Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 569: We'll talk about these later!

After Su Wanqing returned to the room, the atmosphere in the living room became a little awkward. After being silent for a while, Su Qingshan couldn't help but look at Qin Xiaobai and asked tentatively:

"Xiao Bai, are you causing a conflict with my girl? It's okay to say it, I'm on your side!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Look at his father-in-law's face, if he can stand on his side, there is a ghost.

" Uncle is really not what you think, she may have encountered some trouble, I'll just make a phone call! "Qin Xiaobai didn't explain too much, for fear that Su Wanqing's parents, will follow along with worry.

The Douyin video released by the UP master has been reposted by tens of thousands of people.

But for Qin Xiaobai, it's not a big deal at all.

After getting up and going downstairs in the community, Qin Xiaobai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Zhang Lei, the current CEO of Douyin.

After a while, the call was connected, and Zhang Lei's slightly hoarse voice came from there, asking: "Mr. Qin, it's a coincidence that you called, I really plan to talk to you. Good news to report! Our Douyin users have successfully exceeded one billion, and the overseas version is already online..."

" That, I'm sorry, I'll interrupt! We'll talk about this later, I have something to talk to you about! "Qin Xiaobai is not in the mood at the moment, listening to Zhang Lei's ramble report Performance, interrupted his words directly.

No matter how good Douyin's performance is, in Qin Xiaobai's eyes, there is no way to compare it to Su Wanqing.

This is the way the Wife Protector is!

"Ah, alright! If you have something to do, you can just command Mr. Qin!"

The report was interrupted by Qin Xiaobai. Although Zhang Lei was a little surprised, he didn't feel anything, and still said respectfully.

" It's like this, we Douyin seem to have an original author named Ruthless Stone, who posted a fake video in the afternoon, slandering me... my daughter-in-law, the impact seems to be quite big, you guys deal with it a bit!"

Qin Xiaobai originally planned to talk about friends, but if he was a friend, Zhang Lei might not be able to kill him.

So he spoke directly and said his relationship with Su Wanqing.

After he finished speaking, Zhang Lei was startled, and he was full of cold sweat in the winter.

This is worth it!

This is ruining his job...

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Lei asked carefully: "Mr. Qin, can you do this? The author who publishes this video will have all the income deducted, and the author's account will be closed immediately. , and add him and his relatives and friends to the blacklist. The released video is immediately removed from the shelves of the entire network.”

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Actually, all he wanted was to close the Douyin account of Ruthless Stone and take down the video. Unexpectedly, Zhang Lei, even the accounts of his relatives and friends, will be blocked together...

It seems a bit absurd, but Qin Xiaobai didn't say anything against it.

He is very pleased with Zhang Lei's handling.

"Okay, go for it!"

Qin Xiaobai hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

The matter of Douyin and Video is not difficult to deal with. The key is the B station, which is also a website with a lot of traffic, and the number of users is quite terrifying.

If things continue to ferment, the consequences will be very serious.

At the same time, Su Wanqing in the room, although a little aggrieved, did not collapse directly as Qin Xiaobai had guessed.

As an anchor for such a long time, she has experienced many twists and turns.

The reason why she came back to the room was to prove her innocence, so she couldn't always rely on Qin Xiaobai to solve the problem for her.

Although some people rely on it, it seems to be pretty good…

But she still wants to work hard.

So, Su Wanqing quickly took out her mobile phone and boarded the live broadcast room.

When she appeared in the camera, she was a little speechless, and there was another scolding war on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

"You people who eat melons, just scolding and scolding on the Internet, what the **** are you doing in the live broadcast room to make trouble? When our 10 million fans don't exist?"

"The members of the 100,000 coffin-carrying brigade are not just talking about it casually. If you dare to mess around, we will arrange them all for you at night!"

"Fuck, this anchor is really a cow, a person who has been beaten for cheating, and there are so many licking dogs to help her clean up, have you never seen a woman?"

"It's really scary for the brainless fans. This anchor relies on your group of leeks to earn over 100 million a year. You were sold and helped her count the money!"

" Haha, the first sister of the beauty district, relying on the opening and hanging to the top, the live broadcast industry is really easy to do these days, I will also start the live broadcast tomorrow, I don't know if I can earn tens of billions of dollars a year... "

"The worst thing should be the big guy who was deceived by her! He rewarded her with hundreds of millions in vain... After knowing the truth, I don't know if I will kill the anchor!"

"Hey, he looks pretty good, but I don't understand why he has to hang up!"

"Which anchor are you fans, is it interesting to run over to black people? The anchor needs to rely on opening up? When she was a dog, we also had a lot of fun watching it..."

"Upstairs, you are wrong! Her family's Erha is still a bit more powerful. It should be said that when the food is not as good as the dog, we also have a lot of fun watching it!"


After Su Wanqing appeared in the camera, she watched the barrage for a while, the expression on her face changed slightly, and then she said:

The host is using the mobile phone to broadcast live. In the afternoon, I used the computer in front of me to broadcast live. I will open it now and open the task manager to show you whether there is any third-party software. "

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she fixed the phone on the selfie stick at the bedside, so that the live camera could see her entire operation.

After turning on the computer, show all the main program inside to the fans in the live room.


There is no third party auxiliary software.

Of course Su Wanqing also knew that it was hard to convince those who hated her.

So, she plans to board the game, go to the practice ground inside, and demonstrate the process of pressing the gun on the spot.

This is the only way she can think of to prove her innocence.

After a while, Su Wanqing boarded the game interface under the watchful eyes of the fans in the live broadcast room, and then chose the practice mode.

" Today's UP master said that there is no back seat, so now I will show you the operation of pressing the gun..." Su Wanqing put both hands on the mouse and looked back at the phone screen , said to the fans in the live broadcast room.

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