Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 916: Give me three more of the same, no, wrap them all up!

Seeing the attitude of the Gucci store manager turned 180 degrees, not only Zhao Qian and Cheng Xiaoguo were stunned, but even the melon eaters in the live broadcast room were also stunned .

What the hell?

This guy can really shop with his face? Isn't this a little bit of a joke...

Soon, the barrage of discussion, like raindrops, covered the entire public screen of Cheng Xiaoguo's live broadcast room.

"Fuck! Who dares to believe this special girl... So handsome can really do whatever he wants?"

"It seems that I'm still too young. I thought the King of Dogs was filling a cup, but I didn't expect that people were just expounding a fact..."

"Hey, I was scared to death just now, I thought Brother Gou was going to be slapped in the face! I couldn't help but take off my pants!"

"Fuck! Brother Xiantian Daoti, aren't you watching the dress-up show in the female anchor's live broadcast room next door? Why did you come to Brother Gou's live broadcast room, we are full of bananas here Police, strictly investigate unlicensed driving, driving indiscriminately!"

"Don't ask, she was showing me the door panel of the fitting room, which made me think it was my coffin lid, so I couldn't take off my pants, so I had to come over and make do with it! "

"I just want to ask, if you look as handsome as the dog emperor, can you go anywhere with your face? I!"

"Hey, brother upstairs, wake up! It's not time to dream... Didn't you say yesterday that your cats disliked you for being ugly and ran away from home? "

"Stop discussing it, I have tried it in the downstairs shop just now, but I was beaten by the boss as a neuropathy, let's not talk about it, I have to apply some white medicine to disinfect it, then the grandson will start Too cruel!"


In front of her, the shopping guide has packed the watch and is about to walk to Cheng Xiaoguo, Zhao Qian was instantly unhappy.

I was going to embarrass Cheng Xiaoguo, but now I was slapped in the face.

Who the **** can stand this?

After it spreads out, she is afraid that she will become a joke in the entertainment industry.

"Hey, you guys are too much, why should I pay later, it's not that I don't want it, so you don't care about senior VIP customers? Today you're going to sell them things I'll call and complain to you right away!"

The corner of Zhao Qian's mouth twitched fiercely a few times, with an angry look on her face, she stared at a few people, and said threateningly.

After listening to her words, the manager of Gucci looked back at her and had to explain:

"Miss, I'm really sorry, this gentleman's identity is our strategic partner of Gucci, even the highest-level VIP customer cannot be compared with his identity.

Not to mention your advanced VIP card, I checked just now, it is not owned by you, so... I'm sorry! "

Originally, this Gucci store manager did not intend to tear his face, but after learning about Qin Xiaobai's identity, she was really a little afraid that what she did just now would anger her to him.

So at this moment, she can only sacrifice Zhao Qian.

Even if she offends the cardholder behind her, at most she will lose a customer...

After listening to the words of the Gucci store manager, Zhao Qian's face twitched like a ripe apple.

She had always said that she was the owner of this card, and as a senior VIP, she demanded to forcibly buy the watch that Cheng Xiaoguo liked.


The manager of Gucci, in front of so many people, exposed his identity as a fake VIP.


Zhao Qian blushed, pointed at a few people, and stammered to say something, but in the end she didn't know what to say.

The ladies who made orders in the store couldn't help but start talking in a low voice.

"Celebrities also use other people's VIP cards, it seems that it is no different from our ordering..."

"Hehe, she was laughing at us for making orders outside just now! Her status as a fake VIP customer doesn't seem to be any better than us!"

"Be quiet, they are stars!"

"Bah, have you ever seen a star who can't even afford a watch?"


Although the discussion was not loud, Zhao Qian could hear it clearly, and the sarcastic words at the moment were like slaps on her face.

Speak up.

She deserves it too, it's not that others have to slap her in the face, it's the equivalent of jumping on her own and forcing others to hit her...

This is it.

Zhao Qian was so ashamed and angry that she no longer had the face to stay in the store. She blushed away from Cheng Xiaoguo and the crowd watching, and hurried out of the store.

To this.

Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to pursue any further, he shook his head and wanted to laugh.

At this moment, Cheng Xiaoguo walked up to him and said softly, "Thank you, Dizhi... Qin Xiaobai!"

However, after thanking, Cheng Xiaoguo suddenly continued: "Now the matter is over, I still don't want this watch, more than 1.6 million, it is too expensive, why don't you Let's give it to Wanqing...she's your girlfriend..."

In the end, Cheng Xiaoguo's voice was very low, and he seemed to be still a little lost.

Qin Xiaobai heard the words, couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her, and asked fiercely: "What are you talking about? Did I say I bought it for you? Just look at the correct prodigal posture, do you think I will only buy one piece?"

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai looked at the store manager of Gucci again, and said, "There are other watches of similar price in the store, give me three more... Forget it, put it Pack all the watches at the counter for me!"

Cheng Xiaoguo: "???"

Gucci Manager: “…”

After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, everyone present was speechless.

Do you want to buy cabbage in the market?

How can anyone buy a watch at Gucci and just empty the counter... Is this guy still a human?

After being stunned for a while, the manager of Gucci asked with some uncertainty: "First...Sir, are you serious?"


Qin Xiaobai replied angrily.

If it were someone else, the Gucci store manager might say something else, but the man in front of him was Gucci's strategic partner after all, so he didn't have any more doubts.

Instructed to the shopping guide beside her: "Xiaoyu, work! Pack all the watches for Mr. Qin!"

"Okay, manager!"

Seeing that the two of them started to get busy, Cheng Xiaoguo was dumbfounded.

At this time, Su Wanqing, Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei had finished trying on the clothes and were walking towards this side.

Cheng Xiaoguo collapsed at the time, walked over and took Su Wanqing's hand, and said nervously: "Wanqing, persuade Qin Xiaobai, he is crazy! Watches, I bought them all, you can take care of him..."

Su Wanqing: "…"

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