Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 915: Can I now brush away with my face?


In Gucci's boutiques, there is indeed a kind of person who can shop directly with just their face, and if they don't have money on hand, they don't even need to pay the bill.

But there are only a few such people, and she also heard the instructor mention it in a training at the headquarters.

At that time, when these store managers were trained, the instructor even joked that they would rather offend the general manager of the Empire Region than to offend the few people who can shop at Gucci.

Because I offended the general manager, at most I was criticized and reduced to a clerk.


This kind of person has a very special identity, but usually rarely appears in Gucci stores. If it wasn't for what Qin Xiaobai said just now, it is estimated that the store manager would not have remembered it at all.

However, for a while she was not sure whether this young and handsome man in front of her had the authority to brush his face, so she had to ask: "Excuse me, sir! Can I excuse me first? Now, I need to check your identity, can you tell me your name?"

"Qin Xiaobai!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't embarrass her, and said his name directly.

Then the store manager nodded to Qin Xiaobai and left in a hurry.

Zhao Qian on the side felt that the attitude of the Gucci store manager was a little inexplicable, but she did not care about it, but looked at Cheng Xiaoguo, and then said:

"Hehe, Cheng Xiaoguo, you are really a good match for him, this little white face won't be too much doted on by you in the past, so you can run the empire with that face, right? "

Then gave Qin Xiaobai a playful look, and then said:

"Handsome guy, you may not know it yet, Cheng Xiaoguo is no longer the star she used to be, and now she can't even get the show, so find the next target as soon as possible..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After Qin Xiaobai heard her words, his face darkened immediately.


Cheng Xiaoguo, who was beside him, saw that Qin Xiaobai's face was not quite right, so he hurriedly said in a low voice, "Qin Xiaobai, let's not have the same knowledge as this kind of person, let's go. Wanqing and the others, forget it..."


After Cheng Xiaoguo heard Zhao Qian's words, she was also very angry, but she didn't want to have the same knowledge as such people. After all, they were artists from the same company, and they directly turned their faces in the public. It will definitely bring reputation damage to the previous artist company.

Although Cheng Xiaoguo has now left her previous artist company, she was not fired by the company as Zhao Qian said, but she took the initiative to terminate the contract with the company.

And after Cheng Xiaoguo was blocked by Yida and Yintai at that time, the owner of the artist company also took the initiative to pay Cheng Xiaoguo a large sum of money privately, so that she could solve the immediate crisis.

Therefore, Cheng Xiaoguo did not want to involve the artist company that was kind to her because of this matter.

Secondly, I was also afraid that Qin Xiaobai's temper would come up, so I couldn't help but beat Zhao Qian to tears in front of everyone, and the situation would be even worse by then It's over.

Afterwards, she whispered a few words in Qin Xiaobai's ear, and told him her concerns.

Qin Xiaobai was a little speechless.

This stupid woman... how can she be just like that stupid girl Su Wanqing, can't she be a little darker than someone Qin?

In the face of this situation, Qin Xiaobai really couldn't bear it, but seeing Cheng Xiaoguo's pleading eyes and pitiful appearance, he couldn't help but move a little bit of pity , After shaking his head, he sighed.

Seeing this, Zhao Qian looked like a rooster that was victorious, smiled proudly, and then said to the clerk: "Some people are finally a little self-aware, forget it, Miss Ben is not The kind of person who finds fault, wrap this watch for me, how much does it cost to swipe the card!"

"Miss... 1.62 million!"

The previous shopping guide saw that the store manager did not come back for a long time. After hesitating for a while, he answered by himself.

"How much?"

After Zhao Qian heard the words of the shopping guide, the card in her hand suddenly stopped in the air, and she didn't dare to hand it over.

"Miss, this watch has a total of 1.62 million!"

Miss shopping guide thought that the other party didn't hear clearly, and smiled and repeated it again.

After hearing the number of 1.62 million again, Zhao Qian couldn't help taking a breath.


Then her face changed slightly, her eyes flickered uncontrollably, obviously a little panicked. After holding it for a long time, she blushed and asked, "I'm a senior VIP, is there a certain discount?"

"This...Miss, this watch is a classic limited edition and is not discounted."

Zhao Qian almost vomited blood on the spot after hearing this.

In that card, there are only about 1.3 million.

She just wanted to stimulate Xiaoguo, and she didn't pay attention to the price of that watch.

"That...I don't have enough money today, or you can keep the things for me, and I will put the card here, okay?"

At this point, Zhao Qian only intends to find a way to go down. After all, the operation was like a tiger just now, and the money she brought in was not enough to pay the bill, it was very embarrassing.

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Looking back at her, he asked, "Hey, do you still want it? Don't I buy it by brushing my face..."

"Did I say no? It's just that I'm in a hurry to go out and I don't have enough money, so I'll go to withdraw the money now, I'll be back in a while, and keep the things for me! Senior VIPs have deferred payment right?"

Zhao Qian blushed. At this time, she was still unwilling to admit defeat and was still talking with her advanced VIP card.

At this moment, the store manager of Gucci came back in a hurry, came to Qin Xiaobai with a very modest look, and said respectfully: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin! We didn't know it was you who came here just now, I apologize for any offenses!"

Qin Xiaobai just smiled when he saw this.

In his current status, he naturally won't bother with a luxury store employee.

"Can I swipe that watch with my face now?"

"When...of course!" The Gucci store manager nodded again and again, then looked at the shopping guide next to him, and instructed: "Xiaoyu, hurry up and wrap it up for Mr. Qin..."

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