Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 559: Women's clothing without necklaces has no soul at all!

The salesperson of the jewelry store, after hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, looked him up and down.


Although the clothes are very ordinary, the conspicuous BIJAN logo on the clothes betrays him.

Not many people know about this brand of clothes. She also saw it when she was reading a magazine a few days ago. The starting price in the empire was about 10,000 yuan.

If it is converted into soft sister coins, the minimum is 100,000.

There was a sweet smile on her face, and she replied to Qin Xiaobai: "Sir, is this a gift to this young lady? That is so appropriate, this young lady just now. After looking at the diamond ring for a long time, I definitely want to have a ring.

But what should I say, these ordinary qualities are really not worthy of her temperament, the two of you please come here..."

After finishing speaking, the saleswoman made a gesture of please, Qin Xiaobai didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, and followed her directly.

Su Wanqing, who was bewildered behind her, hesitated for a few seconds before quickly following.

Qin Yali and Jiang Chen looked at each other, and the act of showing affection before had stopped.

What can I say?

Just now the clerk said that the ring was unique and matched her temperament well. It took less than a minute to become a piece of garbage?

Then she wanted to see what the so-called treasure of the town shop looked like.


Today’s lemon is not sour at all…

She just wanted to take a look, not to mention what Jiang Chen said just now, Su Wanqing's handsome boyfriend didn't even dare to go shopping, how could he afford the treasure of the town store Woolen cloth?

It's probably intentional...

Thinking of this, Qin Yali blinked a few times, looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Go and have a look?"

Jiang Chen was also a little confused. When he came, he chatted with Qin Xiaobai, and the guy clearly said that he did not work and was not a rich second-generation.

Then he came to see the treasures of the town shop, didn't he want to slap himself in the face?

I don't know what the guy is thinking, anyway, he can't do this kind of thing.

"Then go take a look, I'm a little curious, how will he end..." Jiang Chen shook his head and followed.

Shortly after, the sales lady from the jewelry store brought them to the back row of containers, with a hint of apology on her face, and said to Qin Xiaobai:

"Sorry sir, please wait for a while, I don't have the right to take out this jewelry directly, I need to apply for it with the manager, very soon, just a few minutes."

Qin Xiaobai nodded, and did not make any embarrassing actions.

Su Wanqing behind him quietly pulled Qin Xiaobai's finger and said softly: "Qin Xiaobai, let's see, don't buy it, really, I can't use it now..."

"Who said I want to buy it for you?" Qin Xiaobai was so annoyed by her that she couldn't help but glared at her.

Su Wanqing: "???"


Why is this guy buying such expensive jewelry?

Oh yes!

Maybe I want to buy my mother-in-law...

Su Wanqing felt much better when she thought about it.


The next sentence Qin Xiaobai said almost made her mad at the jewelry store on the spot.

"Don't you like to dress your dog in women's clothes? Women's clothes without jewelry are completely soulless, you know?" Qin Xiaobai had an unpredictable smile on his face, and then continued He opened his mouth and said:

"Well, in order to make his live broadcast better in the future, I decided to give this jewelry to Xiaobai from your women's clothing..."

Su Wanqing: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was immediately stunned.

Does this guy speak human language?

He really is a devil! !

The two behind Jiang Chen and Qin Yali were also at a loss after hearing Qin Xiaobai's words.

"Wanqing, who is your Xiaobai? Why haven't you heard of it, you have a younger sister?" Qin Yali asked curiously.

"He...he is a...Husky!" Su Wanqing stammered.

Qin Yali: "???"

Jiang Chen: "????"

When everyone was in a daze, the saleswoman, holding a key to the safe with a smile, came over and gently opened the cabinet.

A delicately carved mahogany box was taken out.

The moment it was opened, dazzling rays of light radiated from the box.

It seemed as if the surroundings were immediately brighter.

Everyone took a closer look and found that there was a necklace inside.

Su Wanqing and Qin Yali were immediately attracted by it.

In the middle of the five pear-shaped diamonds, this piece of blood diamond is set, like a blooming flower, and this is just one of them, the wavy edge of the entire necklace, think like this There are ten flowers in total.

"Sir, none of these pear blossom diamonds are three carats, and the rare blood diamonds in the middle are as much as five carats. "Miss salesperson, introduce Qin Xiaobai enthusiastically. said.

After listening to her introduction, Qin Xiaobai nodded and said casually: "Not bad, wrap it up!"

"Ah?" After listening to him, the saleswoman was slightly taken aback, and quickly confirmed it and asked, "Sir, don't you plan to ask how much for this chain?"

This is the first time she has met such a strange guest...

Many wealthy people have seen this necklace before, but when they heard the price, they couldn't help but turn away.

"How much?"

Qin Xiaobai didn't say anything, but Su Wanqing couldn't help but asked.

"One hundred and fifty million! This is the treasure of the town store. There is only one piece in the entire Bluestar, and it is definitely worth the money!" The salesperson was afraid that Qin Xiaobai would not want it anymore, Quickly added the introduction.

After hearing this number, Su Wanqing almost cried.

I hurriedly looked at Qin Xiaobai, and asked timidly: "Qin Xiaobai, you won't spend 150 million, buy a necklace for my Xiaobai? This is still What people do?"

"I bought it for you!" Qin Xiaobai glared at her, then continued: "The ring here is not good, I will take you to my hometown to buy it later!"

Su Wanqing: "…"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was very complicated.

On the one hand, she wants it a little bit, but she really can't make Qin Xiaobai spend so much money on a necklace.

"I beg you to be a human being? This chain is 150 million yuan, not a pile of Chinese cabbage for 15 yuan in a vegetable market..." Su Wanqing had a hint of helplessness on her face, looking towards Qin Xiaobai begged.

But Qin Xiaobai had no reason to ignore her plea at all, so he handed his card to the salesman, and after paying the money, he heard the system brother's prompt, and grinned. : "Don't forget, when you give your little white women clothes in the future, let them wear them..."

And Su Wanqing was equally ignorant, it was Qin Yali and her future husband Jiang Chen.

"Didn't you say he's abolished? This... the old lady's eyes are almost blinded by the necklace, and the ring is back, can you buy me a similar necklace, husband?" Qin Yali blinked Flicking his eyes, he stared blankly at Jiang Chen and asked.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Chen was speechless.

This time I can't call my husband, I can't call my dad...

Just kidding!

A necklace of 150 million, he can't afford to buy it in a lifetime?

Looking at Qin Xiaobai with a bewildered expression, Jiang Chen hesitated for a while, then asked, "Brother, didn't you say you didn't go to work, and you're not a rich second-generation, don't you? Is he an actor? Did he collude with the store to do a sales campaign?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Is this human brain circuit so peculiar? Why do you think he is an actor...

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