Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 134: Never worry about eating dirt again! (Four more!)

The president of Yun Dian Guild was a little unwilling, and tried to communicate with Destiny Wang Xingren a few times, but Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to pay attention to him at all.

The 70 million indemnity I just said was just talk, Qin Xiaobai didn't take it seriously...

Even if the Yun Dian Guild really accompanies him 70 million today, it is impossible to unblock its anchors, not to mention that the Yun Dian president is still chattering the bargain.

Qin Xiaobai was even less interested in chatting with him, and directly added the ID of the Yundian Guild President to the blacklist.

After a while, Su Wanqing's mood finally gradually returned to calm. When she was about to thank Qin Xiaobai, she found that Destiny Wang Xingren's account had become offline.

This is Qin Xiaobai deliberately putting on a cold attitude, but a little helpless!

Since he exposed the identity of Douyu's largest shareholder in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, countless friend applications popped up instantly on the Destiny Wang Xingren account.

This made Qin Xiaobai feel overwhelmed, so he had to temporarily log out of the account.

Su Wanqing shook her head with a wry smile, and swallowed the words she said in her mouth. After thinking for a while, she said to the live broadcast camera: "Next, let's start the welfare session as normal..."

"Anchor, we don't want welfare, let's talk about how you and the dog emperor met, I'll meet you tomorrow in women's clothing..."

"Hey! It's been so long, and now I finally know where I've lost, being handsome and rich, I don't have anything to do with them..."

"Don't say it, I'm going to start a live broadcast tomorrow, I'm not bragging to you, I took a look in the mirror with my women's clothes that day, and instantly felt in love, I guess the dog emperor should like it!"

Consider me?"


"Who goes @Ten Qian Tianshi, I feel like this thing, she can write an urban dog blood novel, the kind of thief..."

"You say that, I really want to take off my pants..."

"Nima, what did I say? You can take it off..."

"In the past, I watched the anchor live game, and the food can be eaten, which saves food money. Today it is even more powerful, and I am fed directly by dog ​​food. Mom will no longer have to worry about me eating soil... "

While the fans in the live broadcast room were talking about it, Su Wanqing was thinking, what method should be used to give away the hundred mobile phones.

After thinking for a long time, she really made her think of a good method.

So he said to the camera: "We will play chicken for a while, and we will drop them into boxes, and we will give you ten mobile phones by lottery, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai was speechless when he heard her words! With this silly girl's skills, it is estimated that she will go bankrupt directly after coming down tonight...

Usually, Cheng Xiaoguo and the others eat chicken live on live broadcasts, how many times are they not fancy boxes?

No surprises!

Just as Qin Xiaobai expected, in the next half hour, Su Wanqing began to perform a fancy way of falling into a box, all kinds of strange ways to die...

It subverts the cognition of fans and Qin Xiaobai in the live broadcast room! The hundred mobile phones were all delivered in just half an hour...

The fans in the live broadcast room were almost unable to hold back, and they played the barrage to ridicule.

"Anchor, stop playing! After a while, I've already won two mobile phones..."

"Let's play something else... or you can play the landlord for a while, anyway, as long as you live broadcast, no matter what the content is, we will watch..."

"Anchor, the King of Dogs has played a lot of games with you, right? Haven't you learned the essence yet? Get up!"

"Anchor, you keep explaining, are you advertising for such a mobile phone brand..."

"I can't figure it out. Look at the big Sima next door, who gave away a mobile phone. He was so distressed that he was about to cry. Our host, why is he so happy?"

"Tsk tsk! If you want to have a richest boyfriend, I guess you will be very happy with it..."


Qin Xiaobai stayed in Su Wanqing's room for a while, and couldn't stand it anymore, so he slipped out of her room and went back to his sofa.

Because it is still early, he is not sleepy now, so he put on a black technology collar and browsed the web at will to pass the boring time.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaobai was attracted by a message that popped up on a webpage. After taking a closer look at the content, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

Qin Xiaobai murmured in his heart, the development of the South of the Magic City is about to begin, which means that the price of the land he asked Su Wanqing to buy before is about to skyrocket!

Of course, after this news was released, Qin Xiaobai was not the only one who noticed it, and many people in the magic capital business community began to get excited.

Especially the people from Tianhe Shopping Center who were kicked out by Qin Xiaobai last time, are now gathering together and chatting happily about a plan.

The faces of several people were full of excitement at the same time…

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