Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 574: Mission failed? !

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai clicked on his property panel and took a look at the task interface.

Please host him, let him be human again! Reward: Evolution Point +1000, Seven Star Draw +1. 】

After seeing this task, Qin Xiaobai was speechless!

Indulge him, what the heck do you mean, beat him to tears in public? If I do this, I feel like I'm going to be drowned by the saliva of this crowd...

Becoming a new person?

Don't be a professional beggar...

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's eyes suddenly brightened, and he seemed to gradually understand the meaning of the system brother.

He looked down at the complaining little beggar, and said with a smile: "She really didn't pay for it, wait a moment, I'll come right away!"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the ragged little beggar froze for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

I thought about the routine that my boss said, and it is still feasible.

Of course this is risky.

If you meet a grumpy old man, you may be beaten.

However, this is really what they want to see. After being beaten, they lie down directly, and they can blackmail a lot of medical expenses.

No business for a month.

In broad daylight, no one would dare to kill in public.

The corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth curled up, and instead of going back to the car to help Su Wanqing get the money, he walked straight towards a steamed bun shop next to him.

When the little beggar saw his action, he was a little puzzled, but he soon guessed that the man might have no change, and he was going to find a place to change it...

This is not unusual, after all, he has been in this business for so long, and he has never encountered a hundred-yuan bill directly.

"What do you want to eat?"

The owner of Baozipu greeted Qin Xiaobai warmly when he saw Qin Xiaobai coming.

"The boss will come with three meat buns, then... um... thirty steamed buns!" Qin Xiaobai answered with a faint smile on his face.

"Thirty steamed buns?"

The owner of Baozipu glanced at Qin Xiaobai strangely and asked again.



Soon, the owner of Baozipu prepared what Qin Xiaobai wanted.

Qin Xiaobai, after paying the money, walked back while eating, holding a bag full of steamed buns in the other hand.

When he returned to Su Wanqing's side, Qin Xiaobai glanced at his little beggar and looked at his little beggar with excitement, and then said with a smile:

"In this day and age, there are very few people who haven't eaten for several days. The animals in the wandering villa will not be hungry for several meals. You can eat these steamed buns. If they are not enough, I will buy some more."

Little beggar: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, he was dumbfounded.

This is your sister!

The guy in front of him didn't go looking for change, but went to buy him steamed buns?

The devil!

Who the **** wants to eat steamed buns…

"Don't be stunned, it's too pitiful to not have enough to eat in the cold weather, it's okay, I'm watching you eat, no one dares to **** it from you!" Qin Xiaobai's mouth had a hint of a trace. With a smirk, he looked at the professional little beggar and said.

The little beggar is really galloping in his heart at this moment! If he hadn't watched a group of people around, he would have wanted to say Qin Xiaobai on the spot: "You are such an idiot!"

But in the current situation, he has no choice!

If you don't eat the steamed buns, what you just said will become a lie. In the future, no one in this area will believe him any more, and the business will be bad!

Thinking of this, the little beggar was speechless, stretched out his left hand, and took the steamed bun handed by Qin Xiaobai tremblingly.

He took out one, and ate it.

The first one was okay, after all, he didn't eat in the morning, so it wasn't too hard to swallow.

The second and third are also acceptable.

But when it came to the fourth steamed bun, he really couldn't take it anymore...

The steamed buns in the north are very large, and the average adult must have felt a little too long to eat three...

He's a teenage kid...

After gritted his teeth and forcibly stuffed the four steamed buns down, the little beggar's face turned pale, he reached out and picked up the fifth steamed bun, trembling for a long time, he didn't dare to go any further Send in your mouth…

It's really hard to swallow!

Seeing that the little beggar has been quiet, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help urging and asked: "What, is it too dry? Why don't I buy you a bottle of water..."

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, the little beggar almost jumped up and hurriedly stopped: "Brother, brother! No, no!"

I ate four big steamed buns, if I was drinking water, I would definitely break my belly.

"Then go ahead, usually if you are hungry for several days, you can eat at least ten!" Qin Xiaobai looked at him and said with a smile.

Little Beggar: "…"

After swallowing another shiver, the little beggar finally collapsed, looked at Qin Xiaobai with tears in his eyes and said, "Brother... I really can't eat it, I'm afraid my stomach will eat it again. They have to be broken! Or if I take it back and eat slowly when I'm hungry..."

"How about that, there seem to be a lot of people like you in this area, I'm afraid they will rob you, you continue, I'll help you guard!" Qin Xiaobai smiled I mean, look at him and say.


The little beggar wants to show up right now, so he will just kill him.

At least you don't have to be held to death.

This is what people do...

Don't you know that all the beggars are young in the clubhouse?

Who still eats steamed buns…

"Qin, Qin Xiaobai! He really can't eat anymore, don't force him, or not..." Su Wanqing on the side looked a little unbearable, and dragged Qin Xiao. The corner of Bai's clothes whispered to persuade.

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, the little beggar was moved to tears. Su Wanqing, who stood up to help him at this moment, seemed to have a circle of righteous light behind her...

A plain sentence, to him, is like a fairy in the world!

"Don't be a beggar in the future, isn't it bad to learn some crafts at a young age?" Qin Xiaobai glanced at the little beggar, and then said.

"I see!"

The little beggar stood up and got ready to run.

"Hey, wait!" Qin Xiaobai suddenly stopped him, picked up the bag with steamed buns on the ground, walked in front of him, stuffed it into his hand, and then said earnestly: "Hungry Remember to eat when you have to…”

Little Beggar: "…"

The body of the little beggar shuddered when he heard this, his eyes were fixed on the bag with steamed buns in his hand, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he quickly disappeared into the crowd.

While running, he glanced back from time to time, for fear that Qin Xiaobai would follow.

After about ten minutes, the little beggar finally breathed a sigh of relief, threw the steamed buns in his hand into the trash can, and said cursingly:

" This man is really a devil! You can do such a beast thing... Grass, I can't stay in this place, lest I encounter this devil again, I should continue to do business under the marriage tree behind Bar…"

Qin Xiaobai, who was standing on the spot, was suddenly a little depressed at this moment. After the little beggar agreed just now, the system brother did not prompt the completion of the task.

This is really nonsense!

The sea of ​​people is vast, the little beggar who disappeared, it is estimated that he will never be seen again, what should he do with this task...

"Qin Xiaobai, what's the matter with you?"

Su Wanqing scratched the blue silk hanging from her forehead, then glanced at Qin Xiaobai who was in a daze, and asked.

"Nothing, just a little helpless..." Qin Xiaobai replied helplessly.

"Hey, don't be uncomfortable, there are still many people in the world who can't get enough to eat, you can help him once, it's already good!" After Su Wanqing persuaded him, she suddenly stopped him. Smiling, he continued:

"That's right, Qin Xiaobai! There are few people now, let's go to the marriage tree in the back and ask for a sign, otherwise there will be too many people, maybe it will not be our turn!"


Qin Xiaobai nodded, in fact he doesn't believe in marriage or anything, there is a saying that you and I have no fate, and it all depends on me to be rich!

However, since he accompanied Su Wanqing to the temple fair, he didn't object.

Only, I have been thinking about the task just now.

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