Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 133: Don't pretend, it's a showdown! (Three shifts!)

Because of what happened yesterday, when Su Wanqing turned on the computer today, she was still a little worried, but when she boarded the live broadcast room, she realized that what she expected did not happen.

Although the popularity has increased a little, it has not appeared. Five million people are crazy about the barrage.


After taking a long sigh of relief, she turned on the barrage function of the live broadcast room, waiting for the fans in the live broadcast room to send comforting barrages.

"Damn it! The host actually started the barrage function. I almost went crazy yesterday!"

"Do you know how I'm doing these days? Everything has become dull, and I don't even have the urge to take off my pants..."

"Yeah, I also heard that more than 30 streamers with the title of Yun Dian have been banned..."

"Hi! It's so scary..."

"Wow, the anchor has such a big backer? It made me worry for several days!"

"I'm not panic at all. Last time the anchor was blocked, wasn't it because Douyu officially appeared to solve it?"

"Stone hammer! The anchor is actually the daughter of Douyu boss!"

"Fuck, it's really possible that you say that..."


After seeing these barrages, Su Wanqing was almost amused by these lovely fans, and quickly explained: "You guys are so stupid, I really don't know the boss of Douyu..."

Afterwards, in order to thank these fans for their support, Su Wanqing planned to hold a lottery session to give back to these **** fans.

Different from the benefits of other anchors, Su Wanqing went directly to Choshoubao, and with the money she saved from live broadcasts, bought 100 Huawei mobile phones on it, and spent a total of nearly 600,000 soft sister coins .

Qin Xiaobai almost looked stupid...

Where did this silly girl learn, this set of benefits? I'm afraid I'm just thinking about it?

Other hosts live to send gifts to fans, which are all benefits given by advertisers or the Douyu platform, and they do not need to pay for them themselves.

However, it's only 600,000, so spend it as much as you spend, compared to the hundreds of millions he lost today, it's just a drizzle...

At this time, in the barrage of her live broadcast room, a colorful reminder message suddenly popped up.

After seeing this prompt, Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai were stunned, and the fans in the live broadcast room started to spray!

"Sand sculpture, why are you coming to our goddess live broadcast room again?"

"Tsk tsk, it's not the guild anchor who got banned, I'm going to ask our anchor to play you a horse, right? Can you get some skin..."

"The most humble person is invincible, it should be this idiot!"

"It's windy today, hurry home and see if your mother is cold..."

"Fuck, the tone upstairs, at first glance, is Zaan's irritable brother, then I can't hide the identity of Zaan's liberal arts champion..."

"Since President Yun Dian has come to invite, let's go to the **** memorial service!"

"I want to scold people today, so I won't scold President Yun Dian..."

"Old buddies are all talents. I'm new to Zaan, and my rank is still relatively low. I can only shout: President Yun Dian, your mother is gone!"


President Yun Dian's appearance immediately aroused the anger of all fans in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room. These people are pure live viewers who are not afraid of Yun Dian at all.

The face-to-face scolding from the screen, President Yun Dian's mouth twitched a few times, almost couldn't help typing on the public screen, and spat with this group of fans.

But considering the official business coming today, I still held back my anger, typed on the public screen of the live broadcast room and asked: "Is the dog emperor here? I have something to talk to you about..."

He really had no choice. He privately messaged Destiny Wang Xingren for a long time, but the other party didn't even reply to a punctuation mark, so he had to try his luck in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour.

After seeing this message, Qin Xiaobai understood, this guy really didn't come to spray, in fact, he came to negotiate with him...

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai got on the Destiny Wang Xingren account and appeared in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room. For those private messages, Qin Xiaobai didn't read them at all, and typed them directly on the public screen Asked, "Are you looking for me?"

"Dog Emperor, can we chat privately, or tell me your WeChat easily?" President Yun Dian pondered for a while, then asked by typing.

"I'm not familiar with you. If you're here to ask me to let you go, call me the 70 million in my live broadcast room! Otherwise, you can get out!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't intend to give face to such a person at all, so he typed it directly.

Fans in the live broadcast room, seeing the Destiny Wang Xingren going online strongly, angered President Yun Dian, one by one watching the fun without thinking it was a big deal, and immediately followed suit.

"The King of Dogs is mighty, so he looks like a man!"

"Tsk tsk, the anchor of Stone Hammer just now, is the brother of the daughter of the Douyu boss still there? I just wanted to ask, does your face hurt?"

"I now seriously suspect that I am being green by the dog emperor. Otherwise, why would the dog emperor spend 70 million for the anchor to expand the live broadcast room?"

"Damn, it seems to be the case, their hundreds of millions of projects must have been negotiated..."

"Everyone, are you paying attention to the wrong point? Now is the time to follow the dog emperor to spray the cloud top dog..."

"That's right! Beside the point..."

"Next, let President Yun Dian die first to help everyone!"

"Brother, he has so many fathers, who are you referring to? In order to prevent my sudden death, I have decided to sever the father-son relationship with him now..."


"Dog Emperor, you really don't give any face at all? You really want to make people anxious, don't even think about live broadcasting!" President Yun Dian's face was ashen, cold A string of words was typed.

"Tell you the truth! Don't invite those useless sailors, the number of sailors you invite next, the betta will be blocked, don't doubt whether the betta will do this, Lao Tzu It's Douyu's largest shareholder, do you understand?"

After Qin Xiaobai posted this string of text, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned!

Su Wanqing covered her mouth and stared blankly at the barrage in the live broadcast room. Destiny Wang Xingren sent this message, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The president of Yun Dian Guild is simply stupid. Although he is ready to kick the iron plate, he only understands after seeing the words of Douyu's largest shareholder.

What he kicked was not an iron plate, but a steel wall…

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