Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 302: Scum dog! What's with the lipstick mark on your face?

Seeing Su Wanqing's happy face, a wry smile rose in Qin Xiaobai's heart.

In the past life, he actually hated those who wore couple clothes in front of him and showed their affection.

I don't know if it counts now, I live like I hate it...

Soon after, Su Wanqing walked in front of him wearing new clothes, and then handed him another set, with a pair of peach eyes flashing with anticipation, and said: "Qin Xiaobai put on the clothes and try what!"

Qin Xiaobai reluctantly picked up his shirt, ready to go to the fitting room to put it on.

Seeing this, Su Wanqing stopped him immediately, and said to him with a smile: "Pants, pants are also taken off... Put them on together!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, the corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth twitched a few times, and then he glared at her, can this silly girl be disciplined?

Is it affected by the innate Taoist body in the live broadcast room...

It turns out that appearance has little to do with clothing.

A good-looking person, even in a shabby high school uniform, can become the prettiest kid on the street.

Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing should both belong to this type. After putting on the couple's clothes, they were immediately called Tianhe Commercial Plaza, the most eye-catching pair.

"It's almost there? I switched back..."

After wearing it for a while, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Su Wanqing beside him and asked.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Actually, Su Wanqing didn't throw his clothes away, she just wanted to wear a couple's outfit with Qin Xiaobai for a while, stuffed his clothes into her bag and deliberately teased him That's it.

Qin Xiaobai stretched out his hand, and put it down after a while, thinking about the hundreds of thousands of clothes, just throw it away.

Several millions of crayfish were sent out, and I didn’t even frown!

One day, someone in Qin went bankrupt, let's go to the street together and beg for food...

After nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing finally finished eating and left from Tianhe Commercial Plaza.

Since Su Wanqing didn't have enough time for the live broadcast today, she could only go back to the live broadcast. Qin Xiaobai sent her to the gate of the Jianan community.

Watching Cullinan gradually disappear, Su Wanqing's face suddenly showed a faint smile, and murmured, "This guy Qin Xiaobai has finally changed a little bit... "

After she got home, she took a shower, and when she was about to go back to the room, she suddenly heard a familiar screeching sound.

After hesitating for a while, Su Wanqing opened the door, and what she saw was Qin Xiaobai in Erha form who had rushed back.

" Haha, scumbag! You still know you're coming back? Didn't you see the beautiful young lady and couldn't walk? Why didn't you stay with her..." Su Wanqing stood at the door and stopped As soon as Qin Xiaobai entered the house, he asked angrily.

Qin Xiaobai stared at her fiercely for a while with a pair of dog eyes, and roared.

"Don't...don't call!" Su Wanqing was startled by his cry, squatted down quickly, covered Qin Xiaobai's mouth, and then whispered: "Look what time it is, Tell the neighbors to complain about us."

However, at this moment, Su Wanqing suddenly realized something was not right, staring blankly at Qin Xiaobai's dog face for a long time.

Then asked nervously: "Xiao Bai, have you removed my lipstick? What's the matter with the lipstick mark on your face..."

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she hurried back to her room and began to rummage in her bag. When she saw that the lipstick was still intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After Qin Xiaobai heard Su Wanqing's words, he sneaked into the bathroom and looked back and forth carefully in the floor mirror.

Sure enough, I saw a light lipstick mark on the right face...

"Fuck! I wiped it?"

Qin Xiaobai muttered in his heart, is it because of this family matter that Laozi's identity is about to be exposed?

If Su Wanqing can't accept it, then why did he attack her...

At this time, Su Wanqing had come behind him, stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said to him angrily: "Did Shen Wenwen use the same lipstick as me? Also, Xiaobai, are you true? The scumbag, how can I let my little sister kiss me casually?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Thank you silly girl for her clear brain circuit, so I can think about it, if it were him, I would have figured it out earlier, okay?

"Today you don't live with my sister until dawn, don't even think about going back to sleep..."

Su Wanqing said while gnashing her teeth, and carried Qin Xiaobai back to her room.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Su Wanqing broadcasted the live broadcast for more than an hour at noon. Because of her longing for the contract, the broadcast was suddenly discontinued, and she went shopping with Qin Xiaobai for dinner at night, which was delayed for a long time.

So, when she boarded the live broadcast room, the fans inside were already blown up.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Woohoo ... the anchor does not love us anymore, it will be broadcast for an hour today, and it will not appear at night ..." "

"Uh, I think the anchor may be looking for the lady in the afternoon to compete for the ownership of Erha!"

"What's the point of contention, isn't the anchor always Erha's?"

" say that, I am speechless, it seems that it is!"

"The host didn't come, I don't even have the idea to take off my pants..."

"Come, come, it's open! Bet a bottle of Coke, guess if the anchor will broadcast live tonight..."

"Fuck! The anchor is here...Upstairs, you are bankrupt again!"

Su Wanqing hugged Qin Xiaobai and appeared in the live broadcast room, with a trace of apology on her face, and said, "Sorry everyone, I went to talk about the contract that I longed for in the afternoon, and I went shopping with a friend for dinner in the evening. The ones that came back were more delicious…”

When she said the word friend, Su Wanqing's face turned red.

But it disappeared soon, and not many people noticed, otherwise it must be a barrage of greetings...

Qin Xiaobai was lying in Su Wanqing's arms, watching the barrage posted by the fans in the live broadcast room, and fell asleep immediately!

Because it was too late, Su Wanqing didn't go to play games anymore, but chatted with fans about the Wandering Villa.

Seeing that everyone was asking the mysterious young lady if she was the dog king in women's clothing, Su Wanqing answered helplessly: "What you saw in the afternoon was not the women's clothing of the dog king, She is indeed a very good-looking young lady, but it is not convenient for me to tell you too much about her..."

Shen Wenwen's matter, without her consent, Su Wanqing is not easy to say too much, but simply mentioned that she is indeed not a women's clothing boss...

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