Actually, this ID is called the UP master of Ruthless Stone, and he just planned to hype it up and attract a wave of fans.

Originally, he relied on editing, three dishes, one soup and four people's game funny videos, and posted them on station B to earn a little profit.

Not to mention, this is a way to make money.

Every time a video is released, the number of views is hundreds of thousands, and at peak times, it can even exceed one million views.

Because of this guy, the level of video editing is really in place.

Secondly, it is also because of the popularity of three dishes and one soup, which is too high.

After the video is released, those fans who like them will click in and take a look when they see it.

In just three months, the number of fans of the Ruthless Stone homepage has exceeded 500,000.

The number of fans like this is not a particularly big up master at station B, but it also belongs to the middle level and above.

However, it only took him less than three months!

The income from not posting a single video is stable at around seven or eight hundred soft sister coins.

In terms of income alone, the monthly income is 20,000 yuan, far exceeding the average level of the empire.

After tasting the sweetness, Ruthless Stone's mentality began to expand, and he was already thinking about how his monthly income exceeded 50,000, or even 100,000.

Of course, he is also very self-aware.

Knowing that with his current 500,000 fans, it is definitely impossible to reach this number.

At the very least, you have to become an UP master with millions of fans, so that you can earn more than 50,000 per month.

How to become a UP master with millions of fans is his main task recently.

So, recently, he has been collecting materials in the live broadcast room of three dishes and one soup.

Today, he suddenly saw Su Wanqing's god-level operation, and immediately smelled a chance.

In those days, the UP master who really hit Lu’s grandpa’s account went from a small UP master to a big UP master with 3 million fans in just a few days.

According to the circulation in the circle, that UP has now made more than one million a year.

It made him a little jealous.

Su Wanqing's reputation today is no less than that of the former one, and she is also the new first sister in the beauty area.

If she uses her name to hype, then his goal is easy to achieve.

However, when he replayed Su Wanqing's operation several times back and forth, he did not find any traces of opening and hanging.

Even if he played frame by frame to find loopholes, he still found nothing.

Open or not, in fact, after analysis of many technical houses, you can still see it.

But the ruthless stone, who has been confused by interests, can no longer care about so much at this moment. After simply comparing two videos, he posted it on his homepage and Douyin account.

And took a very eye-catching name: tens of millions of fans anchor, even cheating fans, making huge profits.

Strictly speaking, his behavior is a kind of scolding.

While making money from the videos of three dishes and one soup, they also slander and slander others behind their backs.

The effect after the video is sent out, Ruthless Stone is generally very satisfactory.

Although there are many people commenting on him below, the number of broadcasts has almost exceeded 10 million in just a few hours.

At the same time, his fans at station B increased by 300,000, and Douyin fans increased by about 700,000, and they are still increasing.

The income from this ten million-played video alone has reached an astounding 9,000 yuan.

Things are fermenting faster and faster, and the trouble is getting bigger and bigger.

But at this time, as the target of being beaten, Su Wanqing didn't know what was going on.

I was accompanying Qin Xiaobai and her mother to have dinner at home.

" Qin Xiaobai, this dish is mother's specialty, try it, it tastes very good!" Su Wanqing put a little fish head tofu pot for Qin Xiaobai, and then looked at him with a smile said.

Qin Xiaobai was naturally not polite and not at all restrained, and tasted it in a big mouth.

Eat and praise the deliciousness.

"Xiao Bai, eat more and try this braised pork, if it's not enough, my aunt will make it for you!" Mother Su also helped him with a piece of braised pork and said with a smile.

Su Qingshan, who rushed back, was speechless after seeing this scene.

pouted and said, "Can you two consider my feelings..."

The family chatted and laughed, quickly finished dinner, and then sat on the sofa watching TV.

Qin Xiaobai was not interested in the content of the broadcast, so he took out his mobile phone and began to brush Douyin bored.

The first few articles were nothing special.

But soon, Qin Xiaobai's face became a little weird.



Qin Xiaobai came across the video of beating Su Wanqing.

Generally speaking, fans of that video are righteous, and there is also a comparison video of Su Wanqing playing the game two times recently...

"I'm going, I didn't expect that, the current female anchors really have no bottom line. In order to attract attention, they actually open up..."

"I heard that this anchor earns more than 100 million yuan a year, and because of playing the game well, she has won the favor of a big brother and gave her several hundred million!"

"Really or not, then tomorrow I will also open a hang and go live the game!"

"Hehe, the first sister of the newly-promoted beauty district, she is actually relying on the opening to hang up...blind my dog's eyes!"

"Is this blogger an idiot? Talking nonsense to slander my goddess, aren't you afraid that the dog emperor will beat you to death!"

"Spam bloggers, in order to attract attention, forcibly say that people are cheating!"


Comments are divided into two factions.

The other faction is likely to be a loyal fan of Su Wanqing.

These people are watching Su Wanqing, the first sister who has grown from a small anchor to millions of fans, and they are very clear about Su Wanqing.

She has no need at all, she attracts fans by hanging up.

I am already very popular, okay?

So, their message is naturally to support Su Wanqing and not open it.

Among these messages, one of them seems to be quite special. It is the author of this Douyinhao. He replied to one who supports Su Wanqing's fans: Brain-damaged fans are really scary, isn't the comparison clear enough? Unless you're blind, you don't need to say much.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai turned to look at Su Wanqing beside her, and she seemed to have swiped this video too.

I'm really sitting there now, suffocating.

Su Qingshan, who was watching TV, saw his daughter's expression, he couldn't help it, and asked: "Girl, what's the matter? Did Xiaobai bully you?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


Qin Xiaobai was almost speechless.

"No...No, Dad, I'll go back to the room to rest for a while, maybe I'm a little tired, you can chat with Qin Xiaobai..."

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she glanced at Qin Xiaobai apologetically.

Obviously, she should have watched the video that actually beat her just now, and her mentality exploded.

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