Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 592: The police uncle has rounded the room?

The game of flying chess, the members of the vitality girl group, occasionally play a few times in their spare time.


Overall, it was very exciting.

After the six people were seated, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the two vacant seats, and suddenly felt a little regretful in his heart, knowing that he had brought that silly girl Su Wanqing.

Although there is still one less person, it should be more interesting!


I don't know if there is any chance in the future, so I gathered eight people to go down together.

"Come on, you come from afar, this will give you a chance, that bun face, you come first!"

Qin Xiaobai forgot Qin Nian'er's name, there were too many people, only Qin Yun'er and Qin Rou'er were impressed.

So I called Qin Rouer by her face shape.

At first, Qin Rouer didn't know that the new boss was talking about her, but seeing everyone's eyes seemed to be looking at her, her face immediately turned red, and some were not sure what to do with her. Pointing at himself, he asked, "Yes... are you talking about me?"

"Apart from you, does anyone else have a chubby face?" Qin Xiaobai looked at her and asked.

Qin Rouer: "…"

This is saying she is fat!

Although she was a little gloomy in her heart, she didn't say anything after all, she reached out and picked up the dice, and was ready to throw it.

But suddenly her hand stopped in midair. There was a soft knock on the door.

After the voice sounded, everyone, including Qin Xiaobai, was slightly stunned.

This is your sister!

Isn't there a police uncle doing rounds in the middle of the night? It seems a little embarrassing...

Qin Xiaobai muttered, but she was relieved soon.

I don't seem to have done anything against the law. It shouldn't be a crime to find someone to play flying chess, right?

Best to go...

They are all girls. Although they have been in the entertainment industry for several years, they are not as thick-skinned as that.

"Why are you looking at me? Qin Yuner, go open the door!"

This scene seems to remind Qin Xiaobai of the scene when the hot pot restaurant was demolished that night. The animals in the wandering villa looked at him like this.

For the sake of throwing the blame on Qin someone...

Qin Xiaobai suffered a loss once, and this time he will not say anything.

If Su Wanqing or Shen Wenwen and the others accidentally saw this report, it would explode!

So, Qin Xiaobai hesitated for a long time, and decided to be a little more cowardly! Opening the door is something that doesn't have a little technical content. Of course, it is more appropriate for girls to do it...

In the end, I had to stand up helplessly, and walked towards the door in three steps.


Qin Yuner came to the door, and after hesitating for a while, she slowly opened the door of the room.


The two people standing at the door were stunned at the same time...

" are?"

The tone and words of what they said were almost exactly the same.

Yes, that's right!

The one standing at the door is the deity Su Wanqing.

Just now she was about to explode with anger, but after seeing Qin Yuner, it suddenly turned into an accident.

When Qin Xiaobai left last night, Su Wanqing really didn't think about it at first, and she didn't plan to follow.

But Sancai and her fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help reminding them after hearing Qin Xiaobai's conversation with her before leaving, that a man ran out in the middle of the night and said if will come to sleep...

This must be a ghost!

The fans in the live broadcast room even used their cousins, cousins, cousins ​​and other relatives to swear by their decades of lifespan, the dog emperor will definitely dare to do bad things.

*** may be the Erha who led her family, and went to a secret place in the imperial capital to demolish the house.

Coincidentally, Erha, who was the incarnation of the paper kite, just expired at that time, and restored a very thin and small paper-cut appearance.

Su Wanqing saw that her dog was gone...

At the time, she was taken aback and quickly picked up her father's car key on the table, and hurriedly drove away.

Qin Xiaobai never thought that Su Wanqing would follow him!

So I didn't even look at the situation in the rearview mirror...

Fortunately, Qin Xiaobai was not driving very fast, and she could barely keep up.

After arriving at the airport, Su Wanqing was almost shocked, Qin Xiaobai and her family Erha, the goal this time is too big, right?

Is this going to the Imperial Capital Airport?

Just as Su Wanqing was horrified, Qin Xiaobai got out of the car, and got into the car with five girls soon after.

At a distance, she didn't see them clearly, they looked like girls about the same size as her...

Then he followed him all the way to the hotel, and saw Qin Xiaobai open a suite with his own eyes and went upstairs with a few girls.

At that time, Su Wanqing almost cried.

In the middle of the night, I took the girl to the hotel to open a room, and it was still five…

This...she really can't accept this!

Originally, Su Wanqing wanted to just go home, cry a lot, and then ignore the bastard.

However, Su Wanqing didn't know why she knocked on the door. Maybe subconsciously, she still believed in Qin Xiaobai...

Perhaps only after seeing that scene with her own eyes, she can give up completely.

Her voice was not too small, and the people in the room could just hear it.

Qin Xiaobai is no exception...

After hearing the words of the anchor and the king patrolling the mountains, all the hairs on Qin Xiaobai's body stood up at that time!


This stupid daughter-in-law didn't sleep in the middle of the night, why did she suddenly follow him to the door of this hotel? !

Soon, Qin Xiaobai suddenly realized that something was not right, so he quickly stood up and walked to the door in a few steps.

After seeing Qin Xiaobai appear, Su Wanqing showed a look of disappointment on her face. After a moment of silence, she said, "Give me back my Xiaobai, I want to take him home !"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

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