Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 903: We can help you raise money!

Qin Xiaobai's original plan was to let Lin Xiaoxiao directly transfer one of the automotive technology patents, but after thinking about it carefully, he strangled the idea again.

In that case, although a part of the funds can be raised, it is tantamount to killing the chicken and taking the eggs.

After all, those patents have a long history of making money.

But just relying on the private money of three dishes and one soup, they add up to less than one billion.

The acquisition of the bankrupt Yida Group is obviously only a drop in the bucket.

At this time, Su Wanqing seemed to see what Qin Xiaobai was thinking. After pondering for a while, she said with a serious face: "Qin Xiaobai, we can help you raise a sum of money, But you might have to pay a price."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

To be honest, he didn't quite understand what Su Wanqing meant, looked at her with a frown, and asked, "Can you raise money?"

Five generations of relatives and friends of this silly girl, Qin Xiaobai went home with her last time to celebrate the New Year, and he almost got to know them all.

I haven't heard of any wealth that can rival a country, and then you can come up with tens of billions of existence...


Su Wanqing smiled brightly, then leaned over to Qin Xiaobai's side, and whispered a few words in his ear.

After listening to her words, Qin Xiaobai was stunned.

He stared at Su Wanqing for a while with a strange expression on his face, and almost couldn't help laughing out a pig croak.


The brain circuit of this silly girl is really strange and terrible, and she plans to borrow money from the fans in the live broadcast room...


Accurately speaking, it should not be considered a loan, but a pledge.

The investment starts at 1,000, and the top is not capped. You can get 10% profit every year, and the principal will be returned after three years.

In addition, fans who have raised more than 100,000 soft sister coins can also get a shareholder certificate of Future Tianhe Shopping Center, and can participate in dividends every year.

Of course, this is only Su Wanqing's preliminary idea, and the specific details need to be discussed with Qin Xiaobai and Sancai.

After all, at present, her fans are the least in the combination of three dishes and one soup.

"Wanqing, what were you and Qin Xiaobai talking about there? Could it be that he was planning to let him not take us to play..." Dian Xiaomei glanced at the two of them, a little puzzled 's mouth asked a question.

"No! Didn't Qin Xiaobai say that he wanted to bring us together to make a fortune? Well, just bring those fans in the live broadcast room, you three can also participate together, the specific The details are like this..."

When it comes to the economy, when Su Wanqing talks about it, she appears to be well-organized and orderly, as if she has changed a person.

Qin Xiaobai listened to Su Wanqing's statement again and again, and sighed in his heart: "This motherfucker... is that stupid daughter-in-law?"

About half an hour later, Su Wanqing explained all the plans she could think of, and gave them a detailed explanation for some incomprehensible things.

Although Qin Xiaobai was still a little less optimistic about them, Cheng Xiaoguo, Duan Xiaomei, and Xiao Tuantuan couldn't help but get excited, and they were already convinced that Su Wanqing's plan could be implemented.

"Okay, Wanqing will do as you say, let's split up now..."

After finishing the words, the four women with three dishes and one soup walked back to the computer and started the Amway operation.

Qin Xiaobai looked at the busy people and couldn't help shaking his head slightly. If he didn't know them, Qin Xiaobai might suspect that they were telecom fraudsters...

But it is clear that Qin Xiaobai underestimated these four women.

Glancing at the barrage in the live broadcast room of the four girls, Qin Xiaobai was immediately stunned. There are actually quite a few fans in their live broadcast room who chose to believe them...

"Anchor, although I feel like you are cheating money, but I choose to believe you, don't say send the account number!"

"I originally planned to use this money to study, but I suddenly found out that I didn't even get into Lan Xiang. Forget it, prostituting for so long, if the anchor you really If you lied to me, you will be rewarded once."

"I told my girlfriend about this just now, she didn't agree, and now I have broken up with her, anchor, this is my 50,000 breakup fee, I plan to invest it, you If you lie to us, I will die for you to see!"

"Fuck, man upstairs, are you dreaming? Didn't you say you didn't have a girlfriend yesterday?"

"With an investment of 10,000 yuan, you can become Tianhe's boss, right? Shit, it sounds like a good deal..."

"Hey, it's really worth it, in the future, when I go on a blind date with my little sister, I will take her to Tianhe Shopping Center, and then pretend to drop the shareholder certificate on the ground inadvertently. Isn't that to escape the fate of a single dog? already?"

"Don't say it, whoever of you wants the trousers of Xiantian Taoist brother, spicy strips are also fine, sell them all at 50% off, the dog emperor will bring me to make a fortune..."

"Opening, how many pants have you stolen from me recently? I have no pants to wear now, so hurry up and send me one, I'm going to the coffin to withdraw money to invest..."

"Fuck, I really want to find something incredible!"


At the same time, in the live broadcast room of Cheng Xiaoguo, Dai Xiaomei, and Xiao Tuantuan, the barrage is roughly the same.

Many fans couldn't wait to ask them the account they used to make money.

These people definitely didn't go for Qin Xiaobai's face, they decided to invest money because of their face.

That night, three dishes, one soup, four women, live broadcast all night.

According to the previous situation, if they did not sleep all night, they would have been sleepy long ago, but this morning, they were all excited.

One night of live broadcast, the harvest of several of them is quite gratifying.

Su Wanqing, a total of 340,000 people chose to trust her, the lowest invested 2,000, and the highest invested 100,000 soft sister coins.

In just one night, Su Wanqing raised 2.7 billion!

Duanzi and Dai Xiaomei raised more than 3.5 billion and 3.1 billion respectively.

As for Cheng Xiaoguo, her fans are even more crazy. By the time of the next broadcast, more than 5 billion have been raised.

The next day, Qin Xiaobai woke up.

The four of them, three dishes and one soup, said that they had raised nearly 15 billion in total, and they were immediately stunned.


Is this a bit too much nonsense, to say 15 million Qin Xiaobai may not have any doubts, but this Nima is 15 billion...

But soon, Qin Xiaobai seemed to figure it out.

Terrible numbers...

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