is definitely not bragging."

"Master, there is no bragging about this black charcoal, we do have so many believers!"

After listening to Hei Tan's words, several others also echoed.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai no longer doubted anything, and then the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and he said lightly: "Thank you for your hard work, now go back and call them all here. Come on, I'm going to take you to do something exciting."

"Will... be called here?"

Black Charcoal glanced at him with some puzzlement, and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it just so happens that I have something important to deal with right now, you all go back immediately and call everyone!"

Qin Xiaobai nodded and ordered.

Although everyone didn't quite understand the meaning of his words, they dared not violate his orders. After hesitating for a while, they bowed to Qin Xiaobai and turned into a Streamer left.

After the few people left, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the girl in purple in his arms gently, and then gently put her aside.

In a few moments.

A white husky suddenly appeared in front of him.

This husky was copied from the jade pendant in the place where Blue Star was exiled.


Qin Xiaobai decided to refine this husky and make it a clone.

Everything in the past is poured into this avatar.

In his current body, he doesn't want everything else except the memory since his reincarnation.

Supernatural powers, powers, and more.

It doesn't matter to him anymore.

The world is worth it!

For things after rebirth, he can't give up.

So now he just wants to go back and fulfill his promise to Su Wanqing and Shen Wenwen as an ordinary person.

This is probably the best solution he can think of.

I don't know how long.

On the blue star dome, two identical Qin Xiaobai appeared at the same time.

One of them held a purple-clothed girl in her arms and led a billion sentient beings from the Yinshan Mountains towards Tianzun Mansion.

Needless to say.

They went to demolish the house, and then used the soul of Tianzun to resurrect the girl in purple.

As for the other Qin Xiaobai.

It was wrapped by a barrier and quickly fell towards the blue star.

At the same time, he seemed to be constantly cursing:

"Your uncle, I feel like I'm at a loss. I rounded it up just now and asked for a million more points. I guess he will definitely agree..."

In a few moments.

Qin Xiaobai's body floated on the top of a mountain.

Because it is night.

He didn't see clearly and wasn't sure where he was.

The surroundings seem familiar.

Just as he was guessing where it was, a low growl suddenly came from beside him.


A ferocious flower tiger appeared in front of him.

One man and one beast looked at each other.

All stunned.

"Xiaohua, what the **** are you looking on? Don't know Lao Tzu?"

Qin Xiaobai stared at it and roared angrily.

After hearing this sentence, Huahu was like a ghost, a pair of tigers were round and huge, stunned for about half a minute, and then stammered and whimpered: "Roar??" (Meow Starman translation: old... boss? Is that you?)

"Nonsense! Haven't been beaten for a few days, you are planning to rebel, even I don't recognize it?"

Qin Xiaobai frowned and asked fiercely.

Heard it.

Huahu's eyes suddenly turned red, and then he whimpered and cried like a child.

While crying, she whimpered: "Woooooo..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


These guys have only been gone for a few days, and these guys actually thought they were dead?

According to his previous temper, he must be pressed to the ground and rubbed for several hours until he cried!


However, before he could beat him, Hua Hu was already crying, so Qin Xiaobai had to shake his head and give up the idea.

"No, you are such a big tiger, and you cry all day long. Isn't it ashamed?"

Qin Xiaobai gave it a blank glance and asked.

Hua Hu did not answer Qin Xiaobai's question, but faced down the mountain, opened his huge mouth, and roared:


Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Huahu, is he crazy?

Why are you yelling in the middle of the night?

After Huahu's voice came out, a light suddenly lit up at the foot of the mountain.

In the attic.

A nine-year-old boy opened his eyes in a daze, then opened the door of the room, walked to the door of another room, and lightly buttoned it twice.

"Mom, is there a thief in the villa? Dahua is a little unusual today..."

"Xiaoyu, go back to sleep, we will have class tomorrow! It's okay, where is the thief, our villa will not be thieves, be good!"


The little boy nodded and glanced at the street lamp in front of the attic.

The animals are running fast.

Speeding towards the back mountain.

I felt a little strange in my heart, so I crept downstairs, preparing to hide from my mother and go see what happened...

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