Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 303: You were beaten by Erha and cried...

Although it was broadcast very late, Su Wanqing was much more energetic than usual, and was inexplicably excited before falling asleep in the middle of the night.

Qin Xiaobai got up early in the morning and went for a walk in her room without waking her up.

Back to the sofa and put on the black technology collar, ready to go to Huya Live to see Shen Wenwen's live broadcast room, what happened.

After opening the live broadcast room, Qin Xiaobai was a little surprised. The number of followers increased to more than 300 overnight, and there were more than 500 people watching online.

It's just that Shen Wenwen didn't appear in the camera, the live broadcast was the fish pond, and a crocodile squinted in the sun.

There are a few barrages floating by, sparse.

"???What kind of live broadcast room is this, where is the host?"

"Is the protagonist the crocodile?"

"Hey, crocodile brother, how many times do you move? Since you want to live broadcast, don't pretend to be dead?"

"How boring am I to watch a crocodile basking in the sun..."

"I saw it yesterday, the name of this live broadcast room can be changed to Miss Sister and her hundreds of beasts..."

"Well, I was waiting for the anchor to appear, then I took off my pants and left..."

"Selling alligator leather shoes, pure natural and artificially farmed, almost the same as the anchor's, do you want a pair?"


Shen Wenwen, who was in the Rogue Villa, was about to collapse. When she came yesterday, she received more than 70 pets. This morning, it was even more terrifying. There were more than 100 boxes at the door.

The most exaggerated thing is that, I don’t know who, tied a tiger at the door…


Just a tiger…

Although not an adult, she still looks a little scary.

Shen Wenwen stood at the gate of the villa, separated from the tiger by a distance, stunned and at a loss.

After half a day, she decided to call Qin Xiaobai.

At this time, Qin Xiaobai had already left the live broadcast room and glanced at Su Wanqing, who was sleeping soundly, knowing that when this silly girl got up and took him to dinner, she would have to starve to death.

So he prepared to sneak out and eat something.

Just as she turned into a human being, Shen Wenwen called. After pressing the answer button, Qin Xiaobai asked, "What's wrong?"

"Yes, someone sent a... tiger!" Shen Wenwen Nuonuo replied.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

When Qin Xiaobai heard the word tiger at first, he thought that either he heard it wrong or Shen Wenwen said it wrong.

But after confirming it several times in a row, I can't believe what she said is a tiger.


The tigers are all sent. This thing was on the earth in the previous life, but it was specially protected.

Is it possible to adopt?

But soon, Qin Xiaobai understood, this is in a parallel world, and there are no tigers, lions, etc. in the list of protected animals...

"Wait for me there, don't touch it, I'll come..."

After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he hung up the phone and drove to the Wandering Villa.

Shen Wenwen heard Qin Xiaobai say she was coming, so she didn't stay at the door, but went back to the villa to cook.

Half an hour later, Qin Xiaobai's car stopped at the gate of the villa.


From a long distance, you can see a flower tiger, which was chained to a small tree at the entrance of the villa.

Qin Xiaobai walked towards the flower tiger with a face full of tears and laughter.


Seeing a stranger approaching, the Huahu seemed to be provoked and roared at Qin Xiaobai.

Loud and scary.

The animals in the whole villa were alarmed.

Although he was trapped here, the aura of the king of the mountain still retained a bit.

"Dead cat, what is it!" Qin Xiaobai glared at it and roared.

In his eyes, there is no difference between a tiger and a cat, but the reminder is a little bigger.


Huahu, who has always been arrogant and domineering, naturally couldn't be afraid of Qin Xiaobai's few threatening words, gave him a blank look and roared again.

Qin Xiaobai pouted, looked around, did not go directly to do it, but found a place, returned to the form of Erha, then walked back and stood in front of it .


Faced with the sudden appearance of Erha, Huahu was stunned for a while, and then his eyes were full of contempt. The Erha, dare to be presumptuous in front of it?


At this time, the animals of the villa, who were alarmed by the roar of the flower tiger, also followed behind Xiao Huang and leaned towards the door.

Seeing an Erha confronting a tiger, the other animals all showed a confused expression.

Qin Xiaobai didn't care about these animals at all, and slowly leaned towards Huahu.

Both feet forcefully, jumped directly onto Huahu's back, and then raised his front paws, which was a burst of beating.

Because Qin Xiaobai's speed was too fast, this flower tiger didn't react at all. When he just wanted to resist, he felt a solid blow on the head. Then he saw the sky full of Venus.

Shaking his drowsy head, Huahu finally reacted. Just when he was about to roar and resist, Qin Xiaobai, who was riding on his back, grinned back, and again A blast.

This time, it finally couldn’t hold it anymore, it slumped to the ground, a trace of foam and blood slipped out of the corners of its mouth, its two front paws held its head, sobbing and crying: “Brother, my subordinate Be merciful, I was wrong..."

Seeing this tiger begging for mercy, Qin Xiaobai got off its back, then walked to the tree and untied the chain.

The various animals standing at the door are simply stunned!

Is this still a second ha?

Why so fierce?

That was a tiger, and she was beaten and cried...

As the king of the forest, Huahu climbed up from the ground swayingly, feeling that his face was all lost, although he wanted to swallow Qin Xiaobai in his heart, but he thought he could not beat him, so he had to He cast his anger on the other animals watching the fun.

"What are you looking at? I'll swallow you again..." Huahu said threateningly, staring at the animals onlookers.

Hedgehog: "What is fierce, you were beaten by Erha and cried..."

"I'm the king of the mountains..."

Tibetan Mastiff: "You were beaten by Erha and cried..."

"I have words on my head..."

Orange cat: "You were beaten by Erha and cried..."

Huahu: "…"

" Xiao Huang, take this guy inside and tie it up. "Qin Xiaobai handed the chain to Xiao Huang, and then said to Hua Hu behind him, "Don't yell when you go in, or else And hit you!"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Hua Hu's body trembled, and then followed Xiao Huang in...

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai grinned, shook his head, found a place to return to his human form, and then walked into the villa.

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