Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 904: What game are you playing, isn't the shameless flying chess unhappy?

Looking at the bank cards in front of him, Qin Xiaobai didn't have any joy in his heart, but felt a little uneasy.

The news of raising funds of 15 billion overnight must not be concealed.

At that time, no one on the Internet is in a rhythm. If there is a guy with ulterior motives, he will attack the four of them and say that they are fraudulent online. Maybe they will be investigated...

However, in the current situation, it is obviously impossible to return the money.

Involving millions of fans, even if you want to get your money back, you can't do it in a day or two.

So, after Qin Xiaobai pondered for a while, he put away the bank cards in front of him, then got up from the bed and looked at the four women with three dishes and one soup After a while, he shook his head helplessly and said:

"Are everyone legally illiterate? You call it illegal fundraising..."

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the three dishes and one soup were stunned at the same time.

Su Wanqing thought about it for a long time, and recalled almost all the laws of the entire empire, but did not find the rule that Qin Xiaobai said.

After a while, she seemed to remember something, looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked with a smile:

"That's the law of your hometown, right? There is no rule in the empire that people are not allowed to raise funds."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai remembered that he was in Blue Star now, and many things could not be considered with the thinking of earthlings.

If this is the case, then his previous consideration seems to be a bit redundant...

"Okay, you guys go wash first, I'll let you guys sleep in the bed during the day! I'll go buy you a breakfast, and I'll accompany the team to finish the fight later Today's game..." Qin Xiaobai said after seeing the dark circles around the eyes of the four of them.

But when he finished saying this, three dishes, one soup, four women, almost moved to tears, okay?

My God!

Sleep in bed and buy them breakfast…

Is this what Qin Xiaobai, the devil, can do?

The four of them lived in the same room with Qin Xiaobai, not once or twice. In the past, they either played flying chess with them all night, or let the four girls sleep on the sofa and the floor...

Suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable!

Actually, it's no wonder that the three people with three dishes and one soup feel a little unbelievable. Even after Qin Xiaobai walked out of the door, he felt that the words just now didn't come out of his mouth. Same.

In the old morning, Qin Xiaobai brought a few breakfasts back, then walked to the door of the next room, and knocked on the door.

The first game this morning was against G2.

After the door of the room was opened, Uzi glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and then said with a teasing: "Qin Xiaobai, the acting skills of the brothers are not good, I am afraid that people will find out if they openly crack down on fake matches. It's a little hard to explain at that time, or let's fight normally..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


How can these guys be as shameless as black charcoal, and they want to go back on their handicap tactics...

What about his mission?

Of course Qin Xiaobai would not agree with Uzi's proposal. After pondering for a while, he suddenly asked, "Can you play flying chess?"

Uzi: "???"


After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Uzi looked at him with a bewildered expression, and didn't quite understand the meaning of his words.

Seeing Uzi's expression, Qin Xiaobai's mouth curled slightly, and then explained:

Flying chess in the morning and playing games in the afternoon."

After Qin Xiaobai said these words, he couldn't help but admire himself.

What a **** genius plan.

Don't worry at all, you won the game if you screwed up.

According to the rules of the World Championship, if a team is late for half an hour, then it is equivalent to giving up the game and will be sentenced to a loss.

In this case, they don't have to think about how to release water during the game.

Only, when the other members of the Xiaobai team heard his thoughts, everyone was stunned...


Can I still play like this?

However, with the current performance of the Xiaobai team, as long as they win a game, they can guarantee to enter the second round, so although they are a little surprised, they are not worried.

In the end, under Qin Xiaobai's deceit, the members of the Xiaobai team were persuaded by him.

Five team members, including two coaches, plus Qin Xiaobai himself, just made up eight people.

All members turned off and walked into the conference room for tactical discussion. It's just that they didn't discuss any tactics, but they played flying chess happily together without being ashamed.

9:30 AM.

Hucheng Gymnasium, the crowd was surging, and the guest commentators from various countries were impassioned and their mouths were flying.

All members of the G2 team have already been in place and have already debugged the equipment.

At this time, all the members of G2 and their bosses were very uneasy. The strength of the Xiaobai team had already caused them a psychological shadow.

Originally they planned, today's game is really not good, they will just surrender after 15 minutes.

After all, they knew that they could not win the Xiaobai team, and there were still two tough battles to fight. Prepare for the next two games.

When the game reached 9:50, the G2 team members sitting on the stage couldn't bear it, and they couldn't help but talk in a low voice.

"Fuck, Xiaobai is too much? Do you look down on us? You don't even do preparation and debugging..." The G2 mid laner couldn't help but say something, how do you say it? He is also a player on top of Europe.

"Don't say it, even DWG has been beaten by their mentality. If we have that strength, we can be as defiant as they are... Stabilize our mentality and don't think too much!"

The coach of G2 patted the mid laner on the shoulder with a wry smile on his face, and said comfortingly.


It was ten o'clock in the morning, which is the time set by the two sides, and the Xiaobai team did not appear on the field alone.

Suddenly, the entire audience, commentators and G2 team members were all stunned.



What the **** is the little white team doing...Aren't you going to come?

Abandon the game?

The scene was noisy and noisy, and the commentators from various countries could only chat awkwardly there.

Only the boss of G2, seeing the time passing by, seemed to understand something in his heart, he couldn't help but sigh softly: "Damn, I met a good person..."

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