Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 591: Don't force us, I can jump off the balcony!

The room is a luxurious presidential suite on the top floor, Qin Xiaobai only opened one.

It's not that he's stingy.

There is no other way...

If you open five rooms, after they go in later, they can't get out, they can't tear down the door of other people's hotels, right?


When he thought about the door removal, Qin Xiaobai didn't know why, but suddenly this thought really came out of his heart!

It was horrible!

Sure enough, even if you become a human, sometimes you will still be influenced by Erha's thinking!

Several beautiful girls from the vitality girl group followed Qin Xiaobai and entered the suite. Everyone put down their salute and took off their bloated down jackets.

Although Qin Xiaobai has no special thoughts about them. But still in the spirit of criticism, he looked at a few people one by one.


It's not bad, but a little worse than that silly girl Su Wanqing of his family.

When thinking like this, the corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth curled up slightly inadvertently.

Although he does smile very nicely and charmingly.

But just after the incident of Park Jingchang jumping off the building, the creditor came to besiege the house, was sold to the unfamiliar tiger fish, and the members of the vitality girl group who lived in other countries, after seeing Qin Xiaobai's smile , I feel a little hair in my heart.

These girls seem to exude youthful sunshine all over their bodies, but only they know how many dark things they have experienced in the entertainment industry.

The way Qin Xiaobai is now, they are really a little scared!

So, after putting down the salute and taking off their jackets, several people were standing at the door on tiptoe, huddled together.

No one dared to move or speak.

"The salute is gone, the clothes are taken off, it's time to get down to business! Well, you guys come together..."

Qin Xiaobai really couldn't think of any way to let them play flying chess with him willingly, so in the end he just said it!

Simple and rude!

If they don't agree, they will be beaten to tears first, and then they will be driven out to sleep on the street.

On such a cold day, a group of beautiful girls were living in the streets, shivering from the cold, and it seemed quite exciting to think about...

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, the vitality girl group couldn't help shivering.

Thinking in my heart, as expected, I was trapped by those two old foxes!

He...he means, clearly...that is...

Seeing a few people stunned there, without any movement for a long time, of course Qin Xiaobai couldn't know what they were thinking about, anyway, the more they looked, the more angry they were, and couldn't help staring He looked at them with a pair of eyes, and then roared:

"What are you stunned for? Am I asking too much?"

Qin Nian'er, the youngest among the vitality girls, was obviously taken aback by Qin Xiaobai. She is usually the least timid, and every time she encounters something, she hides behind a few sisters. The first time I saw such a fierce boss, I was frightened and cried.

"Qin...Boss Qin! We...are entertainers, not that, please...Please show some respect!" Qin Yuner patted Qin Nianer who was crying beside her, and after a while of comfort, Glancing at Qin Xiaobai, he stammered.

Seeing that her sister was wronged, Qin Qianer also stood up and said to Qin Xiaobai: "Yes, yes! We are not that kind of people, big... big deal, in the future Earn money back to you, don't force us!"

Qin Xiaobai: "Are you teaching me to do things?"


Qin Xiaobai did not expect that these women would react so violently...

It's just the next Ludo!

Is it necessary to make it seem like someone in Qin is forcing them to jump off the building?

Could it be that the vitality girl group was often abused and cried with flying chess in Korea, so they resisted flying chess so much?

Such a fun and exciting game, they don't like it... Is there something wrong? !

The members of the vitality girl group, after listening to Qin Xiaobai's words just now, all turned pale as paper, and their minds began to collapse.

They fell into the devil's lair!

What to do?

The new boss in front of him looks so fierce! A few of them together would definitely not be able to beat him...

"Qin... Boss Qin, don't be like this? Our sisters are really... woo woo woo..." Tang Rouer started choking, and wiped it with the back of her hand pitifully Tears, did not dare to go on.

After Qin Xiaobai saw how they looked, he couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but roared: "Either play games with me, or send me to go to the magic capital to be a welcome lady. , choose one for yourself!"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the vitality girl group was all stunned, but soon they answered in unison: "We... choose... to be the welcoming lady!"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

What the hell, these people?

Would you rather go to the magic capital to be a welcoming lady than play flying chess with him?

"You guys...are you sure you don't want to play flying chess with me? If you choose to be a welcome lady, you will never have the chance to be a star!" Qin Xiaobai shook his head slightly and sighed , and then opened his mouth to confirm their thoughts.

Vitality Girls: "???"

Don't you want that? How did it become to play with flying chess...

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, they all stood dumbfounded, and after a long stunned Qin Yuner asked timidly, "Boss Qin said the first choice was ... play flying chess with you?"

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai pretended to put his hand into the pocket of his shirt, but actually took out the box of eight-player flying chess that Su Qingshan passed down to him from the system warehouse.

He fell heavily beside the coffee table of the sofa, then stared at a few people, and asked angrily: "Or what do you think I'm going to do? I didn't say anything about playing flying chess just now. ?"

The vigor girl looked at the box on the coffee table blankly, and then timidly approached, and finally saw the big characters written on the box: flying chess!

They were speechless! It's really flying chess...

Did you follow the wrong boss? To let a few of them play such a childish game with him, the future of money will be worrying!

"We... play flying chess with you, in the future... do you have a chance to return to the entertainment industry?" Qin Qianer glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and then Nuonuo asked.

"One night! I'm thinking about letting you guys debut again next year, how about it?" Qin Xiaobai looked at a few people and answered seriously.

"Okay! Let's play..."

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's promise, the beautiful girls in the group of vitality girls were all a little excited and quickly agreed.

Being able to become a star in the entertainment industry again, who wouldn't want to?

At least it's much better than letting them be the Yingbin Miss Sister, although Yingbin Miss Street sounds like it's not bad...

Seeing a few people happily agreed, Qin Xiaobai showed a relieved smile and sighed: "The life of the rich is really so simple, impossible and boring..."

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