Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 560: Good cabbage makes pigs arch!

" to say it! I do not work, and I am not a rich second generation. If I have to explain, maybe my son will be a rich second generation in the future..." Qin Xiaobai Yao He shook his head and replied calmly.

Jiang Chen: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, he was really stunned!

Is your son rich?

Does that mean that the guy in front of him who looks a little younger than him is a rich generation?


This is too fake...

At his age, he may not have graduated from college, right?

I remembered that before, he boasted in front of Qin Yali that his annual salary was 400,000 yuan, which was much better than him.

Jiang Chen can't wait to find a crack to dig in, it's really... shameful!

People spend 150 million without even blinking an eye, and he is actually comparing wealth with each other...

Of course, Qin Xiaobai didn't say anything more about the other blows. These two people are not bad by nature, nor are they full of ridicule like the brainless villains.

So, there is no need to show off anything in front of them.

"Sir, why don't you give this lady a try first, let's pack..."

At this time, after the saleswoman swiped the card, she walked back and looked at Qin Xiaobai with a smile on her face.

Only this single commission will allow her to live a happy life for a while next year.

Su Wanqing instinctively wanted to say refusal, but after seeing Qin Xiaobai's face, she was immediately frightened back when the words came to her lips.

Under the persuasion of the clerk, she finally put it on and tried it on.

Qin Xiaobai rested his chin with one hand, frowned and looked at it. He had to admit that Su Wanqing's temperament improved a lot after wearing this necklace.

Simply put, it's beautiful.

This made Qin Xiaobai feel that 150 million was worth it.

"Not bad! Just wear it home..."

"No, big brother, what are you doing? This chain, it's..." Su Wanqing stammered and spoke incoherently for a long time.

The envious tears of Qin Yali next to her were about to fall.

So unfair!

Su Wanqing's boyfriend's good looks put aside her unmarried 100,000 streets, and she is so rich, really... it's too much!

Today’s lemon is really sour…

After coming out of the jewelry store, Su Wanqing greeted them, and drove the car to take Qin Xiaobai home.


Until now, Su Wanqing looked down and saw the necklace hanging around her neck, still a little dizzy.

One hundred and fifty million necklaces, with a neck, is really a bit scary.

In fact, this is a normal reaction.

Don't talk about her, even those big-name stars, I guess they only dare to bring them for a while in some important events, and they usually put them in the safe as collectibles.

"Qin, Qin Xiaobai, can I take it off?" Su Wan looked at Qin Xiaobai with clear eyes and asked softly.

"Why do you take it off? Afraid of being robbed?"

Qin Xiaobai can't figure it out, the necklace is not for wearing, so why buy it?

"! I'm parents will see it when I get home, so it's hard to explain..." Su Wanqing replied with a worried look on her face.

If she wears this to go home, and her parents know that this necklace is worth 150 million, they have to break her leg...

The education that Su Wanqing received from a young age was diligence and thrift.

So, although I know that Qin Xiaobai is very rich, every time I see him prosperous, I still can't help but want to persuade him.

Hearing Su Wanqing mentioning her parents, Qin Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said quickly: "Stop talking nonsense, love it or not! By the way, does your dad have a chessboard?"

Qin Xiaobai didn't care about Su Wanqing's actions.

Anyway, his task is completed, it doesn't matter whether Su Wanqing wears it or not.

Su Wanqing: "…"

Su Wanqing thought about this matter, driving a little confused, Qin Xiaobai really wanted to beat her after seeing her like this.

This idiot should not be frightened.

At this moment, Su Wanqing drove to a traffic light intersection.

I don't know if I'm still thinking about what happened just now, and I don't even mean to stop.

Qin Xiaobai couldn't bear it anymore, glared at her and roared: "See that pickup truck parked in front of you?"

" Ang, I saw..." Su Wanqing didn't understand what he meant, she blinked, turned her head to look at Qin Xiaobai, and replied.

"Step on the gas and hit it!"

Qin Xiaobai almost laughed at her, couldn't help staring at her, and shouted again.

"I...I dare not!"

"Don't you dare to step on the brakes?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

After slamming the brakes, Qin Xiaobai almost hit the windshield if he hadn't fastened his seat belt, and sighed helplessly: "What a road killer! For the safety of the people of the imperial capital, don't let her drive when you go out in the future..."

About an hour later, Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai returned to the gate of the community.

On the way back, Su Wanqing called ahead to inform her parents.

So the two of them just reached the gate of the community when they saw the waiting parents.

"Xiao Bai is here!"

Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing stopped the car, and from a distance they heard Mother Su shouting enthusiastically.

I don't know why, Qin Xiaobai always felt that the name of Su mother was a bit strange, as if it was no different from the husky form he called himself...

But thinking that he was originally a husky, there was no grudge in his heart. After coming to them, Qin Xiaobai politely greeted and said, "Hello auntie, hello uncle!"

Su Qingshan was the first time he saw Qin Xiaobai's human form. After looking at Qin Xiaobai for a long time, a strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart, so he couldn't help but joked:

"Sure enough! Good cabbage makes pigs arch!"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

"Su Qingshan, are you looking for a hammer, such a good son-in-law, you actually call him a pig? Xiaobai, don't mind, your uncle usually looks like this..." Mother Su quickly explained one sentence.

"Qin Xiaobai, my dad...he he...was not like this before, don't mind!"

Su Wanqing almost cried after hearing what her father said.


My father is dissatisfied with Qin Xiaobai... It feels like a marriage pill!

"That, son-in-law, don't mind! I said that the cabbage made the pigs arch, and it's not wrong, but you are the cabbage, and my girl is the pig..." Su Qingshan replied seriously .

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Su: "…"

Su Wanqing: "???"

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