Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 573: No money, no mobile phone, you go to a wool temple fair!

The matter of the UP master of station B, with Qin Xiaobai's series of operations, the storm soon passed.

For Su Wanqing, it does have a lot of negative impact.

Being live broadcast to the point where they are, any rhythm may lead to doom and ruin the entire live broadcast career.

Su Wanqing is no exception, the number of fans who subscribed in just a few days has dropped by more than 2 million.

And the tiger fish face value area has newly dug up a group of top Internet celebrities in Korea. In terms of appearance value, it may be a bit worse than Su Wanqing, but in terms of figure and talent, it is slightly better One chip.

In just a few days, especially several former Koryo girl group retired Internet celebrities, at least one of them has attracted more than 5 million fans.

In terms of popularity, although the first place was still occupied by Su Wanqing, from the second to the seventh place, all of them were occupied by this person.

No way!

People have a strong sense of freshness from outside.

Of course, Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai didn't care about this, after all, this is the normal business operation of tiger fish.

Qin Xiaobai spent a few peaceful days at Su Wanqing's house. In the early morning of the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, he was still dreaming in the small room next door when he heard a rapid knock. door sound.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Qin Xiaobai rubbed his fluffy hair with his hands, and then prepared to go back to sleep.

Su Wanqing at the door saw that there was no response inside for a long time, she directly opened the door with the key, came to Qin Xiaobai's bed with a smile, and said, "Qin Xiaobai, get up quickly! The imperial capital is very lively today, the annual temple fair, let's go shopping!"

"Crazy! Don't sleep early in the morning, go to the temple fair?" Qin Xiaobai covered his head and muttered with some dissatisfaction.

He really has no interest in these!

Besides, getting him out of the warm bed was like killing him...

Seeing Qin Xiaobai's unmoved appearance, Su Wanqing had no plans to give up, and still persuaded: "Go and see! The marriage lottery in that temple is very good, let's Go and ask for one, and there will be most of the food in the imperial capital!"


Hearing the words "food", Qin Xiaobai's sleepiness dissipated a lot, and then he got up from the bed.

After tidying up a little, Su Wanqing greeted her parents before leaving: "Mom, I won't be here for lunch!"

Su Qingshan, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, glanced at the daughter who was pulling Qin Xiaobai, and warned: "Don't say go to the classmate's house at night, let Laozi come back to sleep, did you hear? ?"

Su Wanqing: "???"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Su Wanqing obviously did not understand her father's words very well. After going downstairs, she glanced at Qin Xiaobai with some doubts: "What did my father mean? Do you understand? "

"Maybe let's go home early for dinner..." Qin Xiaobai was speechless for a while, and casually said a word.


Su Wanqing nodded again and again and whispered: "I didn't say that I wouldn't come to dinner at night..."

The Dragon Emperor Mountain Temple Fair in the imperial capital is the largest temple fair in the empire.

Before, it was said that on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, the emperors in the deep palace would lead a group of ministers and princes to Longhuang Mountain to worship the sky and pray for good luck in the coming year.

The emperor died later, but this custom was passed down. In recent years, more and more foreigners have traveled thousands of miles to Longhuang Mountain to participate in temple fairs.

When Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai arrived, it was already crowded.

After parking the car, the two walked around holding hands.

Qin Xiaobai's eyes will look around from time to time, as if looking for something...

"Qin Xiaobai, you have changed!" Su Wanqing suddenly looked at him angrily and said.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

"In the past, when you went out, you didn't even look at the beauties on the side of the road, but now you go out and look around at the beauties..." Seeing Qin Xiaobai's confused look, Su Wanqing spoke again one sentence.

"Look at your sister! I'm looking for the food you mentioned, okay?" Qin Xiaobai was really drunk after hearing what she said, and couldn't help but glared at Su Wanqing, Then yelled at him.

"Hee hee, that's right, then I forgive you! There is a candy man in front of you, let's buy two!"

While talking, Su Wanqing pulled Qin Xiaobai through the crowd and came to a place full of stalls.

"You want to murder?" Qin Xiaobai rolled her eyes at her and asked angrily.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai can't eat too sweet things.

The reason must be because of his body, it should be a husky. The other time he ate a piece of candy and had diarrhea for a long time, almost dying.

Su Wanqing: "???"

To be honest, Su Wanqing was stunned there, thinking what kind of wind is this guy Qin Xiaobai doing?

I just want to eat a candy man, how can I murder him...

"Forget it, I'll buy you one! I want to eat meat buns..."

Qin Xiaobai finally bought a candy man for Su Wanqing, and then planned to go to the shop opposite to buy a few meat buns, after all, he didn't have time to eat in the morning!

At this time, a half-year-old child walked not far from them, his clothes were a little ragged, and there was a QR code hanging on his chest, he staggered to the two of them, facing the Su Wanqing said:

"Sister, please help me, I haven't eaten for several days, give me some money to buy a breakfast... I wish the two of you a long life and a son!"

" Ah?" Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai with a blushing look, then glanced at the little beggar beside her, and said a little embarrassedly: "I... I don't have money for you!"

"The QR code is also ok, well, you can also pay by scanning it..." The little beggar looked at Su Wanqing eagerly and said.

In fact, they are liars of this generation, and they specially pick young people who look like couples to start, and they have a great chance of success.

Generally, anyone who loves face will give at least twenty dollars. After all, their object is standing next to them and is embarrassed to be stingy.

"My phone seems to be on the car..."

Su Wanqing touched the pocket of her clothes, and then answered somewhat embarrassedly.

"Ah, that's not it! You don't bring money or a mobile phone when you go out, you go to a woolen temple fair..." The little beggar muttered in disgust.

Su Wanqing: "…"

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help it.

Are all professional beggars so rampant now? Not giving money directly hurts people...

At this moment, a cold and ethereal reminder sounded in his mind: "Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface in time to check!"

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